Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Only Forgotten Son

The Only Forgotten Son

He wasn't what they expected,
or what they thought He should be
and so they rejected . . .
what only their human eyes could see.

They couldn't discern the promise,
for His appearance wasn't kingly
and so they rejected . . .
what their hearts saw so unclearly.

They uprooted Him for fear,
He'd take the "Life from their tree"
and so they rejected . . .
the only one who would set them free.

They detested His lowliness,
a mere servant among the masses
and so they rejected . . .
the Messiah that rode in on an ass.

He once was despised by the crowds,
He is loathed by hoards today
the Only Forgotten Son . . .
the whole world has turned away!
Isaiah 53:2-3
King James Version

"For he shall grow up before him as a
tender plant, and as a root out of a dry 
ground: he hath no form nor comeliness;
and when we shall see him, there is no 
beauty that we should desire him.

He is despised and rejected of men a man 
of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:
and we hid as it were our faces from him;
he was despised,and we esteemed him not."

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Don't You Hear God's Echo?

Don't You Hear God's Echo?

Don't you hear God's echo,
throughout the world today?
Telling those who will listen,
to turn and come His way.

Don't you hear the vibration,
of the warning signs abound?
Giving man another chance,
to turn his life around.

Don't you hear the clamor,
coming off the wailing wall?
Weeping with the purpose,
to receive the anointed call.

Don't you hear the rumble,
as the earth begins to shake?
Trying to get our attention,
to enter through His gate.

Don't you hear the roar,
in the waves upon the shore?
Crashing down around us,
declaring God we can't ignore.

Don't you hear God's echo,
in the thunder up above?
Rebounding with an invitation,
to accept His gift of love!

I Pray

I Pray 

I pray~ you have peace in your spirit,
that God's calmness you may enjoy
that in your daily life there is serenity
I pray ~ God's tranquility to bring you joy.

I pray ~ you have patience in your trials,
that God's right hand will hold you up
that His wings shadow will be your shelter
I pray ~ God to take the burden in your cup.

I pray ~ you'll have praise in your heart,
that your love of the Lord will rise in song
that you will bow down and worship Him
I pray ~ you will exalt God all the daylong.

I pray ~ you'll find purpose for your life,
that your hope in Jesus will see you to the end
that God's blessings will find their way to you
I pray ~ on God you will always depend.

I pray ~ you have passion in your soul,
that God will give you strength and power
that you will be a witness to the world
I pray ~ God to enrich you and to empower.

I pray ~ that prayer is your eternal lifeline,
that God will fulfill all of your needs
that He will send to you His provisions
I pray ~ that to God's will you'll always heed.

I pray~ you have peace in your spirit,
that your praise and love never dies
that you will give your life to only Him
I pray ~ that you never fall for Satan lies!
Ephesians 1:16-17

King James Version 

"Cease not to give thanks for you, making
mention of you in my prayers; That the 
God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father 
of glory, may give unto you the spirit 
of wisdom and revelation in the 
 knowledge of him:"

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tongues Of Fire

Tongues Of Fire

What sounded like a roaring wind
shook the room they gathered in
imagine shock and great surprise
when tongues of fire was their prize

They now proclaimed His glory loud
which drew a large and boisterous crowd
amazed that they could understand
God praised in language from their land

They wondered what those had consumed
at 9 A.M. throughout that room
so Peter stood to set them straight
a gospel story to relate

About the Man they crucified
who paid for all the day He died
then rose to conquer death and sin
appeared to many and their kin

Those hearts were pierced like right away
three thousand added just that day
and many more would follow soon
thanks to the fire in that room

Now if there is a lesson here
please hear my plead which is sincere
the Spirit moves in power still
when we find worshiping a thrill

Then boys and girls will prophesy
old men dream dreams before they die
the young see visions that are clear
both slave and free will be drawn near

A people renewed by tongues of flame
will shake a church that had it tame
and we'll proclaim Jesus is Lord
when greater works have been restored

Monday, May 22, 2017

His Name is Jesus

His Name is Jesus

His name is Jesus,
the bright Morning Star.
He can change your life,
right where you are.

His name is Jesus,
God's one and only Son.
He came to forgive,
each and everyone.

His name is Jesus,
the Savior, the sturdy Rock.
He opens doors,
and hears every knock.

His name is Jesus,
the True Vine and Light.
He will give you victory,
in the battles that you fight.

His name is Jesus,
Immanuel, Prince of peace.
He calms the waters,
and brings sweet release.

His name is Jesus,
The Christ, the Lord of all.
He came to save you,
if only you heed His call.