Friday, February 16, 2018

Five Minutes After I Die Saved

Five Minutes After I Die Saved

Loved ones will watch for the latest breath ;
Tenderly care for the dust of death ;
Joyously speak of the victor’s wreath ,
Five minutes after I die .
Faces of saints who have gone before ;
Anthems of praise on that golden shore ;
Jesus exalted forevermore
Five minutes after I die .

Here, as a pilgrim and stranger I’ve ranged
Staff in my hand ,to the world estranged ;
Then ,pilgrim days past –oh what a change !
Five minutes after I die .

Perfect the conscience that once sin stirred ;
The blood has atoned ,and its voice is heard ;
Welcomed are all who believed God’s Word ,
Five minutes after I die .
Mated for aye to heaven’s glad throng ,
Long is eternited ,but not too long –
“Praise to the Lamb once slain ,”my glad song ,
five minutes after I die  .

Oh, what a prospect !The Word is true ;
Trusting the Saviour ,and born anew ,
Heaven I enter ,God’s glory to view ,
Five minutes after I die .
I am not flinging a fortune away :
I have believed in salvation’way :
God will fulfil what His Word doth say ,
Five minutes after I die .

Thanks be to Jesus for pardon free !
He paid my debt on Mt Calvary’s tree .
Paradise gates will enfold even me ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Oh marvelous grace that has rescued me !
Oh joyous moment when Jesus I see !

Oh happy day when like Him I’ll be .

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Five minutes After I die Lost :

Five minutes After I die Lost :

Loved ones will weep o’er my silent face ;
Dear ones will clasp me in sad embrace ;
Shadows and darkness will fill the place  ,
Five minutes after I die .
Faces that sorrow I will not see ;
Voices that murmur will not reach me ;
But where ,oh,where will my spirit be ,
Five minutes after I die .

Here ,I have rested ,and roved , and ranged ;
Here , I have cherished ,and grown estranged .
There ,and then, it will all be changed ,
Five minutes after I die .
Naught to repair the good I lack ;
Fixed to  the goal of my chosen track;
No room to repent – no turning back ,
Five minutes after I die !

Now ,I can strife cnvictions stirred ;
Now ,I can silence the voice oft heard ;
Then ,the fulfillment of God’s sure Word,
Fives minutes  after I die .
Mated for aye with my chosen throng ;
Long is eternity ,oh so long !
Then woe is me if my soul is wrong ,
Five minutes after I die .

Oh ,what a fool ! Hard the word , but true ,
Passing the Saviour , with hell in view ,
Doing a thing I can ne’er undo ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Since I am flinging a fortune away ;
Since I am wasting salvation’s day ,
“just is my sentence,” my soul shall say ,
Fives minutes after I die .

Wednesday, February 14, 2018



 Seated one day at the organ ,
I was weary and ill at ease ,
And my fingers wandered idly
Over the noisy keys .

I do not know what I was playing ,
Or what I was dreaming then ;
But I struck one chord of music ,
Like the sound of a great Amen .

It flooded the crimson twilight
Like the close of an angel’s Psalm ,
And it lay on my fevered spirit
With a touch of infinite calm .

It quieted pain and sorrow ,
Like love overcoming strife ;
It seemed the harmonious echo
From our discordant life .

It linked all perplexed meanings
Into 0one perfect peace ,
And trembled always into silence ,
As if it were loth to cease .

I have sought ,but I seek it vainly ,
That one lost chord divine ,
Which came from the soul of the organ ,
And entered into mine .

It may be that Death’s bright angel
Will speak in that chord again ,-
It may be that only in Heaven
I shall hear that grand Amen .
Jan Bagwell



The word of God came unto to me ,
Sitting alone among the multitudes;
And my blind eyes were touched with light .
And there was laid upon my lips a flame of fire .

I laugh and shout ,for life is good ,
Though my feet are set in silent ways .
In merry mood I leave the crowd
To walk in my garden . Ever as I walk
I gather fruits and flowers in my hands .
And with joyful heart I bless the sun
That kindles all the place with radiant life .
I run with playful winds that blow the scent

Of rose and jessamine in eddying whirls .
At last I come where tall lilies grow ,
Lifting their faces like white saints to God .
While the lilies pray ,I kneel upon the ground ;
I have strayed into the holy temple of the Lord .

Tuesday, February 13, 2018



The spacious firmament on high ,
With all the blue ethereal sky ,
And spangled heavens ,a shining frame ,
Their great Original proclaim .
The unwearied sun from day to day
Does his Creator’s power display ,
And publishes to every land
The work of an almighty Hand .

Soon as the evening shades prevail ,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale ,
And nightly ,to the listening earth ,
Repeats the story of her birth ;
Whilst all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets in their turn ,
Confirm the tidings as they roll ,
And spread the truth from pole to pole

What though in solemn silence all
Move round the dark terrestrial ball ?
What though nor real voice nor sound
Amid their radiant orbs be found ?
In reason’s ear they all rejoice ,
And utter forth a glorious voice ,
For ever singing as they shine ,
“The Hand that made us is divine ! ”

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Dark Shadows Fall in the Lives of us All :

Dark Shadows Fall in the Lives of us All :

Sickness and sorrow
come to us all ,
But through it we grow
and learn to stand tall ,
Far trouble is part and parcel of life
and  no man can grow
without struggle and strife ,
And the more we endure
with patience and grace
 The stronger we grow
and the more we can face ,
And the more we can face ,
the greater our love ,
And with love in our hearts
we are more conscious of
The pain and the sorrow
in lives everywhere ,
So it is through trouble
that we learn how to share .

Jan Bagwell