Friday, October 14, 2016

Will the Circle be unbroken

I was standing by the window
On one cold and cloudy day
When I saw the hearse come rolling
For to carry my mother away

Will the circle be unbroken
Bye and bye Lord, bye and bye
There's a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky

I said to the undertaker
Undertaker please drive slow
For this lady you are carrying
Lord I hate to see her go

Will the circle be unbroken
Bye and bye Lord, bye and bye
There's a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky

Oh, I followed close behind her
Tried to hold up and be brave
But I could not hide my sorrow
When they laid her in the grave

Will the circle be unbroken
Bye and bye Lord, bye and bye
There's a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky

I went back home, the home was lonesome
Since my mother, she was gone
All my brothers and sisters crying
What a home so sad and alone

Will the circle be unbroken
Bye and bye Lord, bye and bye
There's a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky

We sang songs of childhood
Hymns of faith that made us strong
Ones that mother Maybelle taught us
Hear the angels sing along

Will the circle be unbroken
Bye and bye Lord, bye and bye
There's a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky
Johnny Cash

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Savior of the Skies

Savior of the Skies

A stunning painting strokes my eyes
In my heart I came to realize
When God reveals Himself to me
This beautiful sky is what I see.

I stop and stare breathlessly
Inhale His Spirit, I am free
Come to me my Savior please
I pray to You on bended knees.

Clouds float by a hazy blue
Fills my heart with thoughts of You
Your creatures amble slowly by
A tear falls down when I sigh.

Through the trees horses graze
With the little one a mother plays
She lifts her head and looks my way
Another painting strokes my eyes today.

Nothing in this world I could do
Prepares me for this love from You
Every moment shared in sweet delight
Once again I'm captured by the sight.

Oh my Lord, my Savior of the skies
Decorates the fringe where heaven lies
I will sing to You a song of praise
Remembering this time for all my days.

Nothing in this world I could do
Prepares me for this love from You
Every moment shared in sweet delight
Once again I'm captured by the sight.

Oh my Lord, my Savior of the skies
Decorates the fringe where heaven lies
I will sing to You a song of praise
Remembering this time for all my days.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Psalm 19:1 
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Alice !


Beneath a joyless, gloomy moon,
The graveyard came alive with sound
As crickets played a ghostly tune
Among the tombstones all around.

A luminous and lacy mist
Then settled down upon the ground,
Where in the dark, its vapors kissed
The marble markers that abound.

It's here the dead and buried lay
With nothing of themselves to show,
Just lifeless bones beneath the clay
And nowhere else for them to go.

Oh sin had also made us dead,
Transgressors to our very core;
The wrath of God upon our head
Where dead is dead and nothing more.

But even after all we've done
God showed us His great brilliancy
And spread His love on everyone
With a showering of mercy

And by God's grace He seated us
Beside our Savior and our King,
Who rose from death victorious
So now, oh grave, where is your sting?
James 2:14

“What doth it profit, my brethren,
though a man say he hath faith,
and have not works? can faith save him?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

A Glad Homecoming

A Glad Homecoming

I knelt by the bedside
Of an elderly dying saint.
Her body was frail and weak.
Her voice was soft and faint.

"I'm going home," she whispered.
"I already see the light.
I hear the beautiful music.
The angels are in sight."

It seemed her strength renewed
As she tightly squeezed my hand.
She said, "Just keep the faith
'Til we meet in Glory Land.

My heart felt so very heavy,
And I knew I should be sad,
But as I beheld that Godly saint,
Her homecoming made me glad.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, October 10, 2016

Longing For Your Return!

Longing For Your Return!

Sometimes the longing is so great
That I can hardly stand the wait,
Caught in this dark shadow of a valley.

I long Lord, for Your sweet embrace
I long to see you face to face.
To see Your triumphant finale.

Once and for all eternity
Under Your wings of amity
I long for You my God, my King

I long with yearning oh so deep
Lift me from human nature's sleep.
Where in Holy presence I will sing.

I have a longing so deep, so deep, so deep for Your return!

Though I know you have plans for me
There's somewhere I would rather be.
Keep me focused on this job at hand.

Your staff and rod will comfort me
Until the trumpet calls finally,
Taking me from this dry desert land.

Someday in Your home I will live
Endless praise then my lips will give
When will this life here finally succumb? 

Feeling the presence of Your grace
Anointing oil runs down my face.
Lord, I long so, for that day to come.

I have a longing so deep, so deep, so deep for Your return!

I sit here and I start to complain
Cause and effect of choices remain.
My longing deep, Christ, Your grace is wide

Breaking free from this life confined
Leaving humanity behind
I want to be there Lord, by Your side.

The right choices Lord, seem so hard
We're weary and we're battle scarred
Humankind filled without any concern

Wrong choices are so easy to make
How much rebellion will You take?
I have a longing deep for your return.

I have a longing so deep, so deep, so deep for Your return!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless