Friday, October 3, 2014

Undone Because of Your Son

Undone Because of Your Son

When you told your son he’s the One
did he break down and cry?
Was he but a child, carefree and wild
when you said, “You were born to die”?

Or did you wait to tell him his fate
until he was a young man?
Stronger in mind, able to find
the courage to understand?

Was he full grown when he was shown
the millions who’d call out his name?
For whomever believes surely receives
salvation in place of their shame

When he was stripped and brutally whipped
did you have to turn away?
Did your heart break for your son’s sake
knowing the price he would pay?

What do you see inside of me
that's worth this hefty price?
How can you bear to show me care
when I killed the Holy Christ?

Tell me Lord how I can afford
a love that is given for free?
I’m forever undone because of your Son
and what He suffered for me
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

Big Storm
The bigger the storm in your life,
the easier it is to convert back to old survival habits.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Last man standing [ a dream you never forget ]

Last man standing [ a dream you never forget ]

I sent 50 invitations to 50 different people
people who I love, friends and family
I asked them to meet me on a Friday afternoon
at my favorite park, under my favorite tree

The heading of the letter read "If things get tough
how many of you would truly be there for me?"
On the day of the meeting, 47 showed up
and already I knew I was abandoned by 3

As I glanced at my loved ones underneath the tree
I looked each and every one eye to eye
and I read the first question that I wrote on a list
"How many of you would leave me if I told you a lie?"

For a not-so-brief period there was an awkward silence
and I watched a plane as it raced across the sky
By the time that airplane had flown out of sight
9 from my group had said goodbye

I started second-guessing as I went back to my list
but I knew this was something that I had to do
I had to find out, I had to have no doubt
out of all of these people, whose love was true

I took a moment and then I read the next question
"Who would stay if I stole from you?"
I knew this one was tough, but I wasn't prepared
when 16 walked and I was down to 22

As the questions grew harder and my group got smaller
I knew right there and I knew right then
that for the right reason they were all going to leave
I didn't know who for what and I didn't know when

but I knew I'd find out as I presented more questions
to these 22 children, women and men
"If I betrayed you right now, who of you would leave?"
Just over half, and all that stood were 10

These were the ten who I could count on the most
The ten that I thought would surely never run
and as I looked out across my suddenly small circle
I saw those who truly who loved me, right from day one

I saw my mom, standing tall, holding hands with my brothers
and all of my kids, down to my youngest son
Then I noticed a man who I didn't quite know
as I reached down in my bag and pulled out a gun

I held the gun up over my head
"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" I fired three in the air
then I watched the confusion run through my family
and I cried as I watched them scatter everywhere

My mom screamed for my brothers to gather up the kids
and I'll never forget each tear-filled stare
as they, too, left because we all have our limits
and all that remained was one man standing there

He didn't seem nervous and he didn't seem scared
he just reached in his bag and pulled out some bread
I screamed "Are you crazy?! Don't you see this gun?"
Then I aimed the barrel straight at his head

I was full of anger that this stranger was the last man standing
when everyone else had already fled
and just at that moment I viewed my entire life
inside a single teardrop that he shed

I didn't know who he was or how he got invited
so I yelled "Who are you, and why didn't you leave me, too?"
and he just stood there in the park as it started getting dark
and the words that I screamed it seemed weren't getting through

Then he slowly put away his bread and he opened up his arms
and I walked up to this man that I didn't think I knew
He said "I am your Father, your Savior, your Lord
and this love is unconditional, this love I have for you."

He put his arm around my shoulder and offered me these words
"There is nothing you can do, my son, that would make me walk away
and out of all the times you've left me, I've always kept you close
because my love is absolute, it knows no other way

My love serves two purposes, it exists for two reasons
to love you, of course, and to save you today
Now sit with me, Michael, just for a moment..."
and he bowed his head and he began to pray

I knew right then, as my anger disappeared
that this man lost in prayer, lost in concentration
was more than a man who didn't leave me this day
he was a man of truth, a man of true dedication

and I knew he'd never leave, as he whispered his prayers
"...trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation...."
He was the only one that stayed, the only one that prayed
He was my light, my true salvation
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember Betty in Prayer

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

When all prophesy becomes history

When all prophesy becomes history

When all prophesy becomes history
then there will be no need for mystery.
When Christ has come like a thief in the night
and believing faith has turned to sight.

With a great command and a trumpet call
then the Lord will appear before us all.
As heaven opens wide and Jesus bursts through
coming to earth to collect me and you.

For then the Day of the Lord will be here.
and in the sky we will see Him appear
The promised Lord Jesus Christ will have come
to take the Christians with Him back home.

Then He will begin His eternal reign
when Christians have left this earthly plain,
Then forever with the Lord we shall be
secure in Christ for all eternity.
1 Thessalonians   5:2  For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a
thief in the night
Please pray for our friend  Betty Hill  ,

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Is It True?

Is It True?

Is it true that You love me
regardless of my past?
All the wound to my heart
You will heal at last?

Is it true that I'm forgiven
despite all I have done?
The price has been paid
on the cross by Your Son?

Is it true that I'm saved
when I call upon Your Name?
Receiving your Spirit
in Your Presence I am changed?

Is it true that I have purpose
for the Kingdom of God?
You will lead me with excellence
to accomplish the job?

Is it true that I will see You
in Your Kingdom, face to face?
With Your loving arms extended
my spirit you'll embrace?

Are these promises all true?
For I'm ready to receive
of this love and salvation
that was spoken to me!

"Yes, my dear child
what you've heard is all true.
I've longed for this day
to hear those words come from you!"
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Thank  God it true

Monday, September 29, 2014

I felt that someone was with me!

I felt that someone was with me!

After nearly 16 years of service, my company laid me off two
weeks ago.  I didn't have as much responsibility as the man in
your story, but I was middle-management working about 55 hours a
week, with 50 employees, and responsibility of customer
satisfaction in a $6M auto center.  I was extremely stressed
out, and my family life was suffering.

I had reached a point in my life about six weeks ago, frustrated
and tired, and prayed to God to help me.  I told Him I would
trust in Him wherever He led me.

I decided to, "let go, and let God" help me.

This was a big thing for me, because I had not been "religious"
for some time.  I was raised a Catholic, but over the years had
grown away from the church.

When I was laid off, I was stunned.  I couldn't believe that
this was what was supposed to happen when I left my life in
God's hands.

Then I remembered my vow to trust Him.  I felt peace at that
moment.  I kept asking for signs that I am heading in the right

...and then I read  your yesterday's  Blog

It was the sign I needed!

J.B., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Are any of  you having J.B. problems , 
Remember who you are in the Lord and pray !

My Favorite of the Weak

Some look at weakness
As if it's a sin.
We all have some weakness
So let's all begin...

To find our own weakness
And rely on God more.
He will give us the strength
To crack open the door.

Don't hide it, or deny it,
Bring it out in the light.
Being honest is best,
It is good in God's sight.

When we see someone's weakness
Don't point a finger.
Go to their side,
Don't let judging linger.

Don't be afraid,
Let your weakness be known.
Encourage others
So they don't feel alone.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !