Friday, December 14, 2018

A Christmas Thought

A Christmas Thought

of music, friendships sworn to last;
Of stories, presents, songs and rhymes,
and hopeful thoughts of future times -- 

These all conspire to contradict
the seeming lack of Christmas script;
the absent smiles, the hectic pace,
The angst of now forgotten grace.

They linger in my memory -- 
A vague remembrance of the mirth; 
But mirth with depth, and faithful friends
Whose love portrayed their priceless worth. 

Those memories of Christmas past
Were always filled with lights and sounds
Of music, joy, and images
of Christ whose grace could know no bounds.

But now it seems that these are gone:
heartfelt prayers of real concern,
Scents and colors of the trees,
the warmth and glow when candles burn. 

There's little music now, it seems,
Reminding us of manger scenes,
An angel with his clarion call:
"A Savior's born, God's gift to all."

Be not deceived by missing signs
of Jesus' birth amid the fray
Of hurried shoppers, harried crowds
and everyone who's lost their way.

The angel's call is clear and true:
"The Savior comes with life for you."
Grasp on to Him, accept His gift
And blessed you'll be with life anew!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My Lord Keeps a Record My Leord

My Lord Keeps a Record

What a wonderful beautiful picture I have,                           
Of a place without sorrow or fear.
And I'm going to live in that city someday,
For my days are all numbered down here.
My Lord (yes my Lord) keeps a record, (keeps a record)
Of the moments I'm living down here. (living down here)
He knows (yes He knows) all about me, (all about me)
All my troubles, my sorrows, my fears. (all of my fears)
I'm living (yes I do) each moment, (every moment)
Through the mercy of God's loving grace. (God's loving grace)
Someday (yes someday) He will call me, (He will call me)
To that wonderful beautiful marvelous place.
I want to be doing the will of my Lord,
As I travel this wearisome land.
So I'll not be ashamed of my record up there,
When I stand at the Savior's right hand.
My Lord (yes my Lord) keeps a record, (keeps a record)
Of the moments I'm living down here. (living down here)
He knows (yes He knows) all about me, (all about me)
All my troubles, my sorrows, my fears. (all of my fears)
I'm living (yes I do) each moment, (every moment)
Through the mercy of God's loving grace. (God's loving grace)
Someday (yes someday) He will call me, (He will call me)
To that wonderful beautiful marvelous place...

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

A Miracle Ride

A Miracle Ride

Two sisters wanted to go to the mall.
Dad said, "Go, but don't stay late.
You know, there's much crime going on,
So just try to come home before eight.

The two sisters shopped and shopped,
Unaware of the passing of time.
When the mall closed, they were afraid,
Considering the big wave of crime.

They looked out and saw that their car
Was the last one in that parking lot.
They ran to the car very quickly,
But alone? No, they certainly were not.

Behind them there ran two evil men.
"You're not going anywhere!" one yelled.
They jumped in the car and locked it.
They tried to start the car, but failed.

The two men banged on the car windows,
And they pulled the door handles too.
The sisters held hands, and they prayed.
Then the car engine started like new.

One sister quickly drove to their home.
She drove as fast as she could speed.
Into the garage, she drove that car
And locked the garage quickly, indeed.

Their dad was waiting inside for them.
Into his waiting arms, they quickly ran.
"I have been praying for you girls!
I have really been a worried man!"

They told their dad the whole story.
He said, "I will check under the hood
To find out why the car didn't start
The first time the way it should."

When their dad checked under the hood,
He began to shake and nod his head.
"There is no sign of a battery here!
Angels brought you home!" he said.

Christmas TIme

Christmas TIme

Yes, Christmas is the time,
Where little boys and girls.
Will finally receive,
Long sought for special toys.

A time when moms,
Bake cakes and pies.
When folks will gather,
Of renewing family ties.

And ones who rarely smile,
Have grins upon their face.
Those who always hurry by,
Have greetings in there place,

They don't even comprehend, 
They say, "tis the season",
GO on their merry way,
And never know the reason.

I wonder why that is,
Why all that "peace on earth"
It started in a stable,
With a virgin giving birth.

It's a love I can't explain,
I will not even try.
That God would send his son,
Born - just to die.

But isn't it ironical,
though Him no honor pay,
The world spends its millions
To Celebrate His day!

Monday, December 10, 2018

God's Christmas Lamp

God's Christmas Lamp

  While Christmas lamps adorn our homes and streets
And spread across the land their cheerful light,
Another light shines out across the years and treats
Us to the view from Heaven’s lofty height.
Christ is God’s light; so everyone can see
What’s going on inside the human soul"
A controversial plan, we all agree,
As he reveals who really has control.
The light of Jesus’ life reveals to us
God’s wisdom, righteousness and glorious grace;
And whether we have been rebellious
Or faithful members of the human race.
We love the beauty of your light, O Lord;
May we reflect your light into the world.