Thursday, November 14, 2019

Glorious God

Glorious God

Glorious God of the ages;
With wisdom that dwarfs all the sages;
By grace having saved from sin’s wages;
Be with us through all of life’s stages.

Glorious God, we are humbled;
You’ve helped us each time that we’ve stumbled;
Had mercy each time that we’ve fumbled;
Without your grace we would have crumbled.

Glorious God, our petition,
Ascends, and describes our condition;
Unworthy, we seek your provision.
Let us not vainly fall to derision.

Glorious God, so transcendent;
With angels your loyal attendants;
In heaven, above all, resplendent;
Gladly we are your dependents.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Through Eternal Years

Through Eternal Years

Our tears come in mass
when our loved ones pass.
Oh, why do our hearts sink so low?
Can we not accept
on ship they have stepped?
So sad, why are we, when they go?

Please don't shed your tears
on day ship appears
because death is destined to be.
Our lives are so short.
It'll soon be in port
for you, your dear spouse, or for me.

For young or for old
no ticket is sold.
It doesn't cost even a dime.
Once you get on board
you will see your Lord.
and judgement is final this time.

It moves us in haste
conveying to place
where Christians together will be.
On that distant shore
we'll love even more
than did on this side of the sea.

Tethered together,
never to sever,
we'll have much more love to employ.
Through eternal years
come many more tears,
but they will be tears of sweet joy.

And they'll create seas
much greater than these,
with beauty we can't comprehend.
That shore we will see
and love there will be
with Jesus, our Savior and Friend.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019



We are vessels of the Master
Sanctified and set apart
For his purpose, and his choosing
Plans that share my Father's heart.
We are vessels of the Master
To be used at his command
In the vineyard where He's placed us
Here at home or foreign land.

We are vessels of the Master
Though sometimes the way is long
Though we're called to suffer for him
Strength He'll give to keep us strong.

We are vessels of the Master
When some day our work is done
We will share a place of honor
In the crown of God's dear Son.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Holy is "HE"

Holy is "HE"
“JESUS” is Love and Harmony…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
Sent by “GOD” to set us free…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” gave his life to pay our fee…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
We believe in “HE” to let it be…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” shines his light on you and me …
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
For we were blind but now we see…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” makes a place where we will be…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
To live with “HE” so peacefully…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
For we are “HIS” family…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
To be with “HE” for eternity…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
Know how happy we will be…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE
We give our Love and Thanks to “THEE”…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
All praise and glory be to “THE”…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”

Wasted Time

Wasted Time

If I had listened to His word
Instead of wasting so much time,
Entrenched amid self blame and hatred
Unbelief turned paradigm.

Imperfection my reflection
Unbeknownst to me His way,
So when engulfed with toxic shame
We'd fall on bended knee and pray.

It's when we seek other than Him
Our hearts begin to slowly break,
Leave open wounds never to heal
But in a state of constant ache.

Yet He can save our wretched souls
Open new doors which aren't a threat,
Forgive those sins spawned from this world
To start anew without regret.

For every thorn stuck in our side
God put in just the perfect place,
Revealing purpose in the pain
His gift to us through saving grace.