Friday, June 22, 2018



Eyes grow weary, have they learned to see
During years of absence, you from me
Your story's at end, your chosen plot
Time draws near, but you may know not

Shall I see my mother, perhaps my dad
Ever watchful, my being glowing so glad
It is time, I wait with mounting joy
For them once again to be girl or boy

That which was separate, will now be one
Your chosen tasks are nearly done
At the entrance, there I stand
Reunion time is close at hand

From the palm of His hand I've watched you grow
Seeds of goodness, We watched you sow
Come be with me and share His land
I await the touch of your sweet hand

I fault you not, as you can see
I love you so, come be with me
So hasten forth, with lifted heart
No longer more shall we be apart

These words I write, so dear to me
Express my desire that you'll be free
If the gate be locked, search for the key
But look not far, in your heart it will be.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

God Love

I searched this world over,
but true love I found not
for there is none greater
than the one for me God’s got.
I sought wide and far,
for love that was forgiving
but love unconditional
no one was giving.
I looked high and low,
scanned about everywhere
but real love like God’s . . .
wasn’t to be found anywhere.
I scoured deep and broad,
scraped down into the barrel
but all I came up with
was love cold and sterile.
I searched and I searched,
for my one true love . . .
and I found it only comes
from God up above!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"Oh Come, Angel Band"

"Oh Come, Angel Band"

My latest sun is sinking fast,
My race is nearly run;
My strongest trials now are past,
My triumph is begun. 

Oh, come, angel band,
Come and around me stand;
Oh, bear me away on your snowy wings
To my eternal home;
Oh, bear me away on your snowy wings
To my eternal home.

I know I'm near the holy ranks
Of friends and kindred dear—
I hear the waves on Jordan's banks,
The crossing must be near. 
I've almost reached my heav'nly home,
My spirit loudly sings;
Thy holy ones, behold, they come!
I hear the noise of wings. 
Oh, bear my longing heart to Him,
Who bled and died for me;
Whose blood now cleanses from all sin,
And gives me victory.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Great Man

The Great Man

How big is the ocean?
How tall is the sail?
How big is the clipper?
How tall is the tale?

How big is the great man?
How tall is his pride?
How big is his ego
that flows from inside?

How loud is his boasting?
How loud is his horn?
How loud is his bragging,
yet quiet, our scorn?

How many, a promise?
How many times said?
How many believe him?
How many mislead?

Oh, where hides the shyness
and where hides the man -
when big man is lessened
as when he began?

How short is the thistle
and shorter, the thorn -
but great is the torment
when foot's skin is torn?

Transparent, his actions,
transparent, each thought -
and God does not 'know' him
because he was bought;

First by the minute,
Then by a smell -
of fire and brimstone,
by Devil in hell.

Exposed is the thistle.
Exposed is the gloom.
He's naked as baby
right out of the womb.

How fake were his pledges?
How fake was his stride?
How fake was his swagger
before he had died?

Does God see the motive?
Does God look within?
Does God judge the great man
when God knows his sin?

Beware of the ego.
Beware of the pride.
Beware of temptations
in life's fleeting ride.
Matthew 7:21-23 (KJV)
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Monday, June 18, 2018

The Work He Did

The Work He Did

Long ago in joy He spoke,
the world began and daylight broke.
In splendor work from dust and moil,
we began from God's great toil.
The choice He gave to Adam - “Stay.”
Yet sin enticed, he walked away.
His heart now hurt and grief arose,
His Spirit pained, yet love He chose.
As births began, stain of sin spread far
And all were covered by thick black “tar”
As darkness spread throughout our land,
our lives became like desert sand.
And lost to Him, our death assured,
as Satan, sin, and world obscured
the truth of God, His love, His joy -
our darkened hearts the enemy’s toy.

But love is strong and cannot lose
The Son to earth, yes death to choose.
He bought us back from fire and wrath
while showing us a righteous path.
In victory He lived and died
and lives again as we decide
to choose His death in place of ours
which break the wicked barring powers.
And gives new life that cannot fade
of "diamonds", "gold" and precious "jade".
This King, this God with love so strong,
He broke through time to right the wrong.
He calls us back to Him in love
this gentle, humble heavenly dove.

Yet fierce against His enemy,
crushing death and sin for me.
By scourge of flesh and blood that flowed
and nail scarred hands that carried the load,
This Lamb of God with righteous blood
that spilled on me and opened the flood,
of truth and joy and life and love
and caused my mind to see above
His light, His love, His holiness
and gracious, awesome, gentleness.
He touched my life and brought me home
and sealed my heart to never roam.

Forever now with Him I am,
Yes, Jesus Christ my great I AM!
The King, the Prince, the Lord who won
and conquered all - His work now done.
He leaves with us this tale to tell
of love so strong it conquered hell.
For me, a worthless lump of clay (?!),
My hope for all - I bow and pray.
Job 38:6-7; Matthew 11:29; Luke 24:7; John 14:27