Saturday, October 27, 2018

God With Us

God With Us

We shattered dreams of Eden’s peace
And pushed away the God of love.
Forever after, without cease,
We’ve strained to reach our God above.

We try to climb the holy hill
But slipping, sliding, we descend.
We try to push beyond our will,
Yet never manage to transcend.

Creation mourns the absence of
The purity before the breach;
For now, our Lord, the God of love
Is far beyond our earthly reach.

But God had plans to span the void,
So willingly removed his crown.
He had to mend what we destroyed,
So into darkness light came down.

He sent his son into the world;
A world enslaved by sin and death.
In Mary’s womb a baby’s curled:
The word of God, creation’s breath.

The fullness of divinity
Was born unto a world defiled.
Through Jewish girl’s virginity,
Our God became a holy child.

The angels couldn’t wait to share,
For heaven thundered with the news.
This baby born without a care,
Fulfilled the promise to the Jews.

Now peace on earth, good will to men,
Emanuel has brought us joy.
We now have peace with God again
And bow before his baby boy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Humble Prayer"

A Humble Prayer"

Heavenly Father, God above;
You are to me Agape love!
In Your gentle, loving care,
You listen to my every prayer. 
My needs today are but a few;
And I bow my head to ask of You.

Bless the path my feet shall trod;
Counsel me in Thy ways, Oh God.
Guide me through each life endeavor;
I praise Your holy name, forever!
Make strong, my mind, body and soul;
Protect me from the Evil Foe!
Forgive me of iniquity;
Make me what I ought to be.
When at times, I lose my way;
Draw me near, Lord when I stray.
Let my faith, the gift from You;
Grow stronger in Your Word, so true.
Grant me wisdom above all measure;
And knowledge from Your hidden treasure.
Enable me to do Your Will,
So that, in You, my life's fulfilled!
Delight in me when I stop to pray;
Keep me safe by night and day.
Be my voice, my hands, my feet;
Make Your work in me complete.
Stir me up to seek Your face;
I bask in Your amazing grace.
My voice is raised – To You I sing
Praises to You, Lord and King!

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ,
Our Lord and Savior…

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

God Has A Time For Everything

God Has A Time For Everything

God has a time,
for everything
and for every one
new season’s He brings.

There’s a time of peace,
and a time of bleakness
a time of spiritual health
and a time of sickness.

There’s a time to rise up,
and a time to regress
a time of fearfulness
and a time to onward press.

There’s a time of hope,
and a time of testing
a time of great faith
and a time of wrestling.

There’s a time to praise,
and a time to mourn
a time to rejoice
and a time to be reborn.

For every thing,
God has a reason
a time for all things
in their due season!
Ecclesiastes 3:1

“To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose
under the heaven:”



Lord, today you showed me,
Just how much you care.
With the answer,
To my prayer.

You reached down,
Gently touched my soul.
Healed this broken vessel,
And once again made me whole.

Lord, today you reminded me,
Of just how good You are.
You are my bright shinning,
Morning Star.

All darkness is gone,
Now Your light does shine.
Where fear once was,
Now Your peace is mine.

Lord, today you reminded me,
Of your perfect love.
By showing me to take my eyes,
And focus them on things above.

To see the many things,
You do for me.
You are the living example,
of what I should be.

Monday, October 22, 2018

God Makes Things Happen

God Makes Things Happen

God makes things happen,
in His time, at His will
He can make the wind’s gust
or He can cause them to still.

He can alter the course,
of the season’s of the year
He can make them painless
or cause in them great fear.

God, makes things happen,
nothing is a coincidence
everything He does . . .
is of great significance.

He makes kingdoms rise,
He causes them to tumble
He can withdrawn His wisdom
or give it to the humble.

God, makes things happen,
in His time, at His will
there is no one else who has
His power, or His skill!
Daniel 2:20-21

“Daniel answered and said,
Blessed be the name of God
for ever and ever:
for wisdom and might are his:
And he changeth the times
and the seasons: he removeth kings,
and setteth up kings: he giveth
wisdom unto the wise,
and knowledge to them
that know understanding:”