Friday, November 2, 2012

A Blessing in Disguise

A Blessing in Disguise

Pain is like the rain
Heavy down pours then a sweet refrain.
There is a lull sometimes,
Then suddenly like severe thunder storms
Excruciating pain driving me to my knees.
Humbly before Abba Father's throne,
I lay at His feet,
And find lots of meat............meat ?
Yes, the meat of His Word.
Then He lifts me into His arms showering
Me with His living waters bringing immediate
Healing to my body, mind,and spirit!
Sometimes I wonder though what if
I did not have pain like the rain,
Heavy down pours then a sweet refrain
Thanking God for the lull...what if I did
Not have excruciating pain may be
I would not be driven to my knees.
While pondering on these things I got it....
What a revelation........pain is really like the rain
A blessing in disguise!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gifts, Talents

A concert violinist whose brother was a bricklayer. One day, a woman began gushing to the bricklayer about how wonderful it was to be in the family of that violinist. Not wanting to insult the bricklayer, she added, "Of course, we don't all have the same talents, and even in a family some just seem to have more talent than others."
The bricklayer replied, "Boy, you're telling me! That violinist brother of mine doesn't know a thing about laying bricks. If he couldn't make some money playing that fiddle of his, he couldn't hire a guy with know-how like mine to build a house. If he had to build a house himself, he'd be ruined."
Robinson observes, "If you want to build a house, you don't want a violinist. If you're going to lead an orchestra, you don't want a brick-layer. No two of us are exactly alike. None of us has every gift and ability. Our responsibility is to exercise the gifts we have—not the ones we wish we had."concert violinist whose brother was a bricklayer. One day, a woman began gushing to the bricklayer about how wonderful it was to be in the family of that violinist. Not wanting to insult the bricklayer, she added, "Of course, we don't all have the same talents, and even in a family some just seem to have more talent than others."
The bricklayer replied, "Boy, you're telling me! That violinist brother of mine doesn't know a thing about laying bricks. If he couldn't make some money playing that fiddle of his, he couldn't hire a guy with know-how like mine to build a house. If he had to build a house himself, he'd be ruined."
Robinson observes, "If you want to build a house, you don't want a violinist. If you're going to lead an orchestra, you don't want a brick-layer. No two of us are exactly alike. None of us has every gift and ability. Our responsibility is to exercise the gifts we have—not the

God's Love Is So Wonderful

God's love for the world is so wonderful, 
He makes our life magical, and so beautiful. 
Even in hard times, we can put our trust in him,
And he will make them disappear without a thing. 
He doesn't take a salary from us at the end of the day,
It is just his love for us that brightens up our way. 
Jan Bagwell

God Bless !!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You're Always There for Me

You’re Always There for Me
When the world comes crashing in
And chaos rules my mind,
I turn my heart to you, Lord,
And pure, sweet peace I find.
You lift me out of trouble
You comfort me in pain;
You nourish, heal and cleanse me,
Like cool, refreshing rain.
In times of joy and bliss,
When things are going right,
You lift me even higher,
And fill me with delight.
You listen to my prayers;
You hear my every plea;
I’m safe because I know
You’re always there for me.
Jan Bagwell

                                                                        God Bless !!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

On Days

 On Days...

On days when your world is turned upside down, 
Have the guts to face it with a smile, do not frown. 
Gather all your trust and place it with God, 
Even when the chances to win seem very odd. 
And a little ray of sunlight with show up soon, 
The birds will start singing & the flowers will bloom. 
For it is God who gives us the strength and the hope, 
Even in trails he helps us to find it easier to cope. 
Jan Bagwell

God Bless !!

Monday, October 29, 2012

They Say that I'm Nothing , but I'm Something

They Say that I'm Nothing, but I'm Something


They say I’m poor,
They say I’m nothing.
They say I’m poor and they say I’m nothing because I’ve got nothing to offer to any living soul.
I’ve got no money, no food, no child, no wife nor husband and no home to go home to that is because I’ve got no money.
But I say I’m blessed
I’m blessed because God told me so.
He loves me the same way he loves every life on earth. I’m blessed because I’m still alive.
I breathe the same air that rich men breathe,
I walk on the same ground that rich men walk . . . therefore  I am no different.
I am rich with life
I am rich with love
I’m rich with hope that one day they will see the beauty that God treasured in me because I am something indeed

~ By Londeka Zondi, a 19 year old from South Africa , Zondi  thank you
for this email , I can tell by this poem that you are blessed by God . Thank you for reading my Blog , My friend you are true soul .I am sure you inspire everyone you touch .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !