Friday, July 10, 2015

My Savior's Touch

My Savior's Touch

Lord, my Savior,
thank You so much
for the comfort . . .
of Your healing touch.

A refreshing balm,
restoring and renewing
a respite for the weary
calming and soothing.

Consoling hands,
a touch so reassuring
there’s nothing to fear
no need for worrying.

A cure-all to strife,
a salve for the soul
one life-giving touch
made my life whole.

Arms of compassion,
extensions of grace
the touch of mercy
an eternal embrace.

Lord, my Savior,
thank You so much
for the cleansing power
in Your healing touch!
Matthew 14:36

“And besought him that they might
only touch the hem of his garment:
and as many as touched were made
perfectly whole.”

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jesus is The Salt in My Life

Jesus is The Salt in My Life

Lord, You're the salt of my life,
You add to it so much flavor
I'm so grateful that I made You
my Lord and eternal Savior.

Everything else around me,
seems so very bittersweet
You are the only one I know
who makes me feel complete.

Looking at the decaying world,
I can't believe where it's headed
and I'm thankful that Your grace
in my heart is forever embedded.

Lord, You are the salt of my life,
You are the one that I truly savor
and I'm so glad You are the one
that gives my life so much flavor.
2 Corinthians 2:14
King James Version

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Saved For His Service

Saved For His Service

Great peace fills the heart
When one's sins are forgiven.
Then do we sit down and wait
Until the day we go to Heaven?

Some get gloriously saved,
But then they sit idly by
Watching others serve Jesus,
But they will not even try.

We are truly saved to serve.
We do not have time to wait.
The fields are ripe for harvest.
Someday it will be too late.

Let us do service for our God.
Tell others the old sweet story
That God sent His only Son
Down from His home in Glory.

Jesus came to die for sinners
Just like you and just like me.
If we accept Jesus, the Savior,
From sin, we'll be set free.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

In the land of IN-Between

In  the land of  In-Between
In the land of In-Between,
I sometimes have to wait
where my faith in the Lord
I ponder and contemplate.

Now, I would rather be an eagle,
whose on the mountain top
but in the land of In-Between
God often makes me stop.

I believe He brings me here,
for His purpose and His will
but when I'm in, In-Between
it's hard to wait and be still.

When God has me stopover,
in the land of In-Between
I know that it is because
on Him, He wants me to lean.

Now when I'm in the valley dark,
and everything is unclear
that is when I know that God
will draw me close and near.

But, being neither here or there,
sometimes makes me doubt
yet I know this is the place
where I need to figure my faith out.

He makes me take a breather,
for He really wants me to learn
what I need to do to change . . .
so that in hell ~ I won't burn.

In the land of In-Between,
there's a lot for me to contemplate
soon I'll have my eagles wings
until then, I must trust and wait!
Isaiah 40:31
King James Version

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength;they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary;and they shall walk,
and not faint."

Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rev . Billy Graham

Rev. Billy Graham

It seems like only yesterday
when I was sitting there
with black and white TV turned on -
where one man came to share...

Connected, were the speakers (to
a single microphone),
that echoed over massive crowds
as seeds of truth were sown.

The seeds from God's own Holy Word
were falling on the ears
of ev'ry soul attending there
throughout those many years.

The overcrowded stadiums
held people, young and old,
who listened quite intently to
the words that they were told... everyone could know the Christ
that He was speaking of.
His sermons were straight-forward, bold
and unabashed with love.

He loved the Christ who lived to help
the poor, the sick, the weak,
who died to save us from our sins,
then rose for those who seek.

Familiar, that distinguished voice
that boldly spoke the truth.
Familiar was that humble man
who loved the aged and youth.

And as the alter call was sang
through tears, "Just As I Am",
repentant souls in thousands came
to be with Billy Graham.

My eyes still well with many tears
as I look back and see
a man who loved as Jesus did
through black and white TV.

It seems like only yesterday
when I was sitting there
with black and white TV turned on -
where one man came to share...
Thank you Rev. Billy Graham
for your many decades
of unselfish, faithful service
preaching His Word that never fades.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless