Friday, August 2, 2013

Christian , Do You Love Me ?


Christian, do you love me,
Enough to give of your time and money
Enough to give your energy
To work for me continually?

Christian, do you love me,
More than what this world offers thee
More than money, friends or family
To live a life surrendered to me?

Christian, do you love me?
Then take up your cross and follow me
So that in you others will see
The love of God as was shown to thee.

Christian, do you love me
Enough to tell of Calvary
that while you live, where ere you be
You will be a missionary.

Christian do you love me,
Enough to go across the sea
Leave your friends and family
And make a difference for eternity.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Pastor David Bagwell , Come here this God anointed Minister. And be Blessed
5075 calhoun Memorial highway, Easley, South Carolina 29640,
The Neighborhood Church

Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Prayer For You


I pray that you will do what's right,
That with God's strength the Devil you'll fight.
That you will be God's special servant,
That your face may be set like a flint--
To always do what pleases God,
To walk the path your parents have trod.

I pray that God will always come first,
So that your life will truly be blessed.
That God will have complete control,
That to hear "Well done" will be your goal.
To hear Him say, "My child, well done!
You've kept the faith, the race you've won."

I pray you'll follow wherever He leads,
Either in your own country or overseas.
That you'll give the Gospel to them that are lost,
That you'll tell it to them no matter the cost.
That they'll see from your life that God is real,
And they'll see that God in them, too, can dwell.

So as you live your life each day,
Put God first in every way.
Hey, it isn't dull and boring,
Serving God is quite exciting!
So put God first in all you do,
This is my prayer for you.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

97% of burlar alarms that police respond to are false.

So it is with burglar alarms, so it is with our lives.

Most of what alarms us and what fear never happens and is


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Then And Now


Romans 3:11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
v18. There is no fear of God before their eyes. (KJV)

He led them to their promised land
where Father and children could joyfully live.
But how many times must a Father reprimand?
How many times must He forgive?

They were a stiff-necked, wayward people
stumbling around in their selfish haze,
a foolish idol-worshipping people
never learning from the error of their ways.

They were preoccupied with their own desires.
Their concern was the pursuit of selfish pleasure,
never thinking how they would spend eternity,
no thought given to winning heavenly treasure.

It was true of the people who came before,
and is still true for some of us today.
Rather than lift grateful eyes toward Heaven,
some are choosing to look the other way.

The people of this world should be praising God
who gave us this land of milk and honey.
But we cannot have Him in our schools,
and there’s talk of removing Him from our money.

We often refuse to follow the Savior’s example,
though He taught us how we should live.
But how many times must a Father reprimand?
How many times must He forgive?

We are preoccupied with here and now pleasure.
We seek to indulge every personal whim.
But what will happen if He turns His back on us,
just as many have turned our backs on Him?

There are those who see signs of the times.
There are those in many congregations
who still pray for favor in His sight,
still pray He will preserve our nations.

We must not fall victim to damnation’s fate.
All people must wake up, before it’s too late.

Jan bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Have You The Guts?


Are you willing to join an army
That is fighting for a cause? –
A cause that is far nobler
Than any of this world’s wars –
Do you have the guts it takes to make
A mark in your sad nation?
To stand alone as a ray of hope
To a hopeless generation?

Are you ready to be laughed at,
To be jeered and ridiculed?
To stand for what is right, for truth,
For people who’ve been fooled?
Look around and see the suffering -
The sadness in people’s eyes!
Do you want to go down with them?
Or heed the call that’s on your life?

I appeal to the conscience within you
That knows what I say is right,
Everyone knows what is right and what’s wrong
But few are prepared to fight;
You see the heartbreak around you –
The addictions from which people die –
The misery caused by broken relations –
Come on! Don’t turn a blind eye!

You say, “Who am I? – And what can I do?
I’ve made my mistakes like them!”
O yes! I’d agree – we’ve all missed the mark
But this is where we may begin:
God sent His own Son, Christ Jesus,
To save us from our sin,
Repent! And believe in the Son of God,
Then lay down your life for Him!

Yes! Lay down your life! – That’s what it means –
No “ifs” or “buts” or “why?”
“You cannot be My disciple,” said Christ,
“Unless you lay down your life!”
To follow means total commitment,
Repentance demands you give all,
Turn your back on your sin – ‘tis here you begin
To know you have heard God’s call.

He will heal the heart that is broken
And cleanse you from each filthy sin,
From every perversion deliver you,
From addictions imprisoned within,
Then a joy will burst from within you,
As a prisoner set free you’ll proclaim
The source of your new-found freedom –
“Christ Jesus!” – Believe on His Name!

You’ll join the ranks of believers
That have forged a path through the years,
Some burned at the stake, some tortured
In agony, bloodshed and tears,
But all followed after their Master
To proclaim His Gospel with power,
The Gospel’s the power of salvation,
Arise! For this is your hour!

O yes! You’ll be seen as an “oddball,”
Persecution’s the name of the game!
But you’ll know that deep down within you,
You’ll ne’er be the same again;
What’s happened in you’s undisputed,
You’re completely free from your past
And your call is to now take this message
To release other captives at last!

To rescue some soul from the depths of hell,
What greater mission could there be!
So many live such a miserable life
With no hope of ever being free,
They smile at the world then close their front door
To lay down and weep in their pillow,
They don’t bare their soul to their closest friend,
Alone in despair they wallow.

They look bold and brave when they’re out with their friends
But inside their heart they are aching,
They seek to make a mark in this world,
To impress, cause a laugh, but they’re searching,
And that which they seek they will never find,
They’ll finish their days in despair,
Fame, a career, a lover, wealth,
What they really seek can’t be found there.

Just look at celebrities! – Those who’ve found fame,
They have money and lovers galore,
But have they found happiness in what they have?
They’re always seeking for more;
They’re worshipped like heroes, followed by crowds,
But their lives are hollow and sad,
They’re chasing a dream that gets lost in the mist
And millions just follow like mad.

Today you are facing the rest of your life,
Stand and be counted today!
Do you just want to live as you’ve lived in the past?
And tomorrow find it’s all passed away?
Or do you want a new purpose in life?
Then ask God’s forgiveness today,
Invite Jesus Christ to take up your life
Whatever that means – Come what may!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
We need to Pray for the family of Jim Key , died July 29, 2003 , he was 40 yrs old .

Monday, July 29, 2013

Fruits Of The Spirit


May the Fruits of the Spirit uphold you
Throughout your entire life
Love your neighbors as yourself
Then you have Joy in your heart through life.

Make Peace with the ones who hate you
Be Patient in your troubles and trials
Apply Gentleness when you care for others
Show Kindness to those that needs a smile.

Have Faith in the Lord our Savior
Show your Meekness whenever something goes wrong
Have Temperance through your entire life
Then God will gather you into His throng.

Do you have the Fruits of the Spirit?
Love, Joy, Patient, Gentleness,
Kindness, Faith, Meekness and Temperance;
in your heart and soul
They are something we all should have and hold.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !