Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Wishes

New Year’s Wishes

What shall I wish thee ?
Treasures of earth ?
Songs in the springtime ,
Pleasures and mirth ?
Flowers on the pathway ,
Skies ever clear ?
Would this insure thee
A Happy New Year?

What shall I wish thee ?
What can be found
Bringing thee sunshine
All the year ‘ round ?
Where is the treasure ,
Lasting and dear ,
That shall ensure thee
A Happy New Year ?

Faith that increaseth
Walking in light ;
Hope that aboundeth
Happy and bright ;
These shall ensure thee
A Happy New Year .

Peace in the Savior ,
Rest at His feet ,
Smile of His countenance
Radiant and sweet ,
Joy in His presence !
Christ ever near !
This will ensure thee
A Happy New Year !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Facing A New Year

Facing A New Year
I know not what awaited me
As dawns another year
The path untrod I can not see
Yet knows my heart no fear .
Though dark the path may be , or light ,
A smooth or rugged way ,
I ever shall be led aright
While I for guidance pray .
I know not whether short or long
My pilgrimage may be ,
I’ll daily praise my Lord in song
For all His love to me .
And as the years shall onward roll
And day by day be mine ,
I’ll seek to lead some precious soul
To Christ , the way divine .
My God shall be my strength and stay
While sojourning here below
He will supply my need always
His Word assures me so .
With joy I greet the opening year ,
It cannot bring me ill .
Since Christ , my Lord is ever near ,
My soul with peace to fill .”

Farewell , Old Year
With goodness crowned ,
A Hand divine hath set thy bound ;
Welcome the New Year
Which shall bring
Fresh blessings from
My Lord and King .
The Old we enter without a tear ,
The New we enter without fear .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
“ The Lord thy God , He it is that doth go with thee ; He will not fail thee , nor forsake thee .” Deut . 31:6

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Year Book

My Year Book
The Master gave a “ book to me
With pages pure and white ;
And then He said , “ Most carefully
Upon it you must write .”

“No blot should mar a single page ,
Of such a volume fair ,
Each word you write will always stay ,
Forever entered there.”

For twelve brief months the “Book” was mine
And then He came once more ;
To give a new one all unsoiled ,
As He had done before .

He took the “Book” away from me
Although I begged of Him ,
For just a moment more of time –
I’d fill it to the brim ,

With effort to correct a page ,
To cancel each bad spot ;
But opportunity was gone ,
Old years cannot be bought .

A New Year lies before me now ,
It’s pages clean and white ;
“ Dear Lord ,” I cry ,”Oh ,take my hand
and guide as I write .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The New Year

The New Year
O, year by year we well may be
Deep exercised in see
Just what is chaff and what is wheat ,
As valued at the judgment seat

Look Down into the deep dark pit ,
Whence we were dug think of it!
Look Back – we only render praise
For grace attending all our ways .

Look Out upon the fields so white –
The gladsome harvest just in sight !
Look Up - the objects of God’s love
Are fed with manna from above .

Look On - for Glory is in view ,
And Jesus waits to welcome you !
But do not ever look Within ,
Upon the wretched source of sin .

How bright the coming days would be
If only souls from self free ,
And had the mind and heart absorded
With Christ alone – Their Glorious Lord !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Happy New Year !

Monday, December 27, 2010

Another Year for Thee

Another Year for Thee

Another year is dawning !
Dear Master , let it be ,
In working or in waiting ,
Another year with Thee !

Another year of learning
Upon Thy loving breast ,
Of even deeper trusting ,
Of quiet , happy rest .

Another year of mercies ,
Of faithfulness and grace ;
Another year of gladness ,
In the shining of Thy face .

Another year of progress,
Another year of praise ;
Another year of proving
Thy presence “all the days .“

Another year of service ,
Of witness to Thy love ;
Another year of training
For holier work above .

Another year is dawning !
Dear Master , let it be ,
On earth , or else in heaven ,
Another year for Thee!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!