Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Is Prayer?

What Is Prayer?

Is it measured words that are memorized ,
Forcefully said and dramatized ,
Offered with pomp and with arrogant pride
In words unmatched to the feeling inside ?
No … prayer is so often just words unspoken
Whispered in tears by a heart that is broken ,
For God is already deeply aware
Of the burdens we find too heavy to bear.
So all we need do is to seek Him in prayer
And without a word He will help us to bear
Our trails and troubles – our sickness and sorrow
And show us the way to a brighter tomorrow .
There’s no need at all for impressive prayer,
For the minute we seek God He is already there !
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell

Prayer in its simplest definition is merely a wish
turned Godward .

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

There ARE blessing in Everything

There ARE blessing in Everything
Blessing comes in many guises
That God alone in love devises ,
And sickness which we dread so much
Can bring a very healing touch-
For often on the wings of pain
The peace we sought before in vain
Will come to us with sweet surprise
For God is merciful and wise –
And through long hours of tribulation
God gives us time for meditation
And no sickness can be counted a loss
That teaches us to bear our cross .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
And as for that in the good soil ,
They are those who , hearing the
word , hold it fast in an honest and good heart ,
and bring forth fruit with patience .
Luke 8:15
Please be in prayer for Billy Phillips mother , she will be having a Hip replacement Wednesday!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The First Day

The First Day
Today is the first day of spring.

Spring is heralded by the vernal equinox.
An equinox happens when day and night are exactly equal.
Equinoxes occur twice each year.

On this day, light and darkness are equal.

In our lives,
we often have a tendency to let the darkness overpower the light.

there is just as much light as there is darkness.

The thing about spring, from tomorrow forward, the light of
each day increases while the darkness decreases.

Remember that.

You can choose which part you live in.
You can choose which part you will focus on.

Which part will you live in and focus on?

...light or darkness?

The light is increasing.

Remember that.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Please be in prayer for Billy Phillips mother , she will be having a Hip replacement Wednesday .

Monday, March 19, 2012

Who Is St. Patrick?

Who Is St. Patrick?

Most of us know of St. Patrick's Day but most don't know exactly
who St. Patrick was and what he did (other than he was a saint).

Patrick was born in Roman Britain in the early fourth century
into a wealthy family. Yes, Britain was conquered by the Roman
Empire at one point, thus Roman Britain but that's another

At the age of 16 Patrick was taken captive by Irish raiders and
taken to Ireland as a slave. He was told by God to flee his
captivity to the coast where he would board a ship and return to
Britain. Upon his return to Britain he studied to become a

In 432 God called Patrick back to Ireland though this time he
was a bishop. Patrick was instrumental in introducing
Christianity to Ireland. .

Born into wealth, taken as a slave, escaping and then told to go
back to help the people who enslaved him is not an easy path.
But his help changed his captor's world and future.

Someone has hurt you and/or cost you dearly in possessions.
You've escaped and yet the seeds of their trespass has produced
bitter fruit in their lives. Perhaps now they need your help.

Sometimes to make that journey back takes a saint.

We can all learn a lot from St. Patrick.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please be in prayer for Billy Phillips mother , she will be having a Hip replacement Wednesday .