Friday, October 18, 2013

Playing Church

Playing Church

  My brother and sister and I played church
When I was just a little kid.
I look back, and I remember
All the funny things we did.

One of us did the preaching
As he tried to talk like a man.
One of us sang a special song
While holding a cardboard fan.

We started our business meeting.
"Is there any old business?" we asked.
Then we would argue just a little
About all the unfinished tasks.

"Let's stop playing church!"
One Sunday the preacher said.
"Somebody must have told him,"
I thought as my face turned red.

My childhood days are gone.
I know what the preacher was saying.
When we just go through the motions,
It is like we're just church-playing.

Christians, let's not play church.
Let's meet in the spirit of the Lord
As we all assemble in our church
And worship our God in one accord..
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
It goes without saying that every believer should have a church home where they attend regularly. If you are not a part of such a fellowship, the following advice will be invaluable to your search.

1. Look for a church prayerfully. As is the case with all others aspects of a Christian’s decisions, you should begin your search for a church by seeking the Lord’s direction. The Bible promises, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Prov. 3:6).

2. Search for prospects. You might look for listings in the newspaper or in the yellow pages. Always seek the congregation which is evangelical and Bible-based. A referral from a trusted Christian friend is the most frequent way people are introduced to a church. A visit or two is helpful, but there is no way to fully evaluate a church without attending most services for a month or so.

3. Keep in mind that you’re looking for a fellowship of believers. A church is not a building, nor is it merely a ministry, it is the body of Christ. So seek people who love the Lord and who love each other -- people that will love you and people to whom you can give your love.

4. Look for the church that preaches the Word of God. -- Seek the fellowship that has sound doctrine, proclaims the Word, and sincerely lifts up the Lord Jesus Christ in worship and in all they do. Much of this can be discovered by observation, but most fellowships have a printed statement of their doctrines they will provide to you upon request. For clarity, you can speak with the pastor or leadership about their beliefs or practices.

5. Look for a church that has good character. Seek a loving, peaceful, stable church which has a pastor devoted to godliness, prayer and the word, which are more important than his eloquence, education or charisma.

6. Look for a church that will help draw you closer to Christ. It might be nice to find a church where the music is flawless, where the seats are padded and the minister dismisses promptly at noon. But more importantly, you need a church that cares about you and who will help meet your spiritual needs -- that will inspire you to grow in Christ, and will motivate you toward the aspirations of God. You need a church whose preaching and teaching will not merely appease or entertain you, but will boldly challenge you to advance beyond your comfort zones to live toward God’s high ideals.

7. Look for a church where you can become committed. In many ways, your relationship with the church is similar to a marriage -- you can’t get any more out of it than what you put into it. The only church in which you will ever grow and mature spiritually is the fellowship where you will commit yourself and get involved -- where the people submit themselves to God and to each other -- where they will both encourage you and hold you accountable.

8. Seek that fellowship that is attempting to reach lost souls. Find the fellowship that is seeking to bring lives to Christ, both in their community and on foreign mission fields. Such a church understands its purpose and will provide a healthy environment in which to grow.

9. Look for a church where you can contribute. I’ve often heard the comparison made between a church and a restaurant -- a place where you get served a meal. But actually, the church is more like a pot luck dinner. What you bring with you to church is added to the content of the meal. Your contribution to the gathering helps to make it what it is. Therefore, seek the church where you can roll up your sleeves and help them to minister to others. Don’t look for a church that will only "serve you," but look for a church in which you can "serve." Always remember, a church is the combination of what its people are. So if you want your church to be the best it can be, you must be the best you can be. A church can never rise above what it’s individual members are.

10. Be ready to accept the individuality of a church. Frequently people look for a church like the one in which they got saved, or like one they see on TV. But this is futile, because even though a church might have the same beliefs or similarities as another, every church is distinct and different in its personality, just like people are. Always use the Bible as the standard to measure a church -- not other churches.

11. Look for a church with reasonable expectations. Don’t bother looking for a perfect church, because there aren’t any. In every church you will find people who are wonderful and some who aren’t. Jesus taught that it was common for weeds to be found growing together with the crops (Matt. 13:24-30). Also, in every church, you’ll find some things done well, and others that are not. Don’t worry about finding a perfect pastor, either. Trust me, they’re all human and will make mistakes. But look for a pastor who is sincere, who is trying his best to live a godly moral life, and who is proclaiming the uncompromised Word of God. In short, be content with the church that is doing the best they can.

There are many good churches in your community. Trust the Lord to guide you to the fellowship where he wants you, and become faithful there. Don’t be a church hopper -- bouncing around to one church after another each week. God wants you to be submitted to the accountability of spiritual leaders who will help you and even correct you when necessary (Heb. 13:17), and this isn’t possible unless you are rooted somewhere. Don’t have an neglectful attitude, going to church only when you feel like it. Attend faithfully and show up on time. Serve your church at least as diligently as you would your employer. Remember, the Lord views your attitude toward His church as your attitude toward Him (Matt. 25:40), so serve the Lord in a way that if He were your employer, you wouldn’t get fired.

