Thursday, July 18, 2019

Resting My Faith

Resting My Faith

I'll rest my Faith in you through the storm
As I cry out to you Oh sweet Lord
If your voice can calm a raging sea
Cease my thoughts and speak peace through me.

When the sea rises above my head
I'll swim to you no matter the depth
Focus my heart on you till the end
I see you my Lord, beloved great friend.

I'll never take my eyes off you God
Trusting you will take me far beyond
Walking on water to be in your arms
The waves may crash, but my heart is calm.

I'll rest my Faith in you through the storm
Conquering all that the sea will form
No matter the battle, no matter the war
True peace in Jesus is worth fighting for.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

In God's Sanctuary

In God's Sanctuary
God has blessed me with sanctuary
for when the demons inside come to play
leading me from the voluptuary
I walk with the Lord so there's no dismay
The Lord's sanctum, like a suit of armor
shielding all the attacks by the devil
unaware, God's filling me with ardor
wending me from, traveling in peril
This protection only our Lord can give
a gift reassuring I'll make it home
so without the fear my life I will live
now my destination's known I'll not roam
In God's warm embrace is where I belong
Keeping my spirit elated and strong

How Often Have You Come to Me

How Often Have You Come to Me

I snatched stuff shiny down in their dirt
And asked the gods, what is it worth?
Retorts and smiles shot from their faces
To you, to us, or in these places?

‘Twas then I knew there must be more
My pockets full and wretched poor
I set my course for a beacon bright
On a golden shore into the light

I left those gods on a slippery shore
Their seductive lies I’ll hear no more
I steer the way over tossing foam
And veer to stay on my heading home

You stood for me since I’ve been astray
I’ve seen the light; I’ve come your way
I kneel and bow to accept your grace
For you forgive what I can’t erase

You pardoned me like a prodigal son
With pressing debt and payment none
In sweet relief each passing day
I thank you Lord; You lead the way

Lord help me heed when you call on me
With a heart to hear and a will to see
Find faith that’s strong when times are tough
And a prayer to say when I’ve had enough

When day is done and my work here over
And they lower me down beneath the clover
I’ll sleep in peace and await the day
When they call me out and then I’ll say

You pardoned me like a prodigal son
With pressing debt and payment none
In sweet relief each passing day
I thank you Lord; You lead the way

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Idle Hands

Idle Hands

I’m born again, with praise rejoice 
For He the work has done, 
And since in Him it’s all complete, 
Wake me when Jesus comes 

This rest within means rest without 
I’ll twiddle here my thumbs 
For someone must needs stand on guard 
To see when Jesus comes 

Before you get the strange idea 
That I’m a lazy bum, 
Or that in my ingratitude 
I wait for Christ to come 

Repeat with me the glad refrain 
Which brings us to the sum 
We’re saved by grace and not by works 
Rest on ‘til Christ will come 

I hope in my sarcastic tone
You see I’m coming from
The place where grateful followers
Will work ‘til Jesus comes

Not working now to earn a place
That Christ already won
But toiling out of thankfulness
Until His kingdom come

Don’t rest upon your laurels here
Press on to reach the goal
Not to improve what Christ has done
But prove He saved your soul

It must be asked, How is one saved?
By grace with all its perks
We’re saved to serve the One we love
With thanks expressed through works

Monday, July 15, 2019

The End Times

The End Times

The days are hot
The ways are not 
The words are false
And brings distraught 

The end is near 
But do not fear
The Lord is here 
Be of good cheer 

Be steadfast 
Finish the race 
Don't lose out 
Go in His Grace
And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice
to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.
Exodus 5:2