Friday, August 10, 2018

In His Eyes

In His Eyes

In His eyes His grace does shine.
In His eyes His love now mine!

In His eyes gone my crime.
In His eyes across all time.

In His eyes death taken away
In His eyes new life His way.

In His eyes all pain will cease.
In His eyes my life at peace.

In His eyes my tears now gone.
In His eyes my life now strong.

In His eyes I’m now forgiven.
In His eyes life’s now worth living.

In His eyes new joy accrued
In His eyes I’m changed, renewed!

In His eyes His mercy on me!
In His eyes I live now free!

In His eyes my story new.
In His eyes new life, it’s true!

In His eyes His joy all mine!
In His eyes the Son my sign!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Tree of Life

 Tree of Life

Jesus is The Gift of God to me.
He has gone before into eternity. 
He is with me as He promised He would be.
He has given ears to hear and eyes to see.

He is my gift and I am His as well.
He’s ransomed me for heaven and from hell.
His Father bid Him go to take my place,
That I might know The LORD’s amazing grace.

His Father’s will is what He came to do.
He did it then He died for me and you.
Because He did He rose up from the grave.
And now the way is made for all He’d save.

He lived the life of GOD upon the earth.
He never sinned, He couldn’t from His birth.
His miracles bore witness of His love,
And that He was the God man from above.

O Mercy Seat O Lamb of GOD once slain.
O precious Blood poured forth to pay GOD’s claim. 
O man redeemed from sin and death and strife,
To eat the fruit upon The Tree of Life.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

In His Eyes

In His Eyes

In His eyes His grace does shine.
In His eyes His love now mine!

In His eyes gone my crime.
In His eyes across all time.

In His eyes death taken away
In His eyes new life His way.

In His eyes all pain will cease.
In His eyes my life at peace.

In His eyes my tears now gone.
In His eyes my life now strong.

In His eyes I’m now forgiven.
In His eyes life’s now worth living.

In His eyes new joy accrued
In His eyes I’m changed, renewed!

In His eyes His mercy on me!
In His eyes I live now free!

In His eyes my story new.
In His eyes new life, it’s true!

In His eyes His joy all mine!
In His eyes the Son my sign!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A Prayer of Repentance and Dedication

A Prayer of Repentance and Dedication

Dear Lord I seek a better life, 
A life that honors thee. 
One more consistent with the aim 
You had in calling me. 

A life of purity and love 
Of purpose and power. 
One based on simple trust in thee 
Each day and every hour. 

For I have wondered far away, 
I have not given all. 
I have not lived like one who’s been, 
Delivered from the fall. 

My zeal to win the lost has waned, 
My time in prayer grown cold. 
Less time is spent in searching for
The Scriptures perfect gold. 

And worst of all I feel so dead 
My heart as hard as stone. 
I would but cannot weep for sin, 
At least not on my own. 

Pour out your Spirit on me Lord, 
Please help me to repent! 
And give me grace to make amends
For so much time misspent.

Monday, August 6, 2018



I don't have to say a single word
'Cause I know that You know
You know my deepest sorrow, Lord
You know each hurtful blow
And as I kneel before you
To tell you of my needs
I do not need to say a word
Your mercy intercedes

Lord, I know you hear it
Each sad, wordless confession
And with Your Holy spirit
You make intercession
I do not need to say a word
No perfect line or phrase
For I know that You understand
With Your Amazing Grace

As I weep and as I groan
Unable to express
In love and mercy you atone
My unrighteousness
On my knees I cry to You
Without verbal expression
You know better than I do
And You make intercession