Friday, March 17, 2017



Lord, today you showed me,
Just how much you care.
With the answer,
To my prayer.

You reached down,
Gently touched my soul.
Healed this broken vessel,
And once again made me whole.

Lord, today you reminded me,
Of just how good You are.
You are my bright shinning,
Morning Star.

All darkness is gone,
Now Your light does shine.
Where fear once was,
Now Your peace is mine.

Lord, today you reminded me,
Of your perfect love.
By showing me to take my eyes,
And focus them on things above.

To see the many things,
You do for me.
You are the living example,
of what I should be.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, March 13, 2017



We turn in turns of circular motions;
Gyrating feelings of love and sorrow;
Like delicate gears of mixed emotions
Whose feelings feel real until tomorrow.

Our daily rotations can dizzy us
As all these feelings encircle our ways,
But if we choose to be more like Jesus
We will turn and turn with joyful praise.

Emotions can be encircling lies
Throwing us out of sync with each other,
But if we slow down we may realize
That our gears can mesh with one another.

And so when tomorrow becomes today,
We discover within our spinning spheres,
These feelings we feel will rotate away
When we see that God is turning the gears.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless