Friday, May 31, 2019

Love from Above

Love from Above

My love for You 
Withstands the cold 
My love for You 
Stands to be told 

My love for You 
Stems from above 
I trust in You 
Because of Your love

Your love for me 
Is beyond compare 
Your Grace and Mercy 
Displays Your care 

There is no other 
I look for shelter 
You are my Father 
My one true Helper

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Just Pray!

Just Pray!

In everything in life,
no matter how big or small
the trivial and the considerable
let Jesus have them all.

Take time to talk with Him,
not just in your prayers
share no matter the time of day
your worries and your cares.

Then quickly give them to Him,
and wait for Him to answer
with praise and thanksgiving
watch as your burdens transfer.

For Jesus will take them all,
His peace will come your way
if in everything, you don't forget
to talk to Him and pray!
Philippians 4:6-7
King James Version

"Be careful for nothing; but in every 
thing by prayer and supplication with 
thanksgiving let your requests be made 
known unto God. And the peace of God, 
which passeth all understanding, shall 
keep your hearts and minds through 
Christ Jesus."

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Prayer For You My Friend

A Prayer For You My Friend

God put you my friend,
on my heart today
He told me for you
He wanted me to pray.

So I went to Him,
while on my knees
and sent up for you
theses heartfelt pleas.

Oh, Father whatsoever,
is Your perfect will
till my friend knows
help them to be still.

Take away their fears,
guard their heart and mind
so that on this journey
your peace they can find.

Be with them always,
do not leave their side
let the Light in Your Word
be their constant guide.

Give them Your power,
the courage to press on
let them claim victory
in the name of Your Son.

Help them not to get tired,
in the battle they must fight
let them feel energized
with the Holy Spirit’s might.

Oh, Father I believe,
you listen to our prayers
and so I come to You . . .
with my friend’s earthly cares!
James 5:16

“Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer
of a righteous man availeth much.”

Monday, May 27, 2019

Be No More Sad

Be No More Sad

Yes any time or any place, 
We can approach the throne of grace. 
We can unload a world of care, 
And seek the face of God in prayer. 

For everywhere our God is near, 
A word  a whisper " He can hear. 
What’s more our thoughts all rise before, 
The throne of Him whom we adore. 

Nor does our sin forbid access, 
Or hinder God " our souls to bless;
For Christ our righteousness prevails, 
His mediation never fails. 

By faith draw nigh " pour out your soul, 
And all your cares upon Him roll. 
Then rise up saints " no more be sad
For God can make His children glad: 
Yes God has made His children glad.

A Memorial Day Prayer

A Memorial Day Prayer

Dear God, today is Memorial Day
Down here on earth below.
I thank You for these heroes.
To them, honor I will show.

In this grave lies Uncle Bill
He died in World War Two.
I know it's been a while, Lord.
He's been up there with You.

He may not see these flowers
I place upon his grave,
But it is my way to remember,
For his country his life he gave.

This sea of many white crosses,
God, they bring tears to my eyes.
Under each one of the crosses,
A fallen hero's body lies.

Many of these men are with You.
Lord, I'll remember the women too.
They fought and died for our nation.
Dear God, they are heroes true.

Lord, I honor these fallen sons.
Some are even my own kin.
Thanks for sending Your Son for me.
I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.