Friday, March 21, 2014

What Happened To The Altar?

What Happened To The Altar?

In our churches in days of old,
Preachers preached God's Word.
The Holy Spirit worked in hearts
When Bible preaching was heard.

The altars back then were filled
With people getting hearts right.
Tears of repentance were shed.
This was such a glorious sight!

Back then we had revival meetings
That lasted for a week or two.
Souls got saved, and hearts got right
Before those meetings were through.

Our churches still have altars,
And we have Bible preaching today,
But how many respond to altar calls?
How many people weep and pray?

Alas, our lives are now too busy,
And life's pressures are so strong,
We do not have the extra time
For revival meetings that are long.

Do we still have family altars
In our Christian homes of today?
Do we worship God as a family?
Do we read God's Word and pray?

What happened to the altar?
Where are the repentant tears?
We've lost interest in revival
In these last several years.

Christians, let us rededicate
Our lives to Christ, our Lord.
Let's have revival in our hearts
And worship God in one accord.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Private Decisions

Private Decisions

Private decisions are ones you make
Just between almighty God and you.
Those decisions may not stay private
When they may affect others too.

God told Jonah to preach in Nineveh,
But Jonah took sail the other way.
Jonah made a bad private decision.
He made a decision to disobey.

Jonah's consequences went public.
The ship was storm-tossed to and fro.
Jonah told the captain of the ship,
"Cast me overboard and end your woe!"

Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Inside the whale, he prayed once more.
God heard him, and Jonah obeyed God
After the whale threw him up on shore.

When we make our private decisions,
Let us let God direct our way.
Let us make the right decision
To obey God and serve Him each day.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 1
As we Christians strive to be more influenced by God’s kingdom than by this world, we’re reminded we will sometimes slip, but ‘if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness’ (1 John 1:9).”

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

God Happens

God Happens

God happens,
in the hardest of hearts
He brings new beginning
fresh spring-like starts.

God happens,
in the broken down soul
He brings reconciliation
makes everyone whole.

God happens,
in the darkest of spirits
He brings transformation
every sin He acquits.

God happens,
in the worst of us
He restores generations
when in Him ~ they trust.

Jan Bagwell

God Bless
Those who look behind will never see beyond.”
“I believe Jesus wasn't thinking about miracle when He performed it.
He's just doing normal activities as he did in His heavenly kingdom.”

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Will Jesus Return This Year?

Will Jesus Return This Year?

Another year has come and gone.
The Christians are still here,
Waiting for Christ to return.
Will He come back this year?

Will Jesus find us working
To get others into His fold?
Are we all making sure that
His salvation story is told?

We are waiting and listening
For that great trumpet sound.
We get excited thinking about
Our feet just leaving the ground!

Maybe it will be this year
That we'll meet Him in the air.
He'll take His children home
To live with our Savior there.

"Come up hither, my children!"
Maybe Jesus Christ will say.
Hopefully it will be this year!
We look forward to that day!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
“The kingdom is not an exclusive, well-trimmed suburb with snobbish rules about who can live there. No, it is for a larger, homelier, less self-conscious cast of people who understand they are sinners because they have experienced the yaw and pitch of moral struggle.” I am a sinner save by grace !!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Trust Fund

Trust Fund

Got me a trust fund,
use it every day
I can always count on it
especially when I pray.

God is the grantor,
His assets are all mine
it's just like having
an eternal credit line.

I withdraw from it often,
but I never take a loss
for the rates are based on
the finished work of the cross.

Jesus is my inheritance,
I trust Him with all my heart
for I am the beneficiary
of the grace that He imparts.

My trust fund is secure,
the dividends keep growing
I am very confident . . .
to heaven ~ I'll be going!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
“Jesus was the original street healer. He traveled the streets of Israel on foot, staying wherever He found lodging. During His travels He told people the secrets of their hearts, healed all who were sick and demon-possessed, raised the dead and shared the mysteries of the kingdom of God. This was His lifestyle and it could be yours.”