Friday, April 4, 2014

The Stairway to God

The Stairway to God

Hundreds have stared in awe today
Light filtered down in Divine array
Golden stairs appeared in the sky
Tears of joy flowed from every eye.

On this exquisite Resurrection morn
A family prayed, then became reborn
Angels sang of His amazing love
Breathtaking was the fiery sky above.

There stood in solitude for all to see
A Cross tells the story of Christ to me
Our Pastor brushed his tear away
Preached a perfect message this day.

When the stairway to the heavens came
Voices spoke and cried His holy name
His presence held a vigil in the air
Christians prayed to Him a prayer.

Oh, I thought surely He might come
The stairway opened the hearts of some
But He waits for there are more
That long to walk through heaven's door.

How many days will pass us by?
In my soul there is the deepest sigh
For our loved ones are everywhere
Simply waiting for a moment to share.

This painting in the sky will remind
So many hearts need to seek and find
Jesus lingers in the sky for now
Someday soon every knee will bow.

The stairway, oh how it calls to me
Lord hear my prayer that I may see
My loved ones walking up that stair
To meet God the Father waiting there.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Prayer is communication between man and God. A family that incorporates prayer into their lifestyle are giving the ultimate gift to themselves. Life is difficult and suffering is an inevitable part of life. A family that prays knows that they can turn to God and be accepted and loved for who they are. Every human being needs to turn to God with his or her triumphs and failures and know that life is meaningful. A family that prays together has the ultimate support system.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Rise and Shine ! (The Dream)

-Rise and Shine- (The Dream)

You ruffled your nest the night before
Turned off the light, shut the door
So tired of the daily heap
That closes in and robs your sleep
You tucked your child into bed
He said his prayers, laid down his head
You filled his basket to the brim
Does the Easter Bunny take away from Him?
You thought to yourself as you closed your eyes
So unaware of the night's surprise
That would climb inside your deepest dream
Some things are not the way they seem

You find yourself on a mountain top
So far away from a bunny's hop
Off in the distance you see a tomb
Where light pours out, there is no room
No room to contain the power inside
The darkness had to run and hide
And there beside a sun risen sky
Something else caught your eye
A Man in white rises above
A familiar face you've grown to love
He sits right next to the Father's throne
You realize you are not alone
There beside you jumping in bed
You feel your child's tousled head
A basket of candy, chocolates and eggs
Jostle you, along with legs
"Happy Easter," says your boy
The Easter Bunny brings him joy

Back on earth, awakened from dream
You know the Father reigns supreme
You hug your son making sure he knows
That Jesus died, and Jesus rose
And that's one thing no man can stop
No matter where the bunnies hop
You smile to yourself, and rub your eyes
Then out of bed, you both do rise
Rise and shine to a brand new day
The Light of Christ will lead the way...
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I am a Blessed man , I have been saved by  Grace  thru the Blood of Jesus the Christ ,Heaven will be my home.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I'lll Be Looking For You

I'lll Be Looking For You

I'll be Looking for You
When the trumpet shall sound
and I rise from the ground...
as the Heavens depart like a scroll;
When I sail through the air
I'll remember this prayer;
For I'm praying today for your soul.

I'll be looking for you
when life's journey is through
and all burdens have vanished away.
Now, I'm asking the Lord
and my whole heart is poured
in this prayer I am praying today.

Will you meet me someday
in that Home far away...
with no heartache nor sorrow to bear?
In those Mansions Sublime...
May yours be next to mine.
If we never meet me there.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
God answers our prayers
not because we pray so good
but because He is a great God
and answers like He said He would
It's not flowery words or phrasing
that gets His attention to hear
but a sincere heart that seeks Him
is when He draws near
God listens to all our groanings
and knows our every need
He hears the cry of the poor and needy
and with compassion will take heed

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sunshine Behind The Clouds

Sunshine Behind The Clouds

Sometimes it's hard to feel cheerful
When it's raining and gloomy outside,
But I remember there's still sunshine
That these rain clouds only hide.

The rain cannot take away the joy
That my Jesus put way down deep.
Rain may come, and rain may go,
But the joy of Jesus I will keep.

There is a good reason, I know
For God to send the earth rain.
If I experienced a serious drought,
I guess I would surely complain.

Yes, somewhere else the sun shines
The same time it is raining here,
As the love of God shines in my heart.
It can always fill me with cheer.

Thank you for the rain, dear Lord,
And thank you for the sunshine too.
Thank you for all your blessings
That You give us every day anew.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 
 “People have a hunger to experience the spectacular, but the Lord is supernatural.”

Monday, March 31, 2014

Walk The Talk

Walk The Talk

Love is a tough word for men made of steel.
Some cannot say it - despite how they feel.
And way down inside, you'll find at the core,
that few can love higher than dog fleas soar.

Some utter their love in flowers and smiles.
There are many words and so many styles.
Some share their feelings with tears in one eye,
while others share thoughts in endless supply....

Talk is so shallow - it's easier said,
than walking the talk, and 'doing' instead.
When we are confronted with our simple trials,
do we drag our cross and for how many miles?

A cross is a menace that scoffs in our ear.
We wish every time it would just disappear;
but if our love's real - and fills us inside,
A cross surely conquers when we are denied.

For there was a Man that lived long ago,
who gave so much more - than we'll ever know.
He shared with the children, women and men,
and taught us all how - to love once again

There wasn't a record of "fanciful" talk,
but rather, instead, of unselfish walk.
While prayers were sincere to His Father above,
mere words didn't finish His dutiful love.

He spoke not a word - defending His own,
and faithfully walked each step all alone.
We cannot imagine the pain He endured,
and from the soldiers, the scoffing He heard.

Mere words had been spoken and all had seemed lost,
but actions spoke louder than two timbers crossed.
For love did not lose to the cross in that war -
-because Jesus yet lives and that cross is no more.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !