Friday, May 10, 2019

If My People

If My People

Today is the National Day of Prayer, a time to pause and reflect.
Millions will gather to seek God's face aware of the need to connect.
Our nation, once humble before the Lord with values from holy writ,
Is now embroiled in a culture war with society torn and split.

There was a time when America acknowledged truth from heaven above.
A time when she sat on crowded pew to learn of the Savior's love.
Faithful believers employed their clout condemning slavery's perversion.
Exposing the lies within and without, calling for moral conversion.

Way back in the colonial days, the culture was sliding down hill,
But faithful preachers knelt to pray and preached against moral ills.
Edwards, Whitfield and many more proclaimed redemption's story.
The gospel won this spiritual war and the colonies regained their glory. 

It took about one hundred years for moral decline to grow strong.
The people abandoned godly fear; the culture was going wrong.
Drunkenness and love of self, a desire for selfish taking—
These were the values that prevailed before the Second Awakening.

Frontier preachers and city pastors called for repentance and prayer.
Thousands attended camps and preaching. The presence of God was there.
The West was tamed, for the gospel restrained tremendous moral pollution.
The social renewal brought us to the industrial revolution. 

There was the time America shined, when her young men answered the call.
Our soldiers beat back the Nazi attack fighting to save us all.
This ushered in the golden era, the optimistic 50's,
But spiritual decline rose in its time to dominate the 60's.

In my lifetime from the 50's on, dependence on God declined.
False philosophies continued strong with messages smooth and refined.
The Truth still stands on America's bookshelves simply gathering dust.
If we hope to be saved from ourselves, the Scriptures are a must. 

We gather today in thousands of places to petition for intervention.
It is our duty to acknowledge sin, confess our inattention.
If God's people called by His name will humble themselves and pray.
Perhaps we will see another awakening like those of yesterday.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mama Rocked and Prayed

Mama Rocked and Prayed

I have a picture in my mind's eye.
I'll never forget it 'til the day I die.
Mama is rocking in her old rocking chair,
Her lips are moving as she's deep in prayer.

Mama just rocked and rocked away,
As she continued to pray and pray.
She prayed for her relatives one by one.
She prayed for her daughters and her son.

As a child, I know I was never aware
Of the many hours Mama spent in prayer.
I believe her requests were not denied,
Because our needs were always supplied.

Then one day I became a father
My prayer life climbed to heights anew.
I bought a comfortable rocking chair
And rocked as I talked to God in prayer.

Rocking doesn't really help mothers pray,
But it could rock some troubles away.
Mother, if rocking's what you like to do,
Then rock and pray for your kids too.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Godly Mothers

Godly Mothers

Who taught us to love God and each other?
Many of us can say it was our mother.
The Bible tells us of Godly mothers too.
Look into the Bible and consider a few.

The virgin Mary lived a long time ago.
She gave birth to Jesus when He came below.
Among women, she was blessed above others.
Truly she was favored among mothers.

When Jesus was dying for our sin,
He spoke of his mother to John then,
And He left His mother in John's care.
He was concerned about her welfare.

Paul wrote to young Timothy in a letter,
Saying how Timothy's faith was better
For Grandmother Lois and Eunice, his mother
Had taught him to love God and one another.

Hannah was barren and prayed for a son.
God answered her prayer and gave her one.
She promised to give Samuel to God one day,
So she brought him to the house of God to stay.

Every year as Samuel grew more and more,
Hannah made a little coat, which he wore.
Samuel bacame a prophet for the Lord.
Having a Godly son was Hannah's reward.

Godly mothers who live for God each day
And follow God's plan along the way
Will rear their children for the Lord.
Godly children will be their reward.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Non-Negotiable God

Non-Negotiable God

We like to barter, wheel and deal
And find it rather nice
When with our ingenuity
We fetch a better price

We haggle or we might complain
If need be, raise our voice
Immune it would appear to shame
We with our deal rejoice

And so it is upon the earth
When people strike a deal
They love those things that they acquire
And how it makes them feel 

Our God has got an offer too
To remedy the fall
The terms are all unchangeable
And it’s one size fits all

The offer goes something like this 
Surrender all you’ve got
Receive your righteousness from Christ
Become what you are not

By faith you trade your life for His
While Jesus pays the bill
Your sins so many He forgives
And you adopt His will

We’re free to contemplate the deal
To weigh the good and bad
To look for some alternative
Which might be to be had

You will discover that it’s vain
To re-address the terms
His offer’s non-negotiable
And God stands pretty firm

The Lord has struck a deal for all
But some the tires kick
Convinced that they will end up with 
The short end of the stick

Negotiating with the Lord
Just doesn’t make much sense
As though in indecision He
Is sitting on the fence

He’s not like man in that He has
Some deep inherent needs
Nor sits perplexed or all confused
And for assistance pleads

The gift of God, eternal life
You surely can’t afford
Paid with the precious blood of Christ
Such love can’t be ignored

No coupon will reduce the cost
That God wants all is real 
Since in ourselves we’re not worth much
His offer is a steal!