Friday, October 11, 2019

The Lord Is Here

The Lord Is Here
The Lord is here
You can go near
He'll let you hear
What He holds dear
The Lord is here
He saw your tears
You need not fear
He came to cheer
The Lord is here
He holds the steer
Cast all your cares
To Him who cares
The Lord is here
He's good and fair
He came to clear
All evil snares

Weep not for behold The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed

Weep not for behold The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed

There in heaven John sobbed great tears and cried.
Then, “Weep not” one of the elders replied:
“The secrets of the scroll can be unveiled”
“for the Lion of Judah has prevailed.”

Before them stood a Lamb so clear and plain
pierced and looking as though it had been slain.
Then the Lamb took the scroll as angels sang
and throughout heaven this great chorus rang.

“Worthy is the Lamb” all the heavens cried,
and “Worthy is the Lamb” the earth replied,
“For He was slain for us and shed His blood
and purchased the people on earth for God..”

The Lion became a Lamb to pay the price
and saved the world by His great sacrifice,
as He hung there upon that wooden cross,
and gave up His life to redeem the lost.

So weep no more and shed no more tears
but join the song throughout eternal years.
For The Lion of Judah has prevailed,
where Satan and all his minions had failed.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

My Call

My Call

I walk a path, from God the call,
To stand up “straight”, to stand up tall.
Unworthy am I to be His man,
To bring His Word to all I can??!

My hands were covered with sins for sure,
What load of weight, what curse to endure!
An infinite God, a finite man,
A stench to Him, how could I stand?

He called my heart then cleansed it so,
The price He paid - for blood must flow!
The Son on high, a King made flesh.
His death for man so He could bless!

A God, a man, one in the same,
Through death was death that He did tame.
What cord of death could hold Him down,
and keep from Him His Godly crown?

The Father, the Son, they knew it all,
the price to pay for our great fall.
The work He did, His blood would flow,
SO pure was He, it made us glow!

So now I stand and heed His call
to be His servant and speak to all,
to tell the truth that washes stain,
His love for us does ever rain!
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Human Heart

The Human Heart

Good friends are like teddy bears
Don't always see them, but they are there
One of these pass along emails
Generically expressing to care.

Well I am one who touches
And so my God would send
He is the Spirit surrounding me
Bringing the solidness of a friend.

Pass this along and pray for me
Oh you can bet I surely will
But to lose the personal touch
It's just not right, even still.

Texting and emails flood my phone
Might guard a heart I am sure
But the emotional part of loving
Will certainly not occur.

There is a reason for the tenderness
And warmth in a soothing voice
I will call you every time
If you give to me a choice.

I will tell you every day
Especially if you are my friend
Take a second and think of me
Then feel the love I send.

Texting and emails flood my phone
We evolved to a technical low
What happened to the hug, the kiss?
Where did the human heart go?

One can terminate a friendship
And never see that tear
Whether I am ready or not
This cold communication is here.

Another precious teddy bear
With little dancing hearts all around
Yet, I miss the real person
Feel the absence of the sound.

But far, far more the loss
No matter what I am seeing
Replaced by the tapping keyboard
No touch of the human being.

Good friends are like teddy bears
But one thing I must know
Where is the warm embrace?
And why did it have to go?

Still, I smile when it comes
Then tap, tap, tap away
Pass it on to my friend
Give in to technology of today.

Then I hear this ringing sound
And a voice that I adore
Grandma, I can't wait to see you
Well, who could ask for more?

It seems the children get it
Even their texting won't curtail
When I hear her sweet, sweet voice
I know; the human heart will prevail.
Ecclesiastes 4:9
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.
If one falls down his friend can pick him up."

Sunday, October 6, 2019

We are vessels of the Master

We are vessels of the Master
Sanctified and set apart
For his purpose, and his choosing
Plans that share my Father's heart.
We are vessels of the Master
To be used at his command
In the vineyard where He's placed us
Here at home or foreign land.

We are vessels of the Master
Though sometimes the way is long
Though we're called to suffer for him
Strength He'll give to keep us strong.

We are vessels of the Master
When some day our work is done
We will share a place of honor
In the crown of God's dear Son.