Friday, July 13, 2012

The Water Mill

The Water Mill

Listen to the water mill ,
Through the live-long day ,
How the clanking of its wheel
Wears the hours aways !
Languidly the autumn wind
Stirs the forest leaves
From the field the reapers sing .
Binding up their sheaves ;
And a proverb haunts my mind ,
As a spell is cast :
“The mill cannot grind
with the water that is past “

Autumn winds revive no more
Leaves that once are shed ,
And the sickle cannot reap
Corn once gathered :
Flows the ruffed streamlet on,
Tranquil ,deep ,and still ,
Never gliding back again
To the water mill ;
Truly speaks the proverb old ,
With a meaning vast ,-“
“The mill cannot grind
With the water that is past .”

Take the lesson to thyself
True and loving heart ;
Golden youth is fleeting by ,
Summer hours depart ;
Learn to make the most of life ,
Lose no happy day ;
Time will never bring you back
Chances swept away !
Leave no tender word unsaid ,
Love while love shall last ;
‘The mill cannot grind
With the water that is past. “

O the wasted hours of life
That have drifted by !
O the good that might have been ,-
Lost ,without a sigh !
Love ,that we might once have saved
By a single word .
Thoughts conceived but never penned ,
Perishing unheard :-
Take the proverb to thine heart ,
Take , and hold it fast ,-
“The mill cannot grind
with the water that is past .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Landen is waiting on an operating room at GHS, needs a new shunt to drain fluid off his brain. Doctors made a hole in his skull last night to let fluid drain and Landen woke up, which is good. This is Clayton Burdette's grandson, please keep prayers going for Landen. 4 pm, July 11. Please be in Prayer for him . And sister Judy Howard !

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Love To Steal A While away

I Love To Steal Awhile away

I love to steal awhile away
From every cumbering care ,
And spend the hours of setting day
In humble , grateful prayer .

I love in solitude to shed
The penitential tear ,
And all his promises to plead ,
Where none but God can hear .

I love to think on mercies past ,
And all my cares and sorrows cast
On him whom I adore .

I love by faith to take a view
Of brighter scenes in heaven ;
The prospect doth my strength renew ,
While here by tempest driven

Thus ,when life’s toilsome day is o’ver ,
May its departing ray
Be calm as this impressive hour ,
And lead to endless day .
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Seekers


One asked a sign from God ;and day by day

The sun arose in pearl ,in scarlet set ,
Each night the stars appeared in bright array ,
Each morn the thirsting grass with dew was wet .
The corn failed not its harvest ,nor the vine .
And yet he saw no sign .

One longed to hear a prophet ;and he strayed
Through crowded streets ,and by the open sea .
He saw men send their ships for distant trade ,
And build for generations yet to be .
He saw the farmer sow his acres wide ,
But went unsatisfied .

One prayed for a sight of heaven ;
He saw a workman at his noontime rest .
He saw one dare for honor ,and the smile
Of one who held a babe upon her breast;
At dusk two lovers walking hand in hand ;
But did not understand .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Courage To Live

Couraage To Live :

To those who have tried and seemingly have failed ,
Reach out ,dear Lord , and comfort them today ;
For those whose hope has dimmed ,whose faith has paled,
Lift up some lighted heavenly torch , I pray .
They are so frightened ,Lord ;reach out a hand .
They are so hurt and helpless ; be their friend .
Baffled and blind ,they do not understand –
They think this dark and tangled road the end .

Oh ,touch to flame their hope that has burned low ,
And strike with fire faith, ashes that are dead .
Let them walk proudly once again ,and go
Seeking the sure and steadfast light ahead .
Help them to move among their fellow men
With courage to live ,courage to try again .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
No , brothers and sisters , I am not sick , I only can write
what God give me . I sit down and pray and write what
 comes in my head . I feel it a gift God has given me to share with others . I think there a person or persons reading  this blog
that in trouble .Please know that God knows and help is coming  

Monday, July 9, 2012

Five Minutes After I Die Saved

Five Minutes After I Die Saved

Loved ones will watch for the latest breath ;
Tenderly care for the dust of death ;
Joyously speak of the victor’s wreath ,
Five minutes after I die .
Faces of saints who have gone before ;
Anthems of praise on that golden shore ;
Jesus exalted forevermore
Five minutes after I die .

Here, as a pilgrim and stranger I’ve ranged
Staff in my hand ,to the world estranged ;
Then ,pilgrim days past –oh what a change !
Five minutes after I die .

Perfect the conscience that once sin stirred ;
The blood has atoned ,and its voice is heard ;
Welcomed are all who believed God’s Word ,
Five minutes after I die .
Mated for aye to heaven’s glad throng ,
Long is eternited ,but not too long –
“Praise to the Lamb once slain ,”my glad song ,
five minutes after I die  .

Oh, what a prospect !The Word is true ;
Trusting the Saviour ,and born anew ,
Heaven I enter ,God’s glory to view ,
Five minutes after I die .
I am not flinging a fortune away :
I have believed in salvation’way :
God will fulfil what His Word doth say ,
Five minutes after I die .

Thanks be to Jesus for pardon free !
He paid my debt on Mt Calvary’s tree .
Paradise gates will enfold even me ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Oh marvelous grace that has rescued me !
Oh joyous moment when Jesus I see !

Oh happy day when like Him I’ll be .

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !