Thursday, September 19, 2019

Did You Hear the Good News

Did You Hear the Good News

Did you hear the Good News,
how Jesus died for you . . .
were you told about His grace
truly making all things new?

Did you hear the Good News,
how you can be forgiven
why Jesus came to redeem
your sinful condition?

Did you hear the Good News,
have you come to know
how Jesus washes your sins
turning them white as snow?

Did you hear the Good News,
God remembers your sin no more
how when Jesus arose
He opened to you, heavens door?

Did you hear the Good News,
before God you’ll stand blameless
for Jesus was the sacrifice . . .
making you His bride, spotless!
1 Peter 1:18-19

“Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not
redeemed with corruptible things,
as silver and gold, from your vain
conversation received by tradition
from your fathers;

But with the precious blood
of Christ, as of a lamb
without blemish and without spot:”

King James Version
Public Domain

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting

From the trucker on the highway
To the lofty business suite
From a laborer in some byway
To the houses down the street
From conductors in high towers
To the ships way out at sea
There comes a cry to tender ears
A begging, earnest plea

Someone needs your prayers today
Faithful soldier will you pray?
In your service for your Lord
Rich will be your last reward
So halt your labor, lend an ear
He needs us all both far and near
To man or woman, boy or girl
We're having a prayer meeting ALL OVER THE WORLD

From missionaries in the jungle
To the desert wilderness
From your distant German uncle
To your Irish relatives
From down under in New Zealand
To the frigid Northern Pole
We have a common zeal and
We share a common goal

Someone needs our prayers today
Lay your weapons down and pray
Farmer in your dusty field
There among the sheaves you kneel
Invalid upon your bed
There in love you bow your head
Man and woman, boy and girl
We're having a prayer meeting ALL OVER THE WORLD

To His glorious throne in Heaven
From this vast and weary land
A Father ever-loving
Hears a tender chorus grand
From every tribe in every nation
Every tongue, communal plea
All across His great creation
Rise the prayers for one in need

Someone needs Your help today
Hear us Father as we pray
Shine upon him with Your love
Watch him from your throne above
Man and woman, boy and girl
All around this great wide world
Fight the soldiers fight today

Open me up! I can speak for myself.

Open me up! I can speak for myself.

Look not for hidden codes or formulae
for I have more important things to say,
I speak of One: the Creator of all things
and prophecy what the future brings.

Declare God's great love and salvation plan:
freely offered to all the nations of man.
I speak of Jesus Christ the Crucified
rising from the dead after He had died.

Proclaim Hell subdued and sins forgiven,
eternal life and a mansion in heaven.
Tell you that you are loved and not alone
and that God will not leave you on your own.

Don't look for codes, or leave me on the shelf
Open me up! I can speak for myself.
This is by far the best thing that you can do
for as you read me then I will speak to you.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Daily Sunshine

Daily Sunshine

Not every day brings sunshine, for
some will bring gloom,
Replacing all the joy that had once
filled the same room.
Changing the good times into bad
times for those within,
Then not at all a pleasant day such
as yesterday had been.

This gloom fills the rooms of both
the wealthy and poor,
As days continue to come, there is
likely to be many more.
Some clear out quickly while others
just linger on,
Staying around long enough to test
one's faith before it's gone.

Now there could be some growth in
faith during troubled days,
As God is called on and kept around
for longer stays.
However this faith could weaken as
He receives the blame,
Giving the relationship with Him, an
ugly stain.

The praises to God flow easily when
all is going well,
Then in tough times they seem to go
through a dry spell.
Fact is, God was there both times for
He loves us even when we fail,
Enough love to send His Only Son to
keep us from the fires of hell.