Saturday, April 25, 2015

I Meet God in the Morning

    I Meet God in the Morning

The earth is the Lord’s
    and the fullness thereof ,
It speaks of His greatness ,
    it sings of His love ,
And each day at dawning
    I lift my heart high
And raise up my eyes
    to the infinite sky …
I see the dew glisten
    in crystal-like splendor
While God ,with a touch
    that is gentle and tender ,
Wraps up the night
     and softly tucks it away
And hangs out the sun
     to herald a new day ,
A day yet unblemished
     by what’s gone before ,
A chance to begin
     and start over once more ,
And all I need do
     is to silently pray ,
God , help me and guide me
     and go with me today
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
God’s gifts put man’s dreams to shame .

Friday, April 24, 2015

God is Seeking for Men

    God is Seeking for Men

God is seeking for men in this world’s last hour ,
For men who can love-and anointed with power
Will stand in the gap ,and make up the hedge
That many in darkness of sin may be led
To Christ the Redeemer who only  can save
From the power of evil , despair and the grave  .

God is seeking for men who can sorrow and feel
For the souls He created , whom no one can heal :
The poor , broken bodies , the sin-darkened souls
With  none to deliver and none to make whole ;
The dear little children who cry in the night ,
Who long for a Saviour to bring the Light .

God called for a weapon to punish the lands
To put to the sword the work of His hands ,
And bring revelation on sin through His Word ,
That the nations far off may yet know the Lord .
But though they were punished by war’s cruel hate .
So soon they forgot their most terrible fate .

And every man wanders his own selfish way
Enjoying his pleasure and failing to pray
For the power of the Spirit that makes feeble man
An instrument , mighty to save , in the land .
O , where are the mighty , the holy and just ,
To whom God can proffer such high , noble trust ?

Where , O where are the few to stand in the hedge
To fill up the gap by a resolute pledge ,
To carry the message of power to the weak ,
The hungry ,the sick  ,the forlorn and the meek ?
My brother , my sister , won’t you be the one
To tell the glad tiding of God’s only Son ?

Think not of tomorrow and what you may lose –
A throne and a crown is for those who will choose
To follow the Lamb anywhere He  may go :
Rescuing souls out of darkness and woe ;
Leading the lost in God’s infinite plan –
Won’t you tell Him today ,”Lord , I’ll be that man.”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Summer Beauty

Summer Beauty
The loveliness that I behold
     So far beyond compare ,
The joy I feel within my soul
     Tells me my Savior’s near .

     I see Him in red roses
  That bloom along the vine .
I feel Him in the gentle wind
That sweeps the Summer pines .

The sky enfolds me like a glove
        Of magic azure blue ,
And I’m reminded that His love 
     Surrounds me this way , too !

A rolling carpet of green grass
 Backs up this breathless view ,
And I know for me that Heaven
  Will be in colors of this  hue .

As the sun slips slowly out of sight
       In its southerly direction  ,
I want to  whisper , “Please don’t go ,
Don’t end this day’s perfection .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Guide me in Your truth and teach
me , for You are God my Savior ,
for You I await all the long day ,
because of Your goodness , Lord
Psalm 25:5

My Love Will Come

My Love Will Come

Beautiful one, forsake those tears
Which you display to your false fears.
They all shall fall like needless rain
Because your sorrow is in vain.

I have made you, by My design,
A light to emulate and shine;
A priceless gem before My eyes,
So do not heed the world's harsh lies.

Gather them up, give them to Me,
And I will keep you safe and free.
Free of the self-doubt prowling inside,
And safe from the rage of wounded pride.

Oh hear Me now, and do not grieve,
My words are all you should believe.
I am the light, the truth, the way!
Listen, dear one, to what I say:

I have made each morning new,
And I will always be with you;
Your name is written on My heart,
And you are blessed and set apart.

Abide in Me, for I'm in you,
And witness what your Lord will do!
My love will come upon sunrise,
And night will fall on all their lies.
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !
I was  being  bully , yes at my age , this is what our Lord gave me . It was not physical  but it was  mentally . I  hope others  will  gain  strength  from it .

Monday, April 20, 2015

At The Tunnel's End

At The Tunnel's End

Although they say
My future is bleak
I believe, one day
I shall have what I seek.

They may laugh or leer
At my attempts to succeed,
But I don't care
I'll keep sowing my seed.

For at the tunnel's end
There's light waiting for me;
Like a bird, I shall ascend
From this hole; I will be free.

Gold must pass through fire
So must champions too
I will not retire
Until my dreams come true.

It is in me, I feel it
Gold innately within to refine
It is me, I know it
A star that must shine

Although they say
My future is bleak
I believe, one day
I shall have what I seek.

Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

God Told the Birds

God Told the Birds

No one told the birds
The sun is not shining
No one told the birds
About silver linings
No one told the birds
The skies are overcast
No one told the birds
About living in the past

No one told the birds
Sing aloud at dawning
No one told the birds
Anything of wanting
No one told the birds
Not to sing in the rain
No one told the bird
Of weakness or of pain

No one told the birds
Dance among the cowslips
No one told the birds
Life would bring hardships
No one told the birds
Be happy with each day
No one told the birds
But they sing anyway

No one told the birds
There is no good in worry
No one told the birds
There is no need to hurry
No one told the birds
Naught of personal gain
No one told the birds
They would be sustained

Someone told the birds
Each day is a beginning
Someone told the birds
Life is not of winning
Someone told the birds
To look up to the skies
Someone told the birds
Who caused the sun to rise

Someone told the birds
Each day I have measured
Someone told the birds
You are my great treasure
Someone told the birds
Be happy how you’re made
Someone told the birds
He loves their serenade

Someone told the birds
Each day we have a duty
Someone told the birds
Always find the beauty
Someone told the birds
Of a Creator up above
Someone told the birds
Grace is because of Love
Jan bagwell
God   Bless !
Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?