Friday, June 20, 2014

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Back then I was a filthy worm,
Quarantined from the light of love,
But Christ took my inglorious form
And made me a jew'l in His trove.

Ere Earth's soil hatched from the waters
Were roots of His love established;
Its reviving fruits He offers
To the sin-ravaged and famished.

Can I forget the wondrous cross
On which greater love was displayed?
Ere for His life silver was tossed
Did He pass Himself-- betrayed.

Yes, precious blood from sinless flesh
Has washed my guiltiness away;
His Spirit, out of joyless mesh,
Has placed me in a brighter day.

Will ye Godless His hands accept,
And be drawn to a better plan?
For even in best prisons kept
He does seek for a contrite man.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Seek and Find


Seek and Find

All we need to do is seek,
and Jesus we will find
all we need to do is search
with all our heart and mind.

All we need to do is trust,
and Jesus will show the way
all we need to do is believe
He will return for us one day.

All we need to do is look,
and Jesus will be there
all we need to do is request
for Him, to take our cares.

All we need to do is ask,
and Jesus will answer us
all we need to do is accept
in faith, to always trust.

All we need to do is seek,
and Jesus we will discover
all we need to do is find . . .
Jesus loves us like no other!
John 15 (13]
“Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down  his   life for his friends                                                                                              


Only Love Can Do That Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate; only LOVE can do that.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jesus Is . . .

Jesus Is . . .

Jesus is . . .
my eternal Friend,
the Deliverer of my soul
the One who completes me
the One who makes me whole.

Jesus is . . .
my Redeemer,
the Forgiver of my wrongs
the One who blesses me
the One who keeps me strong.

Jesus is . . .
my Helper
the Comforter of my heart
the One who I always turn to
the One who'll never depart.

Jesus is . . .
my Shepherd
the Light in which I see
the One whose Word is Truth
the One who leads and guides me.

Jesus is . . .
my Healer
the Hope living inside me
the One who perfects me
the One whose image, I pray to be.

Jesus is . . .
my Savior
the Risen Lord and my King
the One who promises to everyone
soon His Peace, He'll bring!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Revelation 21: 3
“And He that sat upon the throne said ,
Behold I make all things new”.

Depending On God

Depending On God

As a Christian, I depend on God
To guide me through each day.
I want Him to have control
Of all my life in every way.

I must go to God in prayer
As my Savior intercedes for me.
I must seek His will each day,
For His useful servant I must be.

I depend on my God each day
To supply my each and every need.
I want to follow every path
Wherever my Shepherd may lead.

If I don't let Him have control,
I surely know that I will fail.
I must completely trust in Him,
For He will certainly lead me well.

If your life is in confusion
Because God is not in control,
Just completely trust in Him.
Let this be your life's goal.
 Proverbs 3: 6  "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct  thy paths "
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Monday, June 16, 2014

Called to Serve

Called to Serve

We've been called by God to serve
Whether or not we have the nerve,
For He promised to be there
To help us if we do our share.

Protected by the Lord Above
And filled with zeal and holy love,
We need to be obedient; trust
To do what we feel sure we must.

Enabled by the Holy Ghost;
Surrounded by angelic host -
God has supplied our every need
So that we might excel; exceed.

He gave us gifts for a good reason:
That we might in or out of season
Share the Word of God with others;
Future pastors, sisters, brothers.

Serving, helping, praying, preaching,
healing, warring, giving, teaching:
Doing all we need to do
Without expecting one "Thank you”.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Father God thank you for my Children and Grandchildren and their families !