Friday, December 11, 2015

Twelve Christmas Angels

Twelve Christmas Angels

Twelve Christmas Angels
Twelve Christmas angels met
Up near the Milky Way;
To discuss why joy was missing,
From the Christmas holiday.

It gave them so much sadness,
As they tracked the negative trend;
So each decided to do their part,
To bring this madness to an end.

Angel one would touch memories,
Reminding of the blessings of life;
Angel two would tenderize hard hearts,
Removing bitterness and strife.

Angel three would gather families,
From far reaches of the earth;
Then stir feelings of love and peace,
Giving hope and joy new birth.

Angel four would return Merry
And Christ to holiday greetings.
Angel five would clear calendars,
To make time for family meetings.

Angels six would flame enthusiasm,
Angels seven would spread cheer;
Angel eight would grow generosity,
Angel nine would diminish fear.

Angel ten would dispel darkness,
By lighting colorful decorations;
Angel eleven would draw the lonely,
To warm and friendly celebrations.

Angel twelve would have the hardest job,
Bringing wonder back to each heart;
And reminding all the people,
Of how Christmas had its start.

So with haste they met the challenge,
And made everything all right;
They restored the joy and happiness,
Before that Christmas night.

So Merry Christmas then to one and all,
May every tongue employ;
And thank you Christmas angels,
For bringing back the Christmas joy!

Jan Bagwwell
God Bless !!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christmas: When Your Heart Grows Three Sizes

Christmas: When Your Heart Grows Three Sizes

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

In Dr. Seuss’ classic Christmas tale, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch suffers from having a small heart. The source of his heart problem is his lack of understanding the meaning of Christmas. As the story goes, the Grinch tries to put a stop to Christmas, but in the end, he comes to understand what Christmas is all about and his heart grows three sizes! This heart change makes a big difference in his life.

I’m not sure what Dr. Seuss’ intentions were when he wrote the story back in 1957, but it certainly comes across as a Christian parable to me that parallels the change that takes place in a person’s life when he or she comes to understand the true meaning of Christmas: the birth of Jesus, God’s Son, who was born to save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). When the light of the Good News of Jesus dawns upon the heart of a person, God replaces the old heart of stone, with a new, fleshy heart – and a new person emerges. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

“Welcome Christmas – While we stand – Heart to heart – And hand in hand.”[1] It might just make all the difference in the world.

Holy Child of Bethlehem,
Descend to us, we pray;
Cast out our sin and enter in;
Be born in us today!

We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell;
O come to us, abide with us,
Our Lord Emmanuel!
(from O Little Town of Bethlehem)

We celebrate Christmas because of the power Jesus brought to change our hearts.

Going Deeper:

Give an example of a time when you changed your mind about something.
How did the words or actions of others influence your change of heart?
Towards the end of the story “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” what happened that caused the Grinch to change his mind about Christmas? What lessons might we learn from the story?
How has understanding the true meaning of Christmas made a difference in your life?
Family Time: Gather your family together and watch the classic half-hour Christmas cartoon, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Then, using the content above, lead your family in a discussion about how Jesus has the power to change our hearts.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas !

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Rustle a Wing

The Rustle a Wing

Life is a narrow vale
Between the barren peaks
Of two eternities ,

We strive in vain to look beyond the heights
We cry aloud and the only answer
Is the echo of our wailing cry.
From the unreplying dead
There comes no answer .

But in the night of death
Hope sees a star ,
And listening love
Can hear the rustle of a wing .
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


In Me...

In me I am Him I am strong,
In me I am Him I belong,
In me I am Him I've no fear,
In me I am distant, in Him I am near.
In me I am Him I'm revived,
In me I am Him I'm alive,
In me I'm Him I do wait,
In me it's an Him I'm not fake.
In me I am Him I find peace,
In me I'm Him never cease,
In me I have Him I feel calm,
In me I say can' Him I say can.
In me I don't Him I rely,
In me I give Him I will try,
In me I am Him I will swim,
In me I'm so guilty....In him I've no sin.
In me I am Him I stand still
In me I am Him do his will,
In me I'm in Him I'm in light,
In me I give Him I will fight.
In me I am reckless...In Him I do care,
In me I'm Him I am fair.
In me I feel Him I believe,
In me there's no point unless He's with me.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Bell Ringer

The Bell Ringer

In front of the store
Sits a wrinkled old man
Weathered of life
Wrinkled of hand
Ringing a bell
Projecting a smile
A far away family
Many a mile
He's a part of the festivities
The holidays, the mood
Shoppers rush by
Appearing to be rude
But still the bell ringer
Rings the bell
Ringing in the present
There's a future to foretell
If no one drops a coin
Or tosses a buck
Many unfortunates
Down on their luck
Won't get a present
Or a tasty turkey dinner
Yet, the person who is serving
Is really the winner

A woman in a hurry
Spots the old man
Weathered of life
Wrinkled of hand
She stops by to talk
Though she hasn't much time
Since when did being thoughtful
Become such a crime
She pats him on the back
He has stories to tell
He shares them for a while
Then starts ringing the bell
The woman in a hurry
Smiles with a wink
Together they shared
A holiday drink
Not one with wine
Whiskey or beer
But a holiday drink
Of good will and good cheer

What is the purpose?
My friend, you might say
If by serving yourself
You're in your own way
The holidays are not
Just about feeding you
But making sure that others
Are eating too
Not only during the holidays
But throughout the year
Every servant should serve
God makes that real clear
The bell ringer rang
Till the department store closed
The shift of the bell ringer
Comes and goes

He went home to a mattress
That lies on the floor
Pajamas with holes
Were the night clothes he wore
He thanked the Lord humbly
For the food on his plate
Though a roll and some rice
Were all that he ate
He bowed his head in prayer
Then slipped off to sleep
In God's Holy Place
He sees this and weeps
But God hears the bells
That the bell ringer rings
He sees all the good
That the bell ringer brings

God saw the bell ringer
And the woman who stopped to talk
Each one a servant
Walking the walk
A servant lives to serve
Not to be served like kings
And it's truly in service
That the bell ringer rings...
Jan Bagwell
God Bless