You can believe in The Neighborhood Church. Let us prove it to you – come and see us this Sunday morning.
And God Bless .
See you at The Neighborhood Church this Sunday morning , And remember , God love you and so do we . Nothing in the world can compare with God spirit ,The Neighborhood church
Sunday 9.30 am
Pastor David Bagwell , Come here this God anointed Minister. And be Blessed
5075 Calhoun Memorial highway, Easley, South Carolina 29640,
The Neighborhood Church

Thursday, October 17, 2013

There is a Savior

There is a Savior

Don’t let the trials of life overtake you
Don’t let the pride of your life take control
There is a Savior Who lovingly guides you
Kindly He leads, all His virtues extoll

If of the Savior you ever have taken
You know the joy and the peace He imparts
Trust Him for He all your sin has forgiven
Jesus alone is the Cleanser of hearts

Walking with Jesus gives clarification
Bringing to light all the sins in your life
His Holy Spirit’s kind examination
Shows you where sin in your being is rife

Trust in the Father He only desires
To make us more like His own holy Son
All that He does, even trials of fire,
Are for our best, as we’ll see when He’s done 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Man sees lack much more readily than abundance.
The earth has never been more crowded,
yet its inhabitants never more lonely.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Glad Homecoming

A Glad Homecoming

I knelt by the bedside
Of an elderly dying saint.
Her body was frail and weak.
Her voice was soft and faint.

"I'm going home," she whispered.
"I already see the light.
I hear the beautiful music.
The angels are in sight."

It seemed her strength renewed
As she tightly squeezed my hand.
She said, "Just keep the faith
'Til we meet in Glory Land.

My heart felt so very heavy,
And I knew I should be sad,
But as I beheld that Godly saint,
Her homecoming made me glad. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Missing Peace

The Missing Peace

This puzzle's kinda special;
It reminds me of my dad;
It often fills my heart with joy;
sometimes, a little sad

3 times we tried between us;
this puzzle to complete.
We always seemed to struggle;
to find the missing peace.

This gift a lend from dearest friend;
"Here's a good one you can do".
His love of trains helped ease the pains;
"Just return it when your through."

The first try ended sadly;
attempted with my nieces.
"Hey Grandpa, somethings wrong here;
there must be some missing pieces."

Years later, I said boldy;
"Hey dad, lets try this one.".
"I think", he said "we should pass;
there's a missing peace, my son."

With pleading, I convinced him and,
we toiled on without cease.
The memories wind through endless time;
till we struck the missing peace.

We searched with all the strength we had;
down, sideways, high and low.
We searched until we gave up hope,
and had nowhere to go.

Then finally we decided,
to return it to the box.
"But this was fun, don't you think son?"
dad said grinning like a fox�

I picked the box up roughly;
but saw it on the back;
It said, "1 edge piece missing",
and both our mouths fell slack.

With glance we gazed each other,
then broke out laughing strong.
So much time wasted searching;
A peace missing all along.

For weeks we enjoyed more puzzles;
but it soon came to an end.
One morn, Christ called this great man home;
I lost my dad and friend.

My dad had spent a lifetime,
to love and serve the Lord.
He was a true prayer warrior;
and a lover of God's word.

He gave his life to others;
to spread the word of God.
He gave a simple message
everywhere his feet did trod.

Christ is the way, the only way;
Salvation, faith, belief.
When your heart turns to Jesus;
you will find The Missing Peace.

It was just one month later;
I decided once again;
To put this puzzle together
and return it to dad's friend.

It was a family effort;
daughters, sister, nieces too.
My wife and I, with tearful eyes;
applied the final glue.

There still is one piece missing,
I believe it's there to show.
This puzzle's much like all mankind;
reflections of our souls.

Our lives are like this puzzle;
all different shape and size;
And I think God makes every soul,
with a Missing Peace inside.

A Missing Peace you cannot find
by searching high or low.
You cannot get it on your own,
whether smart, or fast, or slow.

The Missing Peace is always there,
and never satisfied.
Until you turn your heart to Christ;
'cause for our sins He died.

Someday I'll join and hug my dad,
far-side of death's release.
We'll smile and know, the truth be told;
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
Please be in Prayer for Pastor Ron Carpenter , a Godly Man , and a great friend !
And Billy Phillips and C.W. and Frankie

Monday, October 14, 2013

Divine Appointments

Divine Appointments

Christian, were you ever upset
By some unforeseen delay,
But later you looked back to see
That it kept you from harm's way?

We set dates and make appointments.
We try to plan the best we can,
But sometimes God in His wisdom
Sees for us a much better plan.

We call it accident or coincidence
Or some other words we use and say
To explain the reason things happen
That send disappointments our way.

Consider the example of Joseph.
Look at the injustice he withstood.
He was the target of evil plotting,
But then God turned it into good.

In our limited human finite minds,
We just cannot seem to understand
That God makes divine appointments
When we are led by His mighty hand. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless