Saturday, November 19, 2016

Our Golden Years Prayer Warriors

Our Golden Years Prayer Warriors

We all have saints in our churches,
Who have reached their golden years.
They have grown old while serving God
Through blessings as well as tears.

Many are so physically disabled,
That they seem so frail and so weak.
We don't expect them to do any work,
Though little tasks they may seek.

Many dear precious saints of God
Are great prayer warriors of care.
They can't do the work they once did,
But they can spend time in prayer.

"I can't visit for Jesus anymore,"
I heard one senior saint say,
"But I think about the ones who do,
And for these Christians, I pray."

Prayer warriors make a difference
As they pray for a special need.
They are so valuable in our midst.
They are precious to us indeed.
Jan Bagwell 

God Bless rayer Warriors

Thursday, November 17, 2016

He Can

He Can!

He can charm the dew off the honeysuckle
Speak and flower blossoms grow.
Cause fruit to appear on a dried up twig
My child, oh did you not know?

He can hold the world in the palm of his hand
Form the seasons and the times
Hang a rainbow of color out in the sky
Promising no more rain of this kind.

He can change the sparrow's flight into an eagle's
At the whisper of his mighty voice
He can cause the tree of palm to dance
With one angelic choice.

He can cause galaxies to rise and sing
Call each star by its given name
Hang worlds unknown out into space
Where they shall forevermore remain.

He can hold back the ocean with a touch of his hand
Speak and stars fall to the ground
Mention his name and a hurricane stops
And does not whisper another sound.

He can speak life into a barren soul
Cause it to be fruitful and to grow
At the sound of his gentle heartbeat
Oceans quiet their raging flow.

He can send life into a wilted flower
Send rain upon the land
My God can do all of these things
He is the God who can!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sleep With Peace of Mind

Sleep With Peace of Mind

As I bowed down on my knees, I put my head upon my bed,
I talked with the Lord, and these are the words I said.

"Father, I put my trust in You as I prepare to go to bed and sleep,
While rejoicing in knowing that through the night, my soul You will safely keep."

"I will lie down and sleep in peace, while having no fears of any kind,
Since Your always being with me, always brings me great peace of mind."

"Thank You for the Holy Spirit within me, which You sent from heaven above,
Because He surrounds me with His holy presence and His great protective shield of love."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Clouds of Grace

Clouds of Grace

The seconds seem to march on by
as I lay in my bed.
The still, dark room surrounds me as
life's chaos fills my head.

I sought God's great forgiveness here
and prayed His 'will' be done.
I sought His endless blessings too -
His each and every one.

Awakened in the dead of night
brings pain and misery.
Those pins and needles sting me like
a million honey bee.

There's something in my eyes that runs
right down my wrinkled cheeks.
The seconds turn to minutes and
then hours into weeks.

The weeks turn into months and years
as I lay on my bed.
I hear the ticking of the clock
as life hangs by a thread.

A thread that is so fragile and
holds every thought that comes -
and pounds into my painful ears
like noisy, marching drums.

I try to shut my eyes and sleep,
but through the pain and flack -
my tears still win the battle, though
I've tried to hold them back.

My head begins exploding with
anxiety attack,
but so as not to live regret
I yank my muscles back.

This horrid pain has hit me like
a ton or two of brick -
that brings more torture to my ears
with every single 'tick'.

I sought God's will through faithful hope
but must accept this quest -
that when my fragile thread does snap,
I find that God has blessed.

Not maybe how I thought He would -
because this world harms.
But when that fragile thread does snap -
I'll find I'm in His arms.

For Christ endured this torture too.
He knows just how I feel.
So faithfully He carries me
and brings my heart to heal.

He holds me up, takes tension off
that single fragile thread,
so I can float on clouds of grace
that quell my pain instead.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, November 14, 2016



We listen to claims in their heated debates,
Searching for hope in the embers.
We’re fearful their platforms are sealing our fates;
Jargon that no one remembers.

The promises made do not calm or relieve;
Knowing it’s votes they’re pursuing.
With media’s hype, don’t know what to believe;
Hoping it’s not our undoing.

We’ve traveled so far from the path, now we’re lost;
Chasing our purpose and pleasure!
Corruption and greed; do we notice the cost?
Not when we’re guarding our treasure.

So change is our goal as we cast our one vote,
Hoping we’ll make the right choices.
We pray for their chances, however remote;
Grasping for change with our voices.

Regardless of outcome when votes have been cast;
Feelings of joy or complaining.
Our hope is eternal, his rule is so vast;
Ever our Jesus is reigning.

The King of all kings and the Lord of all lords;
Sovereign purpose revealing.
He’s ruling the nations as His will accords;
All in the end will be kneeling.

So make your selections with wisdom and prayer,
Finally end all this dueling.
Be anxious for nothing by casting your care;
Trusting that Jesus is ruling.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless