Friday, July 9, 2010

Coming Soon

Coming Soon
In the glow of early morning ,
In the solemn hush of night ;
Down from heaven’s open portals ,
Steals a messenger of light ;
Whispering sweetly to my spirit ,
While the hosts of heaven sing !
This the wondrous thrilling story ,
Christ is coming , Christ my King .

Often I think I hear His footsteps ,
Stealing down the paths of time ;
And the future dark with shadows ,
Brightens with the hope sublime .
Sound the soul-inspiring anthem
Angel hosts , your harps attune ;
Earth’s long night is almost over ,
Christ is coming – coming soon .

Long we’ve waited , blest Redeemer ,
Waited for the first bright ray
Of the morning when sin and sorrow
At thy Presence flee away ;
But our virgil’s nearly over ;
Hope of heaven ,oh , priceless boon !
In the east the glow appearing ,
Christ is coming- coming soon .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Things

The Things
I know three things must ever be ,
To keep a nation strong and free ;
One is a hearthstone bright and dear
With busy , happy loved ones near ;
One is ready heart and hand
To love and serve and keep the land ;
One is worn and beaten way
To where the people go to pray .
So long as these are kept alive ,
Nation and people will survive .
God keep them ,always everywhere ,
The hearth, the flag ,the place of prayer .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Teach America To Pray

Teach America To Pray

Lord , we would bow in need of Thee
Throughout this land from sea to sea ,
From where Atlantic’s breakers roar
To blue Pacific’s golden shore .
Oh , may we all in longing say ,
Lord , teach America to pray !

May our sins to Thee confess ,
Pleading in faith Thy righteousness ,
May we again come to Thy throne,
Returning that which is Thine own .
Our broken hearts before Thee lay .
Lord , teach America to pray !

May our good land be true and just ,
Her motto e’er “In God We Trust .”
May she be guided by Thy Word ,
Thy wisdom in her walls be heard .
May all who love her plead today ,
Lord , teach America to pray !

And as her flag unfurls on high
Its starry splendor to the sky ,
May we , in grateful thanks to Thee
Who gave to us this land so free ,
Preserve her freedom in Thy way .
Lord , teach America to pray !

To pray that cruel wars may cease ,
That to the world may come Thy peace ,
That ever , always , at Thy feet
We may attain communion sweet .
In loving trust to Thee we say ,
Lord , teach America to pray !
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



* Although things are not perfect

* Because of trial or pain,

* Continue in thanksgiving

* Do not begin to blame.

* Even when the times are hard

* Fierce winds are bound to blow.

* God is forever able,

* Hold on to what you know!

* Imagine life without His love,

* Joy would cease to be.

* Keep thanking Him for all the things

* Love imparts to Thee.

* Move out of "Camp Complaining!"

* No weapon that is known

* On earth can yield the power

* Praise can do alone.

* Quit looking at the future;

* Redeem the time at hand;

* Start every day with worship--

* To "thank" is a command.

* Until we see Him coming,

* Victorious in the sky

* We'll run the race with gratitude

* Xalting God most high.

* Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...

* Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, July 5, 2010


“Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women ; when it die there , no constitution , no law , no court can even do much to help it . While it lies there it needs no constitution no law , no court to save it “ .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless