Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Occupied And Reserved

Occupied And Reserved

Think of those mansions in Heaven
That Jesus went back to prepare.
There is really nothing on earth
For those mansions to compare.

There are two categories of mansions
In that great Heavenly land so fair.
They are "occupied" and "reserved"
With rooms we will not have to share.

In some of those occupied mansions,
I have many loved ones so dear.
They may say, "She has one reserved.
She's so old; Why isn't she here?"

To those loved ones, I must say,
"I am anxious to arrive there too,
And maybe my mansion up in Glory
Sits just a little close to you!"

God of The Empty Tomb

God of The Empty Tomb

In moments of life's emptiness,
Discouragement, and dismal gloom,
My spirit rises up to thank
The God of the Empty Tomb!

When darkness was at its deepest
As Jesus hung on Calvary tree,
He obeyed His Father's Great Will
�He willingly died for me.

The Power men had neglected
Revealed His Holy Presence clear�
In darkness, the earth heaved and shook,
As scoffers ran off in fear.

Yet, the Light of this bleeding Christ
Beamed across Death's dismal world�
The Sacrificial Lamb lived again
As Eternal Life unfurled!

Jesus endured suff'ring and death
�His Divine Mission completed.
How precious that through years of time,
His Redemption is repeated.

His Love out-lasts all other loves!
His Holy Light dispels Death's gloom!
He is now�and ever shall be
Lord God of the Empty Tomb!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Everyone Needs The Savior

Everyone Needs The Savior

Everyone has certain physical needs
In order to sustain life on the earth.
Everyone must have food and water,
Starting with one's physical birth.

What about needs in our spiritual life?
That part of us is important too.
Our souls will go to Heaven or Hell
After our life on earth is through.

"When I die, I want to go to Heaven."
That should be everybody's goal.
Jesus the Savior died for our sins,
And God can save our sin-sick soul.

The rich may feel they have all things,
And that they lack no needs at all,
But money can't buy eternal life.
Upon the Savior, they must call.

Everyone needs Jesus , the Savior,
Whether one is rich or is very poor.
The well educated need the Savior.
We all need Jesus! That's for sure!

If you have never accepted Jesus,
He wants you to call upon Him today.
Ask Him to forgive you of your sins.
He will come into your heart to stay.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Jesus Is Alive Forever More

Jesus Is Alive Forever More

They crucified Jesus, our Savior
On a cross on Mount Calvary.
He shed His blood for our sins.
He died for you, and He died for me.

They laid Him in a borrowed tomb
And rolled a stone upon the door.
They thought, "That's the end of Him,
We will hear from Him no more."

Three days later in the morning
Near the breaking of that day,
Some loved ones visited His grave,
And the great stone was rolled away.

Behold! They found an empty tomb.
Where had they taken Jesus so dear?
The angels announced to them,
"He is risen! Jesus is not here!"

Praise God! Our Savior arose!
Yes, He is alive forever more!
If you've never accepted Him,
He's knocking at your heart's door.