Friday, January 13, 2012

A simple act of Kindness


It was 12:00 noon on a Monday and everyone was rushing to lunch.

As I pulled into a local fast food restaurant and parked,
I noticed an old pickup truck with a trailer attached.

The driver had pulled into the narrow parking lot and mistakenly
tried to exit via the one way drive through lane. Unfortunately
he was going the wrong way and cars were stacked up waiting to
get out.

When I arrived, he was frantically trying to get turned around
and out of everyone's way. There were a lot of people watching
but no one offered to help.

I walked over to the driver's window and asked if he needed
help. The driver was an older gentleman. He was completely

The truck did not have power steering and in his attempt to get
turned around he had jackknifed the trailer.

I could tell that he was scared and did not know how to get out.

After stopping all the traffic and asking everyone to be patient
for a few minutes, I guided him back and forth until he finally
got the truck and trailer turned around. I patted him on the
shoulder, told him "God Bless you and good luck."

He stated to me that he had just been released from the
hospital and that he was so scared; he thought he was going to
have another heart attack right on the spot.

He said, "you're a good man and I can never thank you enough."
I could tell that his thank you was truly from the heart.
He then drove away.

Working in construction all my life, I have been required to
drive vehicles with a trailer behind them.

To me this was a fairly easy situation to correct.
To an inexperienced driver it can be a nightmare.

A simple thank-you was certainly sufficient for such a little
gesture of kindness.

What happened next was a total surprise and an event I will
never forget.

As I opened the door and walked into the restaurant, everyone in
the restaurant stood up, clapped and shouted "good job".

No words can ever explain how good I felt.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Window of Heaven

The window of Heaven is open,
The angels can fly to and fro,
And those that I love can all gather,
And look down at Christmas below.
For Christmas is special in Heaven,
The love is so easy to see,
And down from the window at Christmas,
God sends a present to me.'
I will forever be with you,
Your side, I shall always be near,
And though you may not always see me,
In your heart I will always be there.
I will warm up your soul during Christmas,
My love is a fire burning bright,
Then my blanket of love will surround you,
And keep you all through the night.
On the brink of your Christmas morning,
I'll be the star at the top of the tree,
Shining my light on your teardrops,
You'll see a reflection of me.
Then as the gifts are all opened,
With the children encircling the hearth,
Look deep in their little faces,
Their kisses will be from my heart.
For the window of Heaven is open,
My love can pour out so free,
And those that I love can all gather, And look up to Heaven at me.'
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please be in pray for , Hazel Bagwell , Nadine Stvan and her family ,Rev David and Hali Bagwell ,Scott ,Emily , Elizabeth Bagwell , Mary Carpenter , Billy Phillip , Judy Howard ,Frankie Wilson , Judy Hamlin , Jimmy Holaday {JD] and Betty Hill and family .

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fleeting Years

Fleeting Years
It seemed just yesterday whistles blew ,
And sirens shrieked a mighty cheer .
When merry makers jammed the midnight streets
To welcome in the glad New Year .

Only a little while since then it seems
We faced the year with joyful heart .
And in the song and cheer of happy souls
Our festive spirits were apart .

We looked with bright prospects upon the year
To try what we had tried before
To give to Christ and to lost human kind
A yielded heart to serve Him more .

But now the year has swiftly fled away .
And we are left with little done .
The many tasks that we had planned to do ,
It seems that have just begun .

So swiftly flies the fleeting hours away ;
So soon the precious days are o’er ;
Unless we hasten in Master’s work ,
We’ll fail , just as we did before.

The old year’s gone , but – in thy hand the new .
Another chance has come and show .
As stewards of the year ,we must not fall
A faithful service to bestow .

We cannot stop the passing of the hours ,
Nor to our heart hold back the day .
Just as it came , so it must soon depart ,
And leave us on our weary way .

But one thing there is left for every man
Within harvest field to do ,
And Grace is giv’n to carry out God ‘s plan ,
Before the old year changes out God’s plan
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Please Pray for Mary Carpenter and Frankie wilson and Billy Phillip

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

He Cares a Lot

He Cares a Lot
At times I am , oh so distressed
Yet still I worry not
For I believe that Jesus cares
And that He cares a lot .

He feeds the sparrows of the air ,
Clothes flowers of the field
And He will all my needs supply
If self to Him I yield .

So I must closer draw to Him ,
My faith must stronger grow
For I know that He cares a lot
And that He loves me so.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you [ 1Pet. 5.7
I thank God every day for each and everyone of you . I know that the brothers and sisters in Christ are praying over these Messages , poems , that I right on this blog.
I am smart enough to know , that without God’s help and your prays this would not be
having the affected on people it has . I get letters from people that have been saved , been heal , had their homes put back together.
Praise God !
Thank you Jesus !
Brothers and sisters I Ihank you and all the people you touch , May Father God Bless you . And may you feel his arms wrap around you today !

Monday, January 9, 2012

One Dollar's Worth

One Dollar's Worth

The United States One Dollar Bill.
Take out a one dollar bill, and look at it.

The one dollar bill you're looking at first came off the presses
in 1957 in its present design.

This so-called paper money is in fact a cotton and linen blend
with red and blue minute silk fibers running through it.

It is actually material.

We've all washed it without it falling apart. A special blend
of ink is used, the contents we will never know.
It is overprinted with symbols and then it is starched to make
it water resistant and pressed to give it that nice crisp look.

If you look on the front of the bill, you will see the United
States Treasury Seal.

On the top, you will see the scales for a balanced budget.
In the center you have a carpenter's square, a tool used for an
even cut. Underneath is the Key to the United States Treasury.
That's all pretty easy to figure out, but what is on the back of
that dollar bill is something we should all know.
If you turn the bill over, you will see two circles.

Both circles, together, comprise the Great Seal of the United
States. The First Continental Congress requested that Benjamin
Franklin and a group of men come up with a Seal. It took them
four years to accomplish this task and another two years to get
it approved.

If you look at the left-hand circle, you will see a Pyramid.
Notice the face is lighted and the western side is dark.
This country was just beginning. We had not begun to explore
the West or decided what we could do for Western Civilization.

The Pyramid is un-capped, again signifying that we were not even
close to being finished. Inside the capstone, you have the all-
seeing eye, an ancient symbol for divinity. It was Franklin's
belief that one man couldn't do it alone, but a group of men,
with the help of God, could do anything. "In God We Trust" is on
this currency, but that phrase was added in the 1950s during the
Red Scare.

Prior to that, none of our paper currency had that phrase.

The Latin above the pyramid, Annuit Coeptis, means, "God has
favored our undertaking."

The Latin below the pyramid, Novus Ordo Seclorum, means, "a new
order has begun."

At the base of the pyramid is the Roman Numeral for 1776.

If you look at the right-hand circle, and check it carefully,
you will learn that it is on every National Cemetery in the
United States.

It is also on the Parade of Flags Walkway at the Bushnell,
Florida National Cemetery and is the centerpiece of most heroes'
monuments. Slightly modified, it is the seal of the President
of the United States, and it is always visible whenever he
speaks, yet very few people know what the symbols mean.

The Bald Eagle was selected as a symbol for victory for two

First, he is not afraid of a storm; he is strong, and he is
smart enough to soar above it.

Second, he wears no material crown. We had just broken from the
King of England.

Also, notice the shield is unsupported. This country can now
stand on its own.

At the top of that shield you have a white bar signifying
congress, a unifying factor. We were coming together as one

In the Eagle's beak you will read, "E Pluribus Unum", meaning,
"one nation from many people."

Above the Eagle, you have thirteen stars, representing the
thirteen original colonies and any clouds of misunderstanding
rolling away. Again, we were coming together as one.

Notice what the Eagle holds in his talons. He holds an olive
branch and arrows. This country wants peace, but we will never
be afraid to fight to preserve peace. The Eagle always wants to
face the olive branch, but in time of war, his gaze turns toward
the arrows.

They say that the number 13 is an unlucky number. This is
almost a worldwide belief. You will usually never see a room
numbered 13, or any hotels or motels with a 13th floor.
But think about this:

13 original colonies,
13 signers of the Declaration of Independence,
13 stripes on our flag,
13 steps on the Pyramid,
13 letters in the Latin above,
13 letters in "E Pluribus Unum",
13 stars above the Eagle,
13 bars on that shield,
13 leaves on the olive branch,
13 fruits,
and if you look closely, 13 arrows.
And, for minorities: the 13th Amendment.

I always ask people, "Why don't you know this?"
Your children don't know this, and their history teachers don't
know this.

Too many veterans have given up too much to ever let the meaning
fade. Many veterans remember coming home to an America that
didn't care. Too many veterans never came home at all.

Share this page with everyone, so they can learn what is on the
back of the UNITED STATES ONE DOLLAR BILL and what it stands
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please pray for Billy Phillip and Frankie Wilson