Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Christmas Thought

A Christmas Thought

The memories of Christmas past,
of music, friendships sworn to last;
Of stories, presents, songs and rhymes,
and hopeful thoughts of future times --

These all conspire to contradict
the seeming lack of Christmas script;
the absent smiles, the hectic pace,
The angst of now forgotten grace.

They linger in my memory --
A vague remembrance of the mirth;
But mirth with depth, and faithful friends
Whose love portrayed their priceless worth.

Those memories of Christmas past
Were always filled with lights and sounds
Of music, joy, and images
of Christ whose grace could know no bounds.

But now it seems that these are gone:
heartfelt prayers of real concern,
Scents and colors of the trees,
the warmth and glow when candles burn.

There's little music now, it seems,
Reminding us of manger scenes,
An angel with his clarion call:
"A Savior's born, God's gift to all."

Be not deceived by missing signs
of Jesus' birth amid the fray
Of hurried shoppers, harried crowds
and everyone who's lost their way.

The angel's call is clear and true:
"The Savior comes with life for you."
Grasp on to Him, accept His gift
And blessed you'll be with life anew!

Friday, December 20, 2019

All the Angels Sang

All the Angels Sang

Jesus came to be our savior,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Came to bring us Heaven’s favor,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Born to open Heaven’s treasure,
Key to God’s holiness for all time.
Jesus is the Father’s pleasure,
Sent to us with love and joy sublime.

Jesus came to live among us,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Showed us faith both true and joyous,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Taught and lived God’s good commandments,
Never once sinned at all in his life.
Jesus offers us repentance,
Gave himself for our eternal life.

Jesus came to make us holy,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Came to save us, meek and lowly,
All the angels sang and God rejoiced!
Guides us to Christ-like behavior,
Puts his love for the world in our soul.
Jesus Christ our only savior,
Takes away our sin and makes us whole.

Thursday, December 19, 2019



Light, uncreated, shining upon the earth,
born within the stable by virgin birth.
Light, immortal, descending from above,
embracing the world with God's perfect love.

Light, resplendent, illuminating the way.
Dispelling the darkness and brightening the day.
Light, inextinguishable, even in death
Crying 'Father forgive' with His dying breath.

Light, indestructible, bursting from the grave.
Rising victorious His loved ones to save.
Light, all glorious, ascending on high.
Hidden from sight by the clouds in the sky.

Light, everlasting, will appear again,
with His great glory and angelic train.
Light, eternal, forever blazing on
when all earth’s light has darkened and gone.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

A tree was formed into a cross
Love created it for the lost

The Light of the world hid in the wood
This covenant only God understood

His destiny was written in red
A crimson stream flowed as He bled

Ornaments meshed with bone and flesh
Nestled in the branches a Ghost at best

Dark hearts ignited as He cried

Giving up the Ghost
The Lamb slowly died

His gift set men free
The only Christmas tree is Calvary