Saturday, April 28, 2018

My Call

My Call

I walk a path, from God the call,
To stand up “straight”, to stand up tall.
Unworthy am I to be His man,
To bring His Word to all I can??!

My hands were covered with sins for sure,
What load of weight, what curse to endure!
An infinite God, a finite man,
A stench to Him, how could I stand?

He called my heart then cleansed it so,
The price He paid - for blood must flow!
The Son on high, a King made flesh.
His death for man so He could bless!

A God, a man, one in the same,
Through death was death that He did tame.
What cord of death could hold Him down,
and keep from Him His Godly crown?

The Father, the Son, they knew it all,
the price to pay for our great fall.
The work He did, His blood would flow,
SO pure was He, it made us glow!

So now I stand and heed His call
to be His servant and speak to all,
to tell the truth that washes stain,
His love for us does ever rain!
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20

Friday, April 27, 2018

No Heavenly Tollgates

No Heavenly Tollgates


I'll not enter heaven with money, but I'll go in with people,
Those belonging to a body of One, not a building with a steeple.
If I gain earthly treasures, whenever I die, I'll leave them behind,
Having used it wisely in not letting it make me spiritually blind.

Material wealth gained here won't make a difference for eternity,
Jesus came, not for worldly gain, but to release sin's hold on me.
As I depart this life, my earthly goods will remain where they lie,
They'll never corrupt my heavenly home in that sweet by and by.

Money is not evil, it's the love of it making it a dangerous affair,
When greed and jealousy arise, replacing the love that was there.
Destroying friendships that have been flourishing for many years,
As that need for the power of wealth overshadows a plea of tears.

Material wealth can also cause separation between God and man,
Gaining control, inflicting spiritual blindness as nothing else can.
God provides me money to pay those bills and buy the food I eat,
Jesus provides the forgiveness that I need to walk heaven's street.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Joy of Heaven

The Joy of Heaven

Let every bell, in heaven toll
when heaven's angels call the roll
let all the host, rejoice and sing
in chorus led, by Christ our King

Where tears and sorrow are no more
all sin washed up on distant shore
robes of white, for garments stained
God makes clear the unexplained

Joy everlasting, eternal days
spent in love and endless praise
the lamp of His glory, to light my way
as I walk in his shadow, each day.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Heaven's Light

Heaven's Light

The sun shines down upon us
and gives us warmth and light.
Then when the day has ended
it disappears from sight.

Though we're left in darkness,
we know the sun's not died,
for it is shining brightly
on the world's other side.

So it is when one we love
comes to their end of days.
They just go to the other side
to shine their loving rays.

That's why heaven is a place
that glows beyond compare.
The lights of those who've left us
are all brightly shining there.