Thursday, June 1, 2017

God's Special Treasure

God's Special Treasure

God's special treasure is not a pot of gold
His special treasure is not made of riches so bold
He created all the heavens and earth
And all things He created are of great worth
But there is one treasure He will place above all others
One treasure he will place above all brothers
And that is for one who has a contrite and obedient heart
Obey His voice and keep His promises, then you His special treasure will be set a part!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Summer Days

Summer Days 

Oh, those busy summer days;
People seem to be busy always.

There are those who go to the pool;
Just a few hours to keep cool.

Some take off to the lake;
Catching fish is a piece of cake.

Many people go on vacation;
A time for fun and relaxation.

Money is spent on this or that;
For kid's toys or Mom's new hat.

Come Sunday, many seem to forget;
And do things they'll later regret.

You're on vacation, God will understand;
Going to church, you hadn't planned.

God is the creator of it all;
Winter, spring, summer, and fall.

Give God the glory that is due;
He never forgets about you.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Known But to God

Known But to God

To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
A dad made a visit with his son.
Today it was Memorial Day,
And a service had just begun.

The President placed a wreath
At the unknown soldier's tomb.
Everyone was very still and quiet.
The son thought, "Why such gloom?"

"Dad, to see an unknown soldier's tomb,
Why did we have to travel so far?"
"Son, we honor all our dead heroes,
Even though we don't know who they are."

"Known but to God," my dear child,
On the soldier's tomb, it says that,
Because God knows the name of each.
It could be Bill, Jim, Sam, or Matt."

Asked the son, "How about me, Dad?
Can I be hero soldier too?"
"Yes, Son, you can be a soldier
Known to God, a Christian soldier true!"