Friday, July 20, 2012

The Bridge

The Bridge

I stood on the bridge at midnight ,
As the clocks were striking the hour ,
And the moon rose o’er the city ,
Behind the dark church-tower .

I saw her bright reflection
In the waters under me ,
Like a golden goblet falling
And sinding into the sea .

And far in the hazy distance
Of that lovely night in June ,
The blaze of the flaming furnace
Gleamed redder than the moon .

Among the long ,black rafters
The wavering shadows lay ,
And the current that came from the ocean
Seemed to lift and bear them away,

As,sweeping and eddying through them ,
Rose the belated tide ,
And ,streaming into the moonlight ,
The seaweed floated wide .

And like those waters rushing
Among the wooden piers ,
A flood of thoughts came o’er me
That filled my eyes with tears ,

How often ,oh ,how often ,
In the days that had gone by ,
I had stood on that bridge at midnight
And gazed on that wave and sky !

How often ,oh ,how often,
I had wished that the ebbing tide
Would bear me away on its bosom
O’er the ocean wild and wide !

For my heart was hot and restless ,
And  my life was full of care ,
And the burden laid upon me
Seemed greater than I could bear .

But now it has fallen from me ,
It is buried in the sea ;
And only the sorrow of others
Throws its shadow over me .

Yet whenever I cross the river
On its bridge with wooden piers,
Like the odor of brine from the ocean
Comes the thought of other years .

And I think how many thousands
Of care-encumbered men ,
Each bearing his burden of sorrow ,
Have crossed the bridge since then .

I see the long procession
Still passing to and fro ,
The young heart hot and restless ,
And the subdued and slow !

And forever and forever ,
As long as the river flows ,
As long as the heart has passions,
As long as life has woes ;

The moon and its broken reflection
And its shadows shall appear ,
As the symbol of love in heaven ,
And its wavering image here  .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I love my Church ,I will be at Neighborhood Church Sunday morning in Easley . Come check us out ! We love to Praise God ! Wining Easley to win the world .
Praise God !

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Couraage To Live :

Couraage To Live :

To those who have tried and seemingly have failed ,
Reach out ,dear Lord , and comfort them today ;
For those whose hope has dimmed ,whose faith has paled,
Lift up some lighted heavenly torch , I pray .
They are so frightened ,Lord ;reach out a hand .
They are so hurt and helpless ; be their friend .
Baffled and blind ,they do not understand –
They think this dark and tangled road the end .

Oh ,touch to flame their hope that has burned low ,
And strike with fire faith,s ashes that are dead .
Let them walk proudly once again ,and go
Seeking the sure and steadfast light ahead .
Help them to move among their fellow men
With courage to live ,courage to try again .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Everybody , Everywhere Needs Somebody Sometime

Everybody Everywhere Needs Somebody Sometime

Everybody ,everywhere ,no matter what the station ,

Has moments of deep loneliness and quiet desperation ,

For this lost and lonely feeling is inherent in mankind-

It is just the spirit speaking as God tries again to find

An opening in the worldly wall man build s against God’s touch ,

For he feels so self-sufficient that he does not need God much ,

So he vainly goes on struggling to find some explaination

For  these disturbing , lonely moods of inner isolation .

But the answer keeps eluding him for  in his selfish  , finite mind

He does not even recognize that he cannot ever find

The reason for life’s emptiness  unless he learns to share

The problems and the burdens that surround him everywhere .

But when his eyes are opened and he looks with love on others

He begins  to see not strangers but understanding brothers .

So open up your hardened hearts and let God enter in-

He only wants to help you a new life to begin

And every day’s a  good day to lose yourself  in others

And anytime a good time to see mankind as brothers ,

And this can only happen when you realize it’s true

That everyone needs someone and that someone is you !!!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Morning's Song

Morning’s Song

In the stillness of the morning
I can hear the songbirds sing .
Warbling joyously in chorus
Praises to their Maker bring .

So delightful is their music ,
Makes me want to sing along ;
OFFERING God my love and praise
I ,too, join in Morning’s Song .

Won’t you join the morning choir ?
Come with thankful heart and song ;
God is worthy of our worship ,
Joy and praise to Him belong .
Jan Bagwell  
God Bless !
Please remember our prayer list  
Judy Howard 
Mary Carpenter
David Bagwell 
\Scott Bagwell
Hazel Bagwell 
Frankie Wilson
James motherinlaw

Monday, July 16, 2012

As I grow old .


As I grow old it seems that I
Grow old as grows the western sky
When day is coming to its close :
For life takes on a tint of rose
I had not known in life’s hot noon .
I see new stars I had not seen ,
A surer faith ,a peace serene ,
As I grow old .

As I grow old , like men at even ,
I turn my eyes again to heaven ,
That were so busy with the earth :
And there I find the things of worth ,
The things most beautiful of all .
Upon the world a fairer light ,
A golden glean ,a beacon bright ,
As I grow old .

As I grow old the winds of life
Die down ,the hate ,the hurt ,the strife .
The waters calm ,the waves are still .
I want no triumph, wish no ill
To any man . now from my heart
The ancient angers all depart .
New friends I know ,news songs are sung ,
New joys are mine – yes ,I grow young
As I grow old
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !