Friday, April 18, 2014

Garnet Colored Ribbons

Garnet Colored Ribbons

Our royal inheritance
Tied with bow
When from His wounds
The blood did flow

Each drop ran beneath
The thorny crown
Garnet colored ribbons
Came cascading down

Arms open wide
He understood
Nails driven through flesh
Deep into wood

When they lifted His cross
Put it into place
He looked over the crowd
And saw my face

He willingly died
I was filled with shame
He saved me from all
He took the blame

When He took
His last breath
Salvation came
Through His death

I accepted His gift
No man could tear apart
Garnet colored ribbons
Now cascade, through my heart
Jan Bagwell
God Bless  !!

Thursday, April 17, 2014




With hair too long and scruffy
And dark was his course beard
Appearance did not matter
Glowing, brilliant, he appeared

I thought he might be homeless
His clothes quite dirty too
He must have come a long way
The words he spoke were true

I welcome him in my home
"Come in and take a seat"
A sip to quench a deep thirst
We begin, I wash his feet

I offer to him, my hand
We talk just like close friends
I told of my offenses
With forgiveness, he will mend

My gaze fell on my Savior
My eyes fill up with tears
I know my spirit's changed now
I gave to him my years

We sign a living contract
Upon my beating heart
Now, Holy Spirit lives in me
We'll never be apart

Someday we'll live with our Lord
New flesh to house my soul
I'll serve my God forever
With Satan caged, below

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, April 16, 2014



A crown of thorns..with bleeding stripes
The Lamb of God ..the sacrifice
Nailed to a agony
He knew this was His destiny..
He lived to high a cost
To save a world..dying ... lost..
To build a bridge...from God to man..
Each nail that pierced..part of His plan..
Each sin upon His shoulders laid
With each drop of blood ..the debt was paid

From sinless, spotless...holy..pure
To vile offender..hanging there..
Silently He bore our shame...
His shattered body..scarred and maimed..
From heaven to on that tree..
A death so set us free..
Left all alone to bear our sins..
No Father there to comfort Him..
As darkness spread across the sky..
It is finished was His cry..
His job was done..
He lived to die.

But the beginning.. not the end..
He died but lives ..risen again.
Death couldn't keep Him in the grave...
The war is over..the debt is paid.

He broke the chains and set us free..
That day He won the victory.
Now in heaven He reigns on High
But He'll be back..a second time..
He's coming then to take us home..
In a blaze of glory all His own..
And there we'll worship at His feet..
When on that day we finally meet..
Our Savior..our sacrifice..
Our All in All..

Holy ..Holy the Lamb..
Hallelujah to the Great I AM!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Resurrection Day

Resurrection Day

The cattle were quiet
The night clear
Stars all around
The moon so near

Soon the day would begin
By the old mission they'd go
Along the long, dusty trail
Maybe an hour or so

At the old church
A sun baked padre sat
Waving to us
With an old frayed hat

"Buenos dias senor
Come refresh your horse
Sit in the shade
Before resuming your course"

Stopped at the well
Drank the cool water
Thanked the padre
"Da Nada, no bother

But senor can you help
Take a look in the cave
Tell me what you see
Then be on your way"

So I looked in the hole
Empty I say
"Gloria a Dios"
He had to say

"Glory to God?"
"Yes, my dear son
The tomb is empty
There is no one

Just like 2000 years ago
When they put Jesus away
After they crucified him
On that terrible dark day

But in 3 days he arose
Raised from the dead
By his father's power
Just like he said"

A man loses time
Pushing up the trail
No time to waste
No time to fail

"Senor, shall we pray?"
The padre on his knees
Doffed my cowboy hat
Heard him say, "Please

Keep this cowpoke
Safe with your strong arm
As he faces his life
Keep him from harm

May he know an empty tomb
Means everlasting life
Free of sin and hate
Fear, envy and strife

Let the resurrection
Be within his heart
Way down deep
Where love can start"

When I opened my eyes
The padre was walking away
"Vaya Con Dios cowboy
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Resurrection Day

by Ron Secoy

The cattle were quiet
The night clear
Stars all around
The moon so near

Soon the day would begin
By the old mission they'd go
Along the long, dusty trail
Maybe an hour or so

At the old church
A sun baked padre sat
Waving to us
With an old frayed hat

"Buenos dias senor
Come refresh your horse
Sit in the shade
Before resuming your course"

Stopped at the well
Drank the cool water
Thanked the padre
"Da Nada, no bother

But senor can you help
Take a look in the cave
Tell me what you see
Then be on your way"

So I looked in the hole
Empty I say
"Gloria a Dios"
He had to say

"Glory to God?"
"Yes, my dear son
The tomb is empty
There is no one

Just like 2000 years ago
When they put Jesus away
After they crucified him
On that terrible dark day

But in 3 days he arose
Raised from the dead
By his father's power
Just like he said"

A man loses time
Pushing up the trail
No time to waste
No time to fail

"Senor, shall we pray?"
The padre on his knees
Doffed my cowboy hat
Heard him say, "Please

Keep this cowpoke
Safe with your strong arm
As he faces his life
Keep him from harm

May he know an empty tomb
Means everlasting life
Free of sin and hate
Fear, envy and strife

Let the resurrection
Be within his heart
Way down deep
Where love can start"

When I opened my eyes
The padre was walking away
"Vaya Con Dios cowboy
On resurrection day"
Please contact Ron Secoy at "" to request permission to use this poem.
- See more at:

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hallelujah! Christ Arose!

Hallelujah! Christ Arose!

Furry bunnies and Easter eggs
Are for children to have fun,
But will they hear the story
Of God's holy resurrected Son?

Baskets and chocolate bunnies
May also enter the Easter scenes,
But let's make sure the children
Know what Easter really means.

Christ Jesus died for our sins,
But that's not the end of the story.
He arose from the dead and the grave
Before He soon went back to Glory.

The Easter season is a good time
To let Jesus' light shine through.
Tell others that He died for us,
And that He was resurrected too.

Yes, the Savior died for everyone.
This is what I have already said,
But praise God! And hallelujah!
He also rose up from the dead!

May God bless us all at Easter.
It is a happy time of the year,
When we celebrate the Resurrection
Of our precious Savior so dear.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !