Saturday, October 6, 2018

Borrowed Words

Borrowed Words

I’m on my knees and humbly bow
But not a single word will come,
For life has crushed my dreams and now
I’m left with feeling cold and numb.

What can I do? I’ll offer praise,
So softly sing, “How Great Thou Art”.
Despite this dark and dreary haze,
A hope begins to fill my heart.

As words begin to slowly flow,
I find I’m singing “It Is Well”
And “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know”,
As joy within begins to swell.

Confessing how I’ve been so blind
While singing of “Amazing Grace”.
“Old Rugged Cross” then comes to mind
As tears begin to streak my face.

The more I praise his wondrous name
The more I feel his presence near;
My worries, fears, my guilt and shame,
Like vapors, start to disappear.

So when again I’m on my knees
And not a single word will come,
I yearn for words to praise him, please
Forgive me if I borrow some.

Friday, October 5, 2018



Lord, today you showed me,
Just how much you care.
With the answer,
To my prayer.

You reached down,
Gently touched my soul.
Healed this broken vessel,
And once again made me whole.

Lord, today you reminded me,
Of just how good You are.
You are my bright shinning,
Morning Star.

All darkness is gone,
Now Your light does shine.
Where fear once was,
Now Your peace is mine.

Lord, today you reminded me,
Of your perfect love.
By showing me to take my eyes,
And focus them on things above.

To see the many things,
You do for me.
You are the living example,
of what I should be.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

God is All Sufficient

God is All Sufficient

I have prayed but God is all sufficient

I have cried but God is the tears
That leak from my eye
That roll down my cheek
That rain on my soul
That water its soil
That has become so weak.

I have wept but God is the groans
That well up in my heart
That echo off its walls
That awaken my soul
That make me aware
Of His everlasting call

I have prayed but God is the answer
To all I have requested
To all I have pleaded
To all I have asked
For everyone I love 
And all that is needed

I have knelt but God stands 
He stands in the void
He stands in the balance
He stands over me
Even in death
Which is to His radiance

I have grieved but God is the pain
That aches for His love
That weeps at its loss
That acknowledges its sin
That provided the Savior
That overcomes all its cost

I have prayed and God is all sufficient
Romans 8:26

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost, consuming fire,
Burn in me the Lord's desire.
Let this mind be in me too
That was and is in You.

Holy Ghost, a mighty wind,
Refresh the weeping soul that's sinned.
Jesus' blood has paid for all
Repenting from the fall.

Holy Ghost, in living streams
Fill my life and hopes and dreams,
I in You and You in me
For all eternity.

Holy Ghost, eternal peace,
See a soul that needs release.
Descend upon me like a dove
And soak me in God's love.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Royal Throne

Royal Throne

Our eyes are a gateway
Cutting images deep with glares
Our feet on the walkway 
to those heavenly stairs
higher than babel's tower
is our majesty's royal throne
Can you feel His power?
Our flesh is so weak
His arms cradle us now
when Jesus comes to speak
The holy come to bow
we walk thru the gates
lookin' for absolute truth
God's son is what awaits
Heaven is my proof
Upon your royal throne
you rule with great might
Your blood came to atone
You showed the world your light

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Paradise Path

The Paradise Path

There being two paths to follow on life's road,
Only one can be chosen to support our load.
Each going its own way, to take us to it's end,
Of the path chosen we will soon comprehend.

One is a paradise path, there's where it leads,
On it we find spiritual help to meet our needs.
Provided by Jesus through the blood He shed,
Taking us to Him as we leave our death bed.

The other is a path to punishment of extreme,
What scripture describes as a horrible scene.
Into a flaming pit where all of eternity is spent,
This path taken by those who failed to repent.

One's available through Jesus, a path He made,
The other controlled by Satan for souls to trade.
In choosing, I ask you to heed this good advice,
Choose the path that leads to Jesus in paradise.