Friday, March 5, 2010

Wait for me

Wait for me
Wait for me in glory ,
Wait by the river of life ;
Tell Jesus for me that I’m longing ,
And ready to cease from my sighs:
Just tell Him I’ll see you glory
After this life here is through
Just wait for me up in glory ,
And soon I’ll be coming to you .

When the Lord called you home
How it broke my heart
To see you go away ,
Although I knew right from the start
We’d meet again some day .

So I’ll watch and pray ,
Each night and day .
Until my work is through-
Then I shall hear my Master say ,
“Come home , we’re waiting for you !”
Jan Bagwell
Good Bye my friend , we will all miss you !
Pat Long left us March 3 , 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Welcome to Spring

Welcome to Spring
Sweep the snow
And clean the ice ,
To Winter ,Winter
We say goodbye ;
Too long it’s been around .
She’ll dress the trees
With buds and leaves
And flower all the land .
She’ll bring with her
The peepers , bees
They’ll be the Springtime band .
Ready your heart
With gladsome song ,
For Springtime soon we’ll greet .
Welcome her here ,
Make her belong
Before she takes her leave .
Jan Bagwell
This is the day the Lord has made ;
let us rejoice and be glad .
Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hope in the Rubble

"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength" Ephesians 1:18 (NIV)
Mind-boggling devastation filled the screen. I just couldn't wrap my mind around everything that had taken place by the earthquake in Haiti. Such suffering and pain. I went to sleep with the images firmly planted in my mind and heart.

When I awoke in the morning, I began to pray before my feet hit the ground: prayer for miracles, supplies and those who would arrive in that precious country to serve and minister to the broken. A picture of a crying baby being pulled from the rubble came to mind. After over 48 hours of no food, no water and being trapped under a collapsed house, the 18 month-old was rescued. It was truly a miracle.

My prayers moved from the Haitian crisis to praying for a loved one who has gone astray. The one I love has much in common with the newly rescued baby. He too is trapped. Trapped by the weight and destruction of bad decisions and flawed thinking patterns. What seemed like a common path many were taking led to a place of destruction.

What this precious baby and my loved one do not have in common is the desire to be free. The baby sensed something was wrong. Where was her family? Where was food and water? Why wasn't someone coming to her rescue? Such thoughts occupied her tiny immature mind. My loved one has yet to discover that he indeed needs rescuing. He has yet to recognize the weight of selfishness, unforgiveness and self-destruction pressing on him.

Do you have one you desperately love who is heading toward destruction and doesn't realize it? Do you have days when the rubble of sin seems too heavy- too much to be removed? And you just can't see how God is going to break through?

Help is arriving in Haiti. Armies, doctors, nurses and relief workers from around the world are helping. Rescue is taking place. People's lives have been saved, and in time, the destruction will be removed.

Rescue is available for our loved ones, too. Prayer is the place to begin as we hope that in the middle of their own destruction, they will see their need for rescue. When that realization becomes clear, like the tiny baby in Haiti, our loved ones will cry out for help. We know our God will be there to hear and rescue. He may use others to help them. He may call them to push away some of the debris. But more than anything, we know He wants them free.

Dear Lord, some days I grow weary of praying for my loved one. I am so glad that You don't. Please open their eyes to see the destruction they are in and give them the desire to break free. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Glory of Friendship

The Glory of Friendship
There is no greater earthly blessing than to claim
The faith and trust of those who know you well :
To be kindly neighbor where you dwell,
To make a high example of your name ,
And keep your humble doorway free from shame ;
And let your worth each day’s performance tell;

To freely give what honor would not sell,
For base advantage or the pump of fame ,
Some things there are which no purchase price ,
Yet rich or poor of those have daily need ;
The comfort of some true friend’s sacrifice ,
His trust ,his love , and every kindly deed ,
God grant I may be worthly while I live
Of all the joys my friends are glad to give .
Jan Bagwell
God is Great , God is Good !!

Monday, March 1, 2010

O Master , Let me walk with Thee

O master , let me walk with Thee
In lowly path of service free ;
Tell me Thy secret , help me bear
The strain of toil , the fret of care .

Help me the slow of heart to move
By some clear winning word of love ‘
Teach me the wayward feet to stay ,
And guide them in the homeward way .

Teach me patience ; still with Thee
In closer , dearer company ,
In work that keeps faith sweet and strong ,
In trust that triumphs over wrong .

In hope that sends a shining ray ,
Far down the future’s broadening way ,
In peace that only Thou canst give ,
With Thee , O master, let me live .
Jan Bagwell
Donnie Hendrix is in ICU at Memorial Hospital room 4228 , Please pray !!