Saturday, June 15, 2019

A Father's Prayers

A Father's Prayers

A father rose early every morning,
And for his prodigal son he would pray,
"Lord, please save my dear son
And please bring him home today."

The weeks slowly turned into months,
And the months turned into years.
Still everyday the sad father prayed,
And he shed thousands of tears.

The father never gave up on his son,
Though he strayed so far away.
The son had been away so long,
But the father never ceased to pray.

One day the father's pastor told him,
"I'm preaching at the mission in town.
Please come help me at the meeting
When to the altar, the men come down."

The father saw a man at the altar,
So he went and knelt by his side.
"I want to ask God to save me tonight.
I have waited too long," the man cried.

This father led this man to Christ.
They stood and looked at each other.
"Dad!" the younger man began to cry,
"I have really missed you and Mother!"

The father and son then embraced,
And they both cried joyful tears.
"Let's go home now, my dear Son.
Your Mother hasn't seen you in years."

God honored the prayers of this father,
And He really gave him a great reward.
In God's infinite wisdom, He allowed him
To lead his very own son to the Lord.

Friday, June 14, 2019

The True Voice

The True Voice

His Voice rang out through cosmos wide
He spoke and time began
His speech created earth and sky
And stars like grains of sand
All seas and valleys, fish and birds
Were animated by His words

He later talked with men of old
And led them by the hand
He warned through many prophets bold
Of straying from his commands
He sought to guide and to impart 
To people after his own heart

The Voice stepped down onto our globe 
He stooped down willingly
Became a servant, bringing hope
And power to set us free
He spoke of sin and consequence
But uttered naught in self defense

And so the Voice was sent to die
To hang upon a tree
He bore the brunt of all our sins
And suffered lovingly
He gave his life, his arms stretched out
His death on Calvary was His shout

That said to us "I love you so"
The cross can leave no doubt 
Three days dragged by in silence, though
Then victory's cry rang out
Restored to life -- the one true Voice
Let all of heaven and earth rejoice

His voice is oft heard low and soft
In timbre small and hushed
Unless we're still it can be lost
In lives bustling and rushed
But if we stop and tune our ear
The Shepherd's voice will still ring clear

Thursday, June 13, 2019

In the Midst of Storms

In the Midst of Storms

I'm in the midst
Of a raging storm.
Who do I see?
A radiant Form.

"Take My hand;
Don't look around.
Only safety in Me,
Can be found."

I have disobeyed;
I turned and ran.
Forgive me, Lord;
I'll follow Your plan.

"Just in time,
I prepared a 'whale';
My love for you,
Will never fail."

Doubts and fears
Have overcome me;
I need more faith
To trust You, fully.

"The power I have
To calm the sea,
Will get you through
Until eternity."

I praise Your Name,
My Great Deliverer.
In the midst of storms,
You'll leave me, never.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Praise God For Springtime

Praise God For Springtime

Trees are adorned with green leaves.
The grass has turned green too.
Flowers are in bloom everywhere,
And I would like to pick a few.

Pretty pink and rosy red azaleas
Line my neighbor's cement walkway.
Blooms of beautiful Easter lilies
Greet me throughout the day.

God gives us different seasons
To enjoy His wondrous works of art.
With the beauty of the springtime,
He can gladden everyone's heart.

God teaches lessons through nature
As He reigns from His throne above.
He uses changes in the seasons
To show His power and wondrous love.

Springtime is a happy, joyous time
Of resurrection and of new birth
As seeds germinate and live again
And new growth springs from the earth.

Also during everyone's lifetime,
Each one needs to have a new birth.
We need to trust Jesus as our Savior
Before we leave this old earth.

If It Be God's Will

If It Be God's Will

If we ask in faith
then we must believe
if it be God’s will . . .
our requests we’ll receive.

If we ask in faith,
and put aside our doubt
if it be God’s will . . .
our pleas He’ll carry out.

If we ask in faith,
without any hesitation
if it be God’s will . . .
He’ll bless our supplication.

If we ask in faith,
and not have any distrust
if it be God’s will . . .
our prayers He’ll grant us.

If we ask in faith,
if it be God’s will . . .
then our requests to Him
He will indeed fulfill!
James 1:6

“But let him ask in faith,
nothing wavering.
For he that wavereth
is like a wave
of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed.”

Monday, June 10, 2019

Excitement was high at church today.

Excitement was high at church today.

I wondered what God was going to say 
for excitement was high at church today. 
The piano played as we were talking,
then towards the pulpit he came walking.

He was a Child of God and preacher man
with an open bible held in his hand.
When he opened the service with a prayer 
silence fell upon us as we gathered there.

Hearts were thrilled as the Holy Spirit said
“Christ is alive. He’s risen from the dead.”
“Worthy is the lamb that died,” angels cried,
and "Worthy is the lamb," our lips replied.

We sang a hymn and sat down eagerly.
God’s Word was opened and He spoke to me.
Then the challenge from Jesus came my way
when “Do you love me, Roy?” I heard Him say

“Will you follow me, come and pay the price
and live for me a life of sacrifice?”
“Lord, You know all things, and You also know
that I will go where You want me to go.”

"I will throw the net on the other side
and welcome all with my arms opened wide,
and Lord I pray that You my net will fill
as I seek always to follow Your will."

I left that morning challenged and inspired
to walk close to Jesus was all I desired.
To share the Gospel of my Lord Jesus Christ
Who died for me in loves’ great sacrifice.

Like Humble Cloud

Like Humble Cloud

From breezes in the summer heat,
I saw the ripples swell, retreat.
Framed in by lily pad and reed
it bragged a pretty sight indeed.

I gazed upon reflection's scene
and never questioned what I'd seen.
On water's face, a cloud of white
would bend and twist as in a fight.

In clear reflection on the lake
I saw that cloud. It wasn't fake.
And with my eyes, I had believed.
But I was wrong. I was deceived.

Reflection's great deceptions are
mere perceptions, fake, bizarre.
I never saw a single cloud
'cept what reflection had allowed.

As I stared down at water's edge,
there was no cloud there, I alleged.
Then I looked up in reverence
and found the real evidence.

Deceived? Oh yes! I felt alone,
so in a rage threw heavy stone.
I saw that stone and water crash.
It killed reflection with a splash!

Do not look down. It isn't right
to be deceived by pretty sight.
Deception's lie? You're all alone.
No! Make a splash with heavy stone.

I now see God a diff'rent way
when I see nature day to day.
Instead of lie's reflection here,
I now look up and see it clear.

And clearly seen, it seems unfair
that there's no boast or bragging there.
That cloud continued 'cross the sky.
It knew not where, nor how, nor why.

As God created it to be,
it simply was- as you and me.
It floated by in slow decrease
and humbly faded off in peace.

In quiet peace as it's allowed,
I'll always live like humble cloud.
I hover o'er deception's waves
and see each splash as Jesus saves.

Reflections you can always see,
but in His image, I will be -
that humble cloud, that real thing,
up here with God, my Lord and King.