Saturday, September 24, 2016

Designed Earth

Designed Earth

So many wonders on this Earth
Great works of beauty, joy, and mirth
Living treasures of endless worth
From etched trees to us before birth

Creation forms one big picture
Painted with a colored mixture
Made by God of unknown stature
Sole designer of all nature
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Friday, September 23, 2016

Cleansed !


Forgiveness divine,
repent and receive
the beauty of grace
when you believe.

Bathe in His mercy,
pardoning and free
healing and restoring
until all of eternity.

Washed of your sin,
released from shame
when you trust Jesus
nothing is the same.

Healing compassion,
immersion of love
blood of the Son
a gift from above.

Forgiveness divine,
today is the day
mercy and grace
is just a prayer away!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
1 John 1:9
King James Version

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Glory , Glory , Glory !

Glory, Glory, Glory

Glory, Glory, Glory,
God's awesome power
strikes in the darkness
at this gloomy hour.

Troubles may be brewing,
but His awesome love
beams down brightly
from His throne above.

Times may be testing,
but His awesome peace
to all of His believers
will never fail or cease.

The tempest is a blowing,
but His awesome trust
keeps His faithful standing
in the strongest gust.

The earth is a trembling,
but His loving flock
knows He will not forsake
those clinging to the Rock.

Glory, Glory, Glory,
God's awesome wonder
is shaking up the world
amidst His mighty thunder!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Divine Restoration

Divine Restoration

Regardless surrender
Needless resign
Recklessly abandon
Was His grand redesign

Redeemed and purified
Ransomed finesse
Rescued and polished
In His righteousness

Delight in affection
Glory in charity
Exalt in adoration
For what He bore for me

Rendering arrogance
Surrendering self-conceit
Giving up vainglory
Just letting go of me.

Divine restoration
Consecrated relief
His sacred remedy
Came with love's belief

Exhibiting favor
Demonstrating grace
Revealing His beauty
When He took my place

Magnificent and foreign
Splendid yet odd
Sublime and peculiar
Surrendering to an unseen God

He satisfies the empty
Indemnities the void
Atoning the deficient
The plot of death destroyed.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

One Day Soon


One day soon
the trumpet shall blast
we'll gather together
going home at last.
The Shepard will come
to bring his sheep in
he'll sheer from their lives
the effects of their sin.
One Day Soon!

One day soon
our tears will dry
no grief to bear
no need to cry
no dread of fear
all pain will cease
he'll wrap his lambs
in robes of peace.
One Day Soon!
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

Monday, September 19, 2016



Because Christ came I have love
Abundant grace from above
On a hill nailed to a tree
God's love eternally set me free.

Because Christ came I have hope
When darkness starts to come and choke
In His victory now I trust
For sins hold he forever crushed.

Because Christ came I have truth
Dispelling the lies of my youth
Breaking in with shards of light
His words contain all heavens might.

Because Christ came I am forgiven
His bloodshed without restraint given
Now I stand wholly clean
Cleansed in his crimson stream.

Because Christ rose I have life
A new creation on the inside
Encased in my Father's love
Securely seated in glory above.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless