Friday, September 23, 2011

Use Me , LORD


Someone is groping , Lord,
Lost and astray;
Help me to light my lamb ,
And show the way .
Someone is lonely , Lord
No friends are near :
Help me to be a friend ,
And bring him cheer .
Someone’s discouraged , Lord
His hope is dim
Help me to lift his faith
By helping him
Someone is hungry , Lord ,
Hear , now , his prayer :
Give me heart to help
And gladly share .
My lamb I’ll light and be a friend ,
And bear my brother’s care ;
To him I’ll give a helping hand ,
And freely with him share .
And thus I’ll prove my love to thee .
And show a grateful heart
For everything Thou gives me-
So rich in grace Thou art !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reason For Life

Reason for Life
I don’t know how to say it
but somehow it seem to me
That maybe we are stationed
where God wanted us to be ;
That the little place I’m filling
is the reason for my birth ,
And just to do the work I do
He put me on this earth .

If God had wanted otherwise ,
I reckon He’d have made
Me just a little a different ,
Of a worse or better grade
And since God knows and understands
all things of land and sea
I fancy that He placed me here
just where he wanted me .

Sometimes I get to thinking
as my labors I review
That I should like a higher place
with greater tasks to do .
But I come to the conclusion ,
when the envying is stilled
That the post to which God sent me
is the post He wanted filled .

So I plead along and struggle
in the hope when day is through
That I’m really necessary
To the things God wants to do .
And there isn’t any service
I can give which I should succumb.
For it may be just the reason
God allowed me to be born
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell

I would like to thank all of yall for the prayers and e- cards for my son! It is awesome that total strangers can be used by GOD to help lift someone’s spirit’s and make miracles happen.


Sara E Gary

Reason for Life
I don’t know how to say it
but somehow it seem to me
That maybe we are stationed
where God wanted us to be ;
That the little place I’m filling
is the reason for my birth ,
And just to do the work I do
He put me on this earth .

If God had wanted otherwise ,
I reckon He’d have made
Me just a little a different ,
Of a worse or better grade
And since God knows and understands
all things of land and sea
I fancy that He placed me here
just where he wanted me .

Sometimes I get to thinking
as my labors I review
That I should like a higher place
with greater tasks to do .
But I come to the conclusion ,
when the envying is stilled
That the post to which God sent me
is the post He wanted filled .

So I plead along and struggle
in the hope when day is through
That I’m really necessary
To the things God wants to do .
And there isn’t any service
I can give which I should succumb.
For it may be just the reason
God allowed me to be born
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell

I would like to thank all of yall for the prayers and e- cards for my son! It is awesome that total strangers can be used by GOD to help lift someone’s spirit’s and make miracles happen.


Sara E Gary

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Lord , help me live from day to day
In such a self-forgetful way ,
That even when I kneel to pray
My prayers will be for others .

Help me in all the work I do
To ever be sincere and true ,
And know that all I do for You
Must needs be done for others .

Let self be crucified and slain
And buried deep ,and all in vain
May efforts be to rise again ,
Unless to live for others .
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell

Hello My Friends,
I have a small favor to ask of All of you, If yall would Please. My nephew, Timothy Garrett is in the Memorial Hospital room # 3401 3rd floor, he has been there for a week now and the doctors just found out what is wrong with him today, Sept. 21st. He has the Staph infection and it is in his blood and bone now. He is on very intense medication for pain and the infection. PLEASE, Please Pray with me for a miracle that God will intervein in his body and wash this bad infection out of Tim`s body and HEAL it !! The doctors say if it goes to his heart it might kill him. They did a EKG on him today to see how his heart looks. In the morning he is going back into surjury to move the tube lower in his back that is draining out infection. My Friends,, JUST Pray,, Please!!!!
I Thank yall and may God pour his blessings out on you all !!
" In Jesus I pray " Amen !
Love to you All,
As Always Just ME
Mary Carpenter
His email address is this is the e-mail address as follows :

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Now and Then

Now and Then
Now as through a glass , but darkly ,
Future hopes by faith we trace ;
Then in realms of radiant glory
We shall see our Savior’s face .

Now by faith we see Him only,
Our reflections may be dim ;
Then , our mighty Lord will take us ,
We shall really be like Him .

Now , by scientific findings ,
Men attempt to conquer space ;
Then , our mighty Lord will take us
Where He has prepared our place .

Now , by His command , we spread
His great Gospel Truth abroad;
Then we’ll see in His blest presence
Those we lead to Christ our Lord .
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell
Please remember a young man, his name is Timothy Garrett . He is in Memorial Hospital ,3 floor , room 3401 . He is in very serious condition . He feel no one cares whether he lives or dies . So come on Brothers and Sisters , let pray for him , send get well cards and those that can pay him a visit. Let us show God love !

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Dangerous Road to Desperation

The Dangerous Road to Desperation

The Bible tells us of a woman named Rachel who longed to have a child. Nothing wrong with that. But she wanted that baby so badly that it fractured her relationship with her sister, created divisions between herself and her husband, caused her to compromise her morals, and ultimately cost her life. Her story, in Genesis 29-30, warns us of what can happen to us when we want something so badly that it becomes an obsession. Rachel took some dangerous steps down the road of desperation that we need to be aware of so we don't take them as well.

She Resented Her Circumstances and Responded in an Ungodly Way

Do you find yourself becoming resentful that God is withholding something from you? And does that resentment increase when someone else receives what you were hoping for? When Rachel saw her sister, Leah, bearing children but realized she couldn't have any, we don't read that she took it to God in prayer. Instead, she became jealous of her sister and lashed out at her husband. If God is withholding something in your life, there is a reason…and a good one at that. It's about trust. And often it's about timing. Thus, Rachel's next step of desperation came about because she was unwilling to accept God's timing.

She Rejected God's Timing and Forged Ahead with Her Own Plans

We live in a day and age in which it's possible to go after what we want and get it. But is it God's best for us? And is it according to His perfect timing? Internet dating sites, fertility treatments, liposuction, plastic surgery - the options abound. Rachel wanted something she didn't have and she was determined to get it, regardless of the Lord's plans and will for her life. So she resorted to downright desperate means - she gave her maid to her husband to get a child through her! After getting two children that way it still wasn't enough for her, so she resorted to a cultural superstition believed during her day to bring about conception. With no fertility clinics around, Rachel took the next best step and tried to conceive a child through the use of some bitter herbs. But her attempts at conceiving a child were again futile. While God may work within the means of some medical techniques, internet dating sites or other technologically advanced options, it's imperative for us to bathe our situation (and desperation) in prayer so we're convinced our action is a result of His leading, not our forging ahead.

Rachel's last mistake is shocking.

She Remained Desperate Even After Receiving What She Wanted

One of the marks of a desperate woman is that she never really finds what she's looking for. Once Rachel received her long-awaited son, she no sooner had him cleaned off and wrapped up before she was planning her next one (Genesis 30:23-24). Rather than relish the blessing she had just received, she was already looking for something more. Her ability to bear a child simply fueled her obsession for more children.

Sadly, Rachel's story closes with a dramatic end to her desperation. After giving birth to her second son, she died as a result of the delivery. Ironically, Rachel - who spent most of her life longing for children - died in fulfilling that desperate wish. And a woman who expected children to bring her joy spent her last breath calling her newborn son a name that means "the son of my sorrow" or "child of my grief" (Genesis 35:16-18). Ultimately her heart's greatest desire brought about her grief and demise.

Which Road Will You Take?

Desperation is dangerous because it focuses on self: What I want. What I must have. What I cannot live without.

Jesus told us to forget ourselves and focus on a life given over to Him. "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it." (Matt. 16:25)

Jesus wasn't saying "Give up your dreams and be miserable." He was saying "When you give up your plans and desires and all you think you need to be happy and are determined to just have Me, then you will truly find a life worth living." I know that's what He meant because He says in John 10:10: "The thief (Satan - who deceives us into thinking we can find fulfillment when we follow the desires of our own heart) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

My friend, if you are desperate for something you believe will fulfill your life take that longing to God and ask Him to turn it into a longing for Him alone. God will either change your circumstances or change you. Most of the time, it's you He wants to change - so you're desperate for Him.
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell