Friday, August 29, 2008

Everybody Everywhere needs somebody sometime

Everybody Everywhere Needs Somebody Sometime
Everybody ,everywhere ,no matter what the station ,
Has moments of deep loneliness and quiet desperation ,
For this lost and lonely feeling is inherent in mankind-
It is just the spirit speaking as God tries again to find
An opening in the worldly wall man build s against God’s touch ,
For he feels so self-sufficient that he does not need God much ,
So he vainly goes on struggling to find some explaination
For these disturbing , lonely moods of inner isolation .
But the answer keeps eluding him for in his selfish , finite mind
He does not even recognize that he cannot ever find
The reason for life’s emptiness unless he learns to share
The problems and the burdens that surround him everywhere .
But when his eyes are opened and he looks with love on others
He begins to see not strangers but understanding brothers .
So open up your hardened hearts and let God enter in-
He only wants to help you a new life to begin
And every day’s a good day to lose yourself in others
And anytime a good time to see mankind as brothers ,
And this can only happen when you realize it’s true
That everyone needs someone and that someone is you !!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

God’s Jewels

God's Jewels

We watch the rich and famous
Bedecked in precious jewels ,
Enjoying earthly pleasure ,
Defying moral rules .
And in our mood rules .
And in our mood of discontent
We sink into despair
And long for earthly riches
And feel cheated of our share .
But stop these idle mussings ,
God has stored up for you
Treasures that are far beyond
Earth’s jewels and riches ,too,
For never , never discount
What God has promised man
If he will walk in meekness
And accept God’ flawless plain ,
For if we heed His teachings
As we journey through the years ,
We’ll find the richest jewels of all
Are crystallized from tears.
Jan Bagwell

Blessed are the meek ,for they shall inherit the earth .
Matthew 5:5

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

His Love is Always Near

His Love is Always Near

Now the earth is where we live today
and we must serve God here ,
For He watches us from way up there
and his love is always near,
And it doesn’t really matter
if we are here or there ,
For we are all a part of God
And God is everythere ,
And each time you do a kindness ,
God smiles and blesses you ,
For in serving those around us
We serve and please Him , too
Jan Bagwell
Love is patient and kind ; love is not jealous or boastful ; it is not arrogant or rude .Love does not insist on its own way ; it is not irritable or resentful ; it does not rejoice at wrong , but rejoices in the right .Love bears all things , believes all things , hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

But God is Love


A life of sin is all too short
The comes the great surprise
When God receives the true report
But cannot close His eyes

“But God is love” so oft we cry
“His love is here to stay
It’s not God’s will for us to die
No matter what you say”

Yes God is Love, and longs to give
Eternal life to all
But only those in Christ; will live
Who heed Salvation’s call

We just can’t fool with God above
And think we won’t get burnt
For God is Fire as well as love
This lesson must be learned

In truth we come, but oft return
To where we were before
Although we’ve heard one day we’ll burn
Once God has closed the door..Gen.7: 16

Some think it lies, God’s not that cruel..Gen.7: 21
To make a place like hell..Rev.20: 14-15
But Satan’s out to cheat and fool..1Pe.5: 8
And all; means you as well

So take good care of how you live
Best learn the Lord to fear
Not every sin will God forgive..Mt.12: 31
The bible says quite clear..1Jn.5: 16

Yes God is love, yet God is not
A God to disobey
Remember well the wife of Lot..Gen.19: 26
The price she had to pay.


Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

--1 Corinthians 13:1

During one particular appointment, a group of university students at Oxford waited eagerly to hear Winston Churchill speak. After a long and eloquent introduction, Churchill stood at the platform and said, “Never, never, never, never, never, never give up!” These few words encouraged a nation to persevere through war.

“Love” has even been called the most important word in the English language. And in all of human literature, 1 Corinthians 13 is certainly a collection of the most powerful words regarding love. Today, the idea of love infiltrates magazines, books, songs, poems, plays, games, movies, and everyday conversation. Unfortunately, most people mistake love for sex and lust, and there is clearly a huge difference between the two.

The word, “love,” has a very powerful meaning. However, Paul said that words are empty if love doesn’t exist in them. Even the greatest truth spoken in an unloving way is empty. But if we have love, we can even communicate without words. How many times have you heard someone say: “Don’t just tell me that you love me—show me”?

In this passage of Scripture, Paul uses the words agape, which means the love of God (see John 3:16). Agape love is sacrificial, self-giving, and never fails. You can choose to love, or choose not to love. You can’t “feel” your way into loving, but instead you have to love your way into feeling. When you choose to love someone, you express the Christ’s love.

Just as your car has a gasoline tank, I believe people have emotional tanks that need to be filled with love. If you don’t love, you will constantly be emotionally empty. Choose to love the people in your life—your spouse, children, coworkers, and friends—regardless of how you may feel. Ask the Lord to fill your emotional tank with agape love so pass it along to others.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Making Disciples

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19–20)

In Matthew 28:19–20, we find the “marching orders” from Jesus that we know as the Great Commission. There are two things we should remember about it.

First, these words are a command. That is why we call it the Great Commission and not the Great Suggestion. Jesus did not say, “Look, if you are in the mood, if it works into your busy schedule, as a personal favor to Me, would you consider going into the world and making disciples?” No. In the original language, this is a command.

Second, these words were not only given to the original 11 disciples. Nor were they exclusively for pastors, evangelists, and missionaries. They are for every follower of Jesus Christ. If we are His disciples, then we are commanded to go and make disciples of others. It doesn’t necessarily mean we need to cross the sea. But certainly a good start would be crossing the street to talk to a neighbor.

What does it mean to make disciples? Jesus said, “Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” Simply put, it means that you demonstrate discipleship for them by the way that you live. And, of course, you verbally communicate God’s Word.

I want to challenge you today to become a disciple of Jesus Christ?not just a fair-weather follower or simply a churchgoing person. Would you be His disciple? If so, your life will never be the same.