Friday, September 13, 2013

Beautiful Heaven, My Home

Beautiful Heaven, My Home

I'm thinking of a beautiful land
Where someday my soul will abide,
Home of my Savior, Redeemer, and King.
I long to be there by His side.

I think of loved ones who have gone
To that beautiful land far above.
I miss their dear faces here below.
I am left with those memories of love.

I think of friends in that fair land,
Who have finished their race before me.
I would like to commune with them again
When from this world, I'll be free.

Oh how sweet it will be over there
In that wonderful home of my soul.
No troubles or woes will darken my way
While those years of eternity roll. 
Our Friend  and brother in Christ , Billy Phillips , lost his Dad yesterday. Be in prayer for him .
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Thursday, September 12, 2013



I came to Christ as a sinner.
By grace, He saved my soul.
To grow in grace to His image
Was my Christian life's goal.

Christ has transformed my life
Into a useful vessel for Him.
He forgave me for my many sins,
And He washed away all of them.

Yes, I still make many mistakes
As in this flesh, I dwell below,
But then I confess those sins
When in prayer to my God I go.

My goal in life each passing day
Is to be more like my Savior.
I want to always please Christ,
For I desire to be in His favor.

One day I will be like Christ
After leaving this world of woe.
I'll shed this corruptible flesh,
And I'll dwell in Heaven, I know. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
The Neighborhood church
Sunday 9.30 am
Pastor David Bagwell , Come here this God anointed Minister. And be Blessed
5075 Calhoun Memorial highway, Easley, South Carolina 29640,
The Neighborhood Church
If you need a Church ? Please give us a try . God is blessing us , many have been Saved and Baptize . There no better joy in life than leading a person to the Lord and watching them grow . Let all get together and win the world to Jesus Christ . And above all things , God loves you and we do to !!
Love Jesus Name

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Perfect Storm!

The Perfect Storm!

There is a perfect calm,
ahead of each new storm
if you look to Jesus . . .
before the clouds form.

Don’t let the early breezes,
catch you off your guard
go to Jesus before they gust
so you’ll not be blown too hard.

Don’t wait around and worry,
when the rains may appear
go to Jesus before they start
so He may still your fear.

When the lightning comes,
as it strikes in the skies
go to Jesus with each clap
and let Him hear your cries.

Whilst the thunder roars,
with its frightening sound
go to Jesus with each rumble
and feel His power all around.

The tempest may be out there,
we never know when it will hit
but, when you look to Jesus first
you’ll see Him in the midst of it!

Psalm 107:29
King James Version

“He maketh the storm a calm,
so that the waves thereof are still.”
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

He Repairs Hearts . .

He Repairs Hearts . . .

He repairs hearts,
fills in the holes
heals the spirit
preserves the soul.

His love reaches,
the deep recesses
where pain hides
and depresses.

He gives grace,
to those in need
and His mercy
far exceeds . . .

What man can offer,
what man can give
for Jesus knows
how to forgive.

He fills in the hole,
He's the missing piece
and only Jesus . . .
can bring you peace!

Philippians 4:7
King James Version

"And the peace of God, which passeth all
understanding,shall keep your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus."

Monday, September 9, 2013

He Is Worthy Of My Praise

He Is Worthy Of My Praise

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.
For us He suffered agony and pain.
This Lamb was not just any lamb.
He is the Son of God, the great I Am.

He's worthy to receive honor and glory.
I'll proclaim aloud His wondrous story.
He is worthy to have almighty power.
He can be our Savior and strong tower.

Worthy is the Lamb who died for our sin.
He shed His blood for unholy sinful men.
Hallelujah, the third day He arose,
Having victory over death and His foes.

Unto my great Savior, I'll sing praise,
Lifting my voice, letting anthems raise,
For His blood has washed my sins away.
I will see Him face to face some day. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless