Thursday, March 8, 2018



Teach me ,Father , how to go

Softly as the grasses grow ;
Hush my soul to meet the shock
Of the wild world as a rock ;
But my spirit ,propt with power ,
Make as simple as a flower .
Let the dry heart fill its cup ,
Like  a poppy looking up ;
Let life lightly wear her crown ,
Like a poopy looking down .

Teach me , Father ,how to be
Kind and patient as a tree .
Joyfully the crickets croon
Under shady oak at noon ;
Beetle ,on his mission bent ,
Tarries in that cooling tent .
Let me ,also, cheer a nook,
Place for friendly bread or book –
Place where passing souls can rest
On the way and be their best .

Wednesday, March 7, 2018



What was his creed ?

I do not know his creed ; I only know

That here below , he walked the common road
And lifted many a load ,lightened the task ,
Brightened the day for others toiling on a weary way :
This ,his only meed ; I do not know his creed

What was his creed ? I never heard him speak
Of visions rapturous ,of Alpine peak
Of doctrine , dogma , new or old :
To stand alone ,to face the challenge of each day ,
And live the truth ,so far as he could see-
The truth that evermore make free .

His creed ? I care not what his creed ;
Enough that never yielded he to greed ,
But served a brother in his daily need ;
Plucked many a thorn and planted many a flower ;
Glorified the service of each hour ;
Had faith in God ,himself , and fellow-men ;
Perchance he never thought in terms of creed ;
I only know he lived a life , in deed !

Sunday, March 4, 2018

O God ,Our Help In Ages Pas

O God ,Our Help In Ages Past

O God our help in ages past ,
Our hope in years to come ,
Our shelter from the stormy blast ,
And our enternal home –

Under the shadow of Thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure ;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone ,
And our defense is sure ,

Before the hills in order stood ,
Or earth received her frame ,
From everlasting Thou art God ,
To endless years the same .

A thousand ages in Thy sight
Are like an evening gone ;
Short as the watch that ends the night
Before the rising sun .

Time ,like the ever-rolling stream
Bears all its sons away;
They fly ,forgotten ,as a dream
Dies at the opening day .