Thursday, January 12, 2017

In Its Wake

In Its Wake

Death can come as a thief in the night
Stealing your dreams then taking flight
You can know it's imminent in its quest
And it always, but always, takes one from the nest

It always leaves sorrow and grief in its wake
Even when it seems best for your loved one's sake
There is nothing you can do to hide from it's sting
Except looking forward to what heaven will one day bring

For when you become a child of the king
To His promise of eternal life you can cling
So as you work your way through the maze of grief
Knowing your loved one is in heaven is such a relief

The dear Savior from above, your burdens He will take
He will light your path as your way you make
For He understands the sufferings of your heart
And how very much you miss your loved one while you're apart.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Glory Light

The Glory Light

Saul of Tarsus started to Damascus
To see the high priest to get letters.
He wanted to arrest more Christians
And bring them to Jerusalem in fetters.

Suddenly a light from Heaven above
Shone brightly about him all around.
"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me,"
He heard after he fell to the ground.

"Who art Thou, Lord?" Saul asked.
"I am Jesus. Thou persecuted Me.
It's hard for you to kick against the pricks."
Then Saul was led, for he could not see.

"What will Thou have me to do, Lord?"
Saul asked Jesus, the Savior so dear.
"Just arise and go to the city, Saul.
What you shall do will be made clear."

Saul became an apostle of Christ.
His name was changed from Saul.
He became a preacher of the Gospel,
And his name was changed to Paul.

A glory light shining from Heaven
May not shine down on me or you,
But just as Jesus came to save Paul,
He came to seek and save us too.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Giving Is Joy

Giving Is Joy

Putting on hat. Yanking on boots.
Pulling on gloves. Basket of fruits.

Opening door. Holding on tight.
Wind hits my face. Everything's white..

Weather is bad. Comforts forgo.
Making my way. Footprints in snow.

Taking short steps. Carefully now.
Slipped on some ice. I'm not sure how.

Old narrow road. Old man like me.
Walking along. Something to see.

Tall leafless trees. Stretching above.
Creator's art. Painted with love.

Deep heavy snow. Bushes weighed down.
Bright colored lights. Almost sundown.

Cold seizes breath. Fingers are numb.
Now getting close. Music has come.

Christmas music. Melodies sweet.
Memory's peace. Always complete.

Up a few steps. Knock on the door.
Greeted with smile. Warm wooden floor.

Welcomed inside. Rosy red face.
'O Holy Night'. Snug fireplace.

More Christmas songs. Humble abode.
Gift of fresh fruit. Nothing is owed.

Kindness is sweet. "Thank you's" are said.
Then back at home. Ready for bed.

Said I, a prayer. "Making new friend.
Giving is joy. Pays dividend."
Jam Bagwell
God Bless

Sunday, January 8, 2017

God With Us

God With Us

We shattered dreams of Eden’s peace
And pushed away the God of love.
Forever after, without cease,
We’ve strained to reach our God above.

We try to climb the holy hill
But slipping, sliding, we descend.
We try to push beyond our will,
Yet never manage to transcend.

Creation mourns the absence of
The purity before the breach;
For now, our Lord, the God of love
Is far beyond our earthly reach.

But God had plans to span the void,
So willingly removed his crown.
He had to mend what we destroyed,
So into darkness light came down.

He sent his son into the world;
A world enslaved by sin and death.
In Mary’s womb a baby’s curled:
The word of God, creation’s breath.

The fullness of divinity
Was born unto a world defiled.
Through Jewish girl’s virginity,
Our God became a holy child.

The angels couldn’t wait to share,
For heaven thundered with the news.
This baby born without a care,
Fulfilled the promise to the Jews.

Now peace on earth, good will to men,
Emanuel has brought us joy.
We now have peace with God again
And bow before his baby boy.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless