Friday, May 15, 2015

The four anchors during the storms of life

The four anchors during the storms of life

Sometimes sad things happen during our life
they flare up suddenly causing us strife.
No stars or sun shine during night or day
so four anchors we drop to hold our stay.

The first anchor is the Teaching of the Lord
for we all believe and trust in His Word
knowing that He is aware of our plight
and that we are never out of His sight.

In Fellowship we link our shields of faith
braving the storm together we feel safe.
Love for each other is an anchor sweet
and united we seek the storms’ defeat.

Then Prayer’s anchor we lower away
for we know that Jesus likes us to pray
and feel that He is with us in the boat
and that He’s able to keep us afloat.

After Breaking Bread we then share the Cup
remembering that Jesus never gave up.
Anchored in the One who rose from the grave
knowing He is mighty and strong to save.

Then the storm subsides and the sorrows cease
as He gives to us His heavenly peace
and the healing balm that Jesus can bring
reaches the depths of our inmost being.

We feel Him lift us out of our despair
and rest in the calm of His presence there.
Then gazing into His wonderful face
deep soothing within our spirit takes place.

As His arms enfold us in love we sense
the preciousness of His wondrous presence,
and while resting in His loving embrace,
once more the world’s challenges we can face.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wish, the Fish # 9 (love)

Wish, the Fish # 9 (love)

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
The church seemed very quiet there
below each ocean wave -
and blessed, a special mother was,
because her son behaved.
He didn't whine, he didn't squirm,
he didn't make a sound -
and sat so still and reverently
when off'ring came around.

The doctor bills had taken all -
so money? She had none.
The off'ring plate had passed her by
- but not her little son.
Inside his 'hand', his tiny fin
where heart and love enjoin,
a 'clink' had echoed through the church.
Dropped in, his little coin.

Her heart was heavy knowing that
she couldn't show more love -
by doing things for her small son
she thought the world of - take him to a baseball game,
go camping after dark - going on vacation,
or to amusement park.

Then after church, as sun came out,
as pastor shook each hand,
as mom and son had left the church -
the pastor didn't stand.
He knelt through socializing noise
with laughter in the air -
and shook the hand of her young boy,
there in his wheel chair.

That night when they knelt down to pray
for animal and bird -
and other fish throughout the sea,
his little voice, she heard.
Despite their plight, his pleading
was for a hungry boy -
so fail, she did, containing tears
from overwhelming joy.

With tear-stained cheeks, so proud she was -
the way that he had prayed -
in humble, true sincerity -
with love for poor displayed.
His meager off'ring, God had blessed
as sleep had passed his way.
They say the ocean level rose -
a thousand tears that day.

Now folded up in closet dark,
a dusty
wheel chair -
but wholesome legacy of love
is still expanding there -
where coins drop in the offering plates
below each ocean wave.
And blessed, a special mother is,
with treasured mem'ries saved.
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Thank you !  Father God  for Wednesday  nite service .  Your praise service with  thousand s of  your children   make me so happy !

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hearing With Our Spiritual Ears

Hearing With Our Spiritual Ears

Does the background noise of sin prevent
Us from hearing with our spiritual ears?
Is it hard for us to listen to God
Because we hold onto doubts and fears?

We can let God speak to our hearts
If we read and study His holy Word.
We need to also pray without ceasing
And witness to those who've never heard.

Sometimes we can get so very distracted,
We forget what God’s Word has to say.
Sometimes we stop up our spiritual ears,
And we also fail to trust and obey.

Let's keep our hearts in tune with God.
Let's keep our spiritual ears open too.
Let us read and obey His holy Word
Until our race on this earth is through.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Within His Hands

Within His Hands
Whenever I grow weary ,
And miles seen much too long ,
And troubles think I am the one
To whom they all belong .
When things don’t always work out ,
According to my plan ,
It’s hard to drag my cross along ,
When I can barely stand .
And yet it’s times like these that   test
The metal  of my soul ,
If everthing were gold ,
We would have naught to hope for ,
If skies were always blue ,
And it is true the sweetest smile
Must hide a tear or two .
And so in spite of everthing ,
I know I’m not alone ,
God never understands ,
When each of us can see ourselves ,
…Carved in the Savior’s Hands
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Little Girl

A Little Girl

There’s a little girl ‘most seven
Who came to earth to make a heaven
For the ones who’d pass her way
To watch her in her fancy play .

It takes so very little ,her childish
Joy to give –
A whole day thru of make believe,
Some magic thing pretend ,
Just the way she’d like it to be ,
Games without end .

There’d be tea parties ,all alone –
Still every place is filled
With Doris and Ruth and Betty Ann,
And just any one who willed
To sit with her in the magic chair ,
But really and truly no one is there .

She’d put her babies all to bed
With  some terrible ache or pain ,
And have the doctor even declare
He’d soon have them all well again .
And with all the medicine he would give ,He is almost sure  that they will live.

She’d dress up in her mother’s things
With skirt and shoes and   hose,
And make the cutest gestures ,
As she trips around on toes,
Which reminds us that alas!
Her baby days will soon be passed .

May her really grown up days
Just as happy be,
As the fancied ones she spent
Sitting upon your knee ,
With not a disappointment there
To dim her sweet face with tear .
Jan Bagwell
  God Bless
To my Darling  Grand Children , of whom love very much this is for you  Emily and Halia Grace Bagwell