Saturday, September 1, 2018

Hard Work

Doing back breaking work
Puts a new light on life
Makes you see
How to appreciate life

Getting hands dirty
And mucking in dirt
Makes you realize
That life is hard work

Dusting the cobwebs
And scrubbing the floors
Makes you just love
The hard work
You've just done

It's a labour of love
At a job well done

Now its time to sit back
And relax in the sun

You feel happy content
At all that you've done

So pat your own back
At a job well done 
Happy Labor Day

Thursday, August 30, 2018

I Remember That September

I Remember That September

It was September eleventh, two-thousand-one.
How I remember that day and that year!
Through awful heinous acts of terrorism,
America lost many lives so very dear.

Hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers.
It changed New York City's skyline.
Worse than that, many were killed,
Even policemen and firemen so fine.

A hijacked plane hit the Pentagon,
And many lives were lost there too.
The western wall partially collapsed,
But the terrorists were not through.

Brave Americans overcame the hijackers
On United Airlines Flight Ninety-three.
They crashed the plane in Pennsylvania
Before it was hijacked to Washington, D.C.

Many Christians around our dear nation
Started praying and seeking God more.
Many Americans started going to church,
Who had not been going that much before.

On the calendar, it's called Patriot's Day.
The loss of many patriots, we'll remember.
May we pray every day for our dear nation
And remember that fateful day in September.
Have a wonderful labor Day !
And remember freedom is not free , somebody has to PAID  the Price 
Stop letting poeple tear  our county apart 
Please  Father God Bless this county again !!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Angels Kept Silent

The Angels Kept Silent

Away up the hillside
My Savior was led.
My humble Lord Jesus
With thorns on his head. 

The angels above 
Looked down on His way;
They kept silent as they
Watched Him that day.

They watched as the beam
Was dropped in a hole.
Wings trembled in rage
And made thunder roll.

Not long ago they watched
Above where he lay.
They rejoiced as the Savior
Was placed in the hay.

This time they watched silent,
They did not rejoice;
They did not echo in
Any harmonic voice.

Did they wait in their legions,
A single word to be said?
One word to prompt a rescue
Archangel led.

Did they know this way was
God's eternal plan?
From the sword in His side
To the spikes in His hands.

The angels kept silent
As He cried 'It is done.'
Did they weep as if
The enemy had just won?

As the Messiah was 
placed into the grave,
Did they know of the plan
For human souls to save?

Three days passed as they
Watched the stony place.
The death shroud then fell
They looked upon His face.

Heaven could no longer
Hold back their voice;
Their silence was broken
In harmonic rejoice.

Hallelujah! He is risen!
He has risen from the dead!
He is alive! He is alive!
Just as He said!

Death has no victory,
Death has no sting!
For Christ is alive
He's the everlasting King!