Friday, June 1, 2012

This Tiny Cross of Pain

Though prayers for healing

 seemed in vain ,

God helped me learn

 to live with pain ;

To use the very

 thing I dread

For closer walk

 with Him  instead ;

And how to lend

 a listening ear

To those who hurt\

 and shed a tear

of symapathy,

or press their hand –

worth more because

I understand .


Dear God ,if that’s

the only way

You’d have me serve

from day to day ,

please use this

tiny cross of pain

 for others

 and for Heavens’s gain !

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !
Please remember Brother Mike Well Mother in your Prayers


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Courageous Smile

Face your life and its trials
With a quiet mind and courageous smile
And know that courage is what we need
To perform for us all heoric deeds
So with cheer and tons of hope
Go forward and never mope
And burn the little candle's light
To make your surroundings all bright
And all this can be done with faith
And the gift of courage from God great
So come forward and face life's trial
With a quiet mind and courage's smile.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
 Please remember in your prayers
 Brother   J D Holaday ,he has been very sick this week
 Brother Billy Phillips and his mother
Sister Judy Howard
Jan Bagwell , My sons , and their wives and my grandchild Emily
Hazel Bagwell, my mother

It's not exactly courage if you're not a bit afraid,
To climb the towering mountain or descend into the glade.
But this is really courage, at least I call it so,
To say, "I fear that mountain, but just the same, I'll go!"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012



 I  would be richer  by a thousand fold

If I could know why certain poetry

Has power to break my heart . If I were told

Why suddenly an ache should throb in me

As some sheer line of beauty ,some turned phrase

Where the hands of a word-jeweler has set

His gems of living fire that through my days

Must be a thing my heart cannot forget .

Keat’s nightingale ,that strange ,wild , deathless bird ,

Will call to me forever down the years :

Through Shelley’s odes , like some insistent word ,

I shall hear the sea’s voice heavy with its tears.

As Wordsworth “wandered lonely as a cloud,”

I ,too ,shall wander ,and shall ever go

Lonely and hurt by beauty though the crowd

Be shrill about me . Why ? I do not know .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
With God , I have a home .