Friday, May 13, 2016

River of Living Water

River of Living Water
Oh sweet Lord and Savior, Your glory fills this place,
Your Presence is Divine; the reflection of Your grace,
Like a drop of crystal water, to a dry and thirsty soul,
The fullness of Your love, completely makes me whole.

As I quietly sit before You, soaking in Your gentle ways,
I cannot stop the tears of joy, from streaming down my face.
Your mercy brings me to my knees, Your beauty is so pure,
Like pristine sparkling water, that leaves me wanting more.
You are altogether lovely, so gracious, kind, and meek,
Jesus Christ, my dear Beloved, the One whose face I seek,
Your tender mercies soothe my soul, like gentle beads of dew,
That settle in the midst of night, to freshen and renew...
Lord, I lift my hands to heaven; I praise Your Holy Name!
Since You touched my heart, my life is not the same,
Every struggle, every wound, every pain, and every fear,
Was swept away with Love, when You whispered, "I am here."
You took away my longing thirst, a spring now flows in me,
From Your Fountain of Living Water, You set my spirit free.
Like a droplet on a peaceful lake, that ripples to the shore,
From the throne of God, and of the Lamb...Let The River Pour!!!\
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Poured-out Treasure

Poured-out Treasure

I'll take the silver in a star-lit repose
I'll take the gold-fringed dawn
I'll take the ruby in the heart of a rose
And I'll take my joy in a song

I love the misty emerald sea
The jade in forest-gowns
Wisdom's pearl is rare to me
As the amethyst brushed on clouds

I'll take a diamond stroll at dawn
Or crystal in December
The sapphire of a summer's crown
Or dusty blue September

Do not call me a miser please
Or thief of nature's measure
But my great wealth is hard to miss
As God pours out His treasure
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Beauty of Night

Beauty of Night

A bright full moon on a quiet night,
I stand in awe, under its light.
As I tilt my head back and gaze up above,
I see diamonds of light sprinkled in love.

The warmth of the day still lingers around,
In the peace of the night, I hear many a sound…
It's the crickets and night birds singing a tune,
They too, rejoice, under the silvery moon.

The trees seem glorious, so majestic and tall,
Silhouetted in moonlight, and the peace of it all.
It's a wondrous thing, the beauty of night,
Daylight's asleep, blanketed from sight.

As the day settles down all over the land,
I stand under the stars and ponder God's plan.
When I look to the heavens, I am truly amazed,
God gave us such beauty to add joy to our days…

And when the sun goes down, giving way to night,
It's two different worlds I can have in my sight,
As the hurriedness of life in the light of the day,
Fades to peace and serenity, I quietly pray…

Father I thank you for the beauty of night,
In the midst of the darkness, I can still see your Light,
Displayed by your faithfulness, confirmed by your love,
In the Celestial Glory of the Heavens Above!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, May 9, 2016

Searching Heart

 Searching Heart

I lay here and I simply wait
An answer to my fleeting faith.
Can answers come by dangling bait?

If I propose a servant's heart,
Will You who blesses not depart?
What's life's purpose, what is my part?

Will it be a struggle all my days?
Life with stresses and weary ways?
A residing place that trouble stays?

Demonstrate how to really feel.
A calmness that is so surreal
Please answer this hearts last appeal.

Absolute love for all life's time;
I give away this heart of mine.
Remove the fetters that do confine.

In desperation I do come.
This life I have is so undone.
I am weary I can not run.

Carry me to a cleansing spring
A place of rest where souls can sing
My heart is all I have to bring.

A desperate life has now become
A soul of struggle, now undone.
Love that demonstrates grace has won.

Praise to the Father and His Son!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Hearts on Fire

Hearts on Fire

Glory, glory to God on High
Lord of the mountains; El-Shaddai
Righteous One thund'ring through space
Savior of the human race.

Honor and glory belongs to Him
He is worthy; He is our King.
Jehovah-Rohi; Shepherd and Rock
Protecting; guiding His well-loved flock.

Come all the Earth; praise El-Olam
God Everlasting; Radiant One
Mounted; riding the cherubim;
Worshiped by six-winged seraphim.

Let's lift our voices in sincere love;
Let us sing love songs to God's Lamb Above;
Joining the angelic host's mighty choir
With clean hands and soft hearts on fire.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!