Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas, A Part of Christ's Story

Christmas, A Part of Christ's Story

To me, Christmas has great meaning.
It is really a part of Christ's story.
He came to this earth to die for us
From His beautiful home in Glory.

I wonder how His own Father felt
When it was time for Him to depart.
When in His love, He sent Jesus,
Did great sadness fill His heart?

God, in His love, sent His only Son.
For our sins, He was crucified.
This was the reason for His coming.
For the sins of mankind, He died.

Christ's story then continues.
In three days, He arose from the dead.
He then had victory over death
Just like to His disciples he said.

Jesus is now at God's right hand,
Interceding for us up in Glory.
If we call on Him to save our souls,
We can be a part of Christ's story. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Chocolate For Christmas

Chocolate For Christmas

Over in a third world country,
A missionary served God well.
The story of salvation's plan
To many people, she did tell.

She especially loved to teach
Those little children so dear.
She had a burden for the lost,
And she had a great mission here.

One of the little girls got saved.
She witnessed to her brother one day.
He asked, "How can I really know
That Jesus hears me when I pray?"

He said, "One day I tasted chocolate,
And I would like to have some more.
I will pray to Jesus and ask Him
For chocolate like I had before."

This little boy then prayed to Jesus
For some delicious chocolate to eat.
His sister knew chocolate was rare,
So inside she really felt defeat.

In America, in a Sunday School,
Joyfully every lad and every lass
Were busy gathering Christmas gifts
To send to that missionary's class.

One little boy brought a chocolate bar.
He brought a big king-sized one.
The teacher was reluctant to send it,
For chocolate will melt in the sun.

They carefully packed the chocolate
In the very middle of that crate.
Then they sent those Christmas gifts.
They didn't want them to be late.

Christmas came, and all the gifts
Were gladly given to every child.
The little brother opened his gift,
And with joy, he really went wild.

"Look, Sister! Jesus does hear
When I get on my knees and pray.
I have a big piece of chocolate
For my special Christmas gift today!"

Little brother went to the teacher.
He humbly got on his knees to pray.
He asked Jesus Christ to save him.
He received Jesus that very day.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas TIme

Christmas TIme

Christmas Time

Yes, Christmas is the time,
Where little boys and girls.
Will finally receive,
Long sought for special toys.

A time when moms,
Bake cakes and pies.
When folks will gather,
Of renewing family ties.

And ones who rarely smile,
Have grins upon their face.
Those who always hurry by,
Have greetings in there place,

They don't even comprehend,
They say, "tis the season",
GO on their merry way,
And never know the reason.

I wonder why that is,
Why all that "peace on earth"
It started in a stable,
With a virgin giving birth.

It's a love I can't explain,
I will not even try.
That God would send his son,
Born - just to die.

But isn't it ironical,
though Him no honor pay,
The world spends its millions
To Celebrate His day!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Strength of Character!

Strength of Character!

It's easy to be appreciative,
when all is going well
when there is no conflict
upon which to dwell.

But, when times get tough,
we often aren't thankful
our attitudes don't reflect
the reasons we are grateful.

It's through the storms of life,
where we can learn to start
how to grow and develop
gratefulness in our heart.

So when taken off course,
don't think of it as detour
be thankful God's creating in you
a stronger strength of character! 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Too Heavy

A young man was at the end of his rope.

Seeing no way out, he dropped to his knees in prayer.
"Lord, I can't go on," he cried. "I have too heavy a cross to

The Lord replied, "My Son, if you can't bear its weight, just
place your cross inside this room. Then, open that other door
and pick out any cross you wish."

The man was filled with relief and said "Thank You, Lord," and
he did as he was told.

Upon entering the other room, he saw many crosses.
Some were so large that the tops were not even visible.
He spotted a tiny cross leaning against a wall.
"I will take that one, Lord," he said.

The Lord replied, "My Son, that is the one you just brought in."

When life's problems seem overwhelming, it helps to look around
and see what other people are dealing with.

You may consider yourself much better off than you imagined.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Sundial

The Sundial

 At the center of the garden amidst nature's vibrant hue
Stands a metal sundial sprinkled with the morning dew
With the rising of the sun, the purpose comes in view
As shadows fall, revealing time, the day begins anew

Shadows move as the sun marches across the sky
Receding and advancing as time passes by
From morn to eve, on quick wing those shadows fly
Bringing forth the coming darkness of night, ever nigh

One's life here is but a shadow flitting quickly pass
Present for a brief moment, then fading lake the grass
Our days in this world disappearing oh so very fast
With the coming night so near, we wish the day would last

Frantically clinging to every precious ray of light
Pushing back those ever marching shadows of night
Grasping hold of every moment so tight
Not wanting to give up a single day without a fight

If only we knew that day is night and night is day
Then in the present, we'd not so eagerly want to stay
For no fear in the night's darkest shadows would lay
When into the blessed arms of Jesus is our path's way 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